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Giannis Alafouzos

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Im not worried about what bananas said, one minute you say he doesn't want the stadium next minute you say he doesn't wana pay it with his own money. Reality is though not one of us really know the real truth as to what's really going on behind closed doors, I get told things by boys in Original and whether its true or not is another thing. But most of the things they've told me has been pretty much spot on.

Anyway derby this weekend between us, what's your prediction?


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Yes you've said that now other times you have said he doesn't the stadium or there are no stadiums on the horizons.

Dude AEK is ranked in the 100's because we just came back from lower divisions, surely you would know that. What you expect AEK to come back and Meli have us in 1 season be top 50? Lol please re.......

As for the roster I do agree he has been very cheap and spent very very little, but he never promised people he would spend millions that's what people seem to forget, I have never once heard him say "I will spend millions and bring in the best" its all paper talk. And lets not forget owning OPAP limits him to spend money but there would be a way for him to spend the money since everyone else is doing dirties in Greece.

As I said yesterday I have my doubts on the ground at times also, but they have used up all the excuses possible so once this Mayor is voted out and a new one comes in and the stadium isn't given a green light, then I will give up hope. Don't forget who is behind this Mayor, he has said he is a gavro so just imagine those who are behind him when you say he can be bought by Meli.

And as for both our owners the one thing I can say which is true is ours has an idea on football and been successful in the past, unlike yours.

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Wins and silverware are my concern rank has never really worried me in all honesty, yes it helps when in Europe when it comes to seeding but I would much rather my team get their s%$#! together in the league before we even think about Europe. Thankfully we didn't make Europa otherwise we would've been embarrassed.


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1 hour ago, NickTheGreek said:

A boring 0-0 with minimal chances.

In all honesty though we are both as f...... as each other. Things will get very ugly if there's a losing team.

You guys being at home I give a slight advantage, but we are both in the s%$#! of late so a draw wouldn't surprise me either. On the other hand the slight benefit we have is we will be fresh with no kypello match this week for us, where as you guys have 3 days to recover.

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oh, com'on guys, just accept it's a crappy league that offers little value as entertainment or future prospects....

if YOU had lots of money, would YOU invest*? be honest...


*Sorry, I meant spend your money, because "investing" implies a possibility of turning a profit...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, you guys, did you find Alafouzos' replacement yet? Better hurry, because the club is heading towards a financial iceberg.

According to this article http://www.sport24.gr/Columns/giannis-seretis/duo-dromoi-gia-na-apofugei-ton-titaniko.4498509.html

(and if I understood it correctly) PAO is facing losing UEFA's approval, which if it happens it'll lead the club to second (or third?) division!

The reason, what else, is the club owes tons of money and there's no money. So, what now?.....  (maybe Mesi's transfer would be delayed for a while?)

I don't know if the article is accurate, sounds like the writer knows what he's talking about.

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@jvc Com'on man, you're quoting a Ghana rag? And, who's Essien to talk about PAO? He took $1.6 mil (maybe more) to come and retire at PAO.  Very unprofessional on his part. He never took his job seriously. Alafouzo or whomever the coach may be, if you get paid lots of money (I think he was the highest paid) you should respect that and give 100%.


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You're right. Bad owner/management decisions brought a boatload of crappy and expensive players.  But, at least Alafouzo has paid out of his pocket for those mistakes and some. Especially during difficult times, with the economy and the league producing no value. I'm not related, do not know, and have no financial benefit from Alafouzo whatsoever.

However, PAO was going to the third division in the post Tzigger and Pateras (etc) eras under tremendous debt....and after months of no one willing to show up and rescue the team, and days before dropping to 3rd division, Alafouzos showed up and pumped in money, did whatever he could, got UEFA and Greek permits to go on, and made the team good enough to win a cup. He's been a bad decision maker but we have to remember where the team was before he showed up. He didn't destroy the club even though he hasn't elevated it either.

I don't know about you guys, but I like the fact that PAO's history doesn't include the team playing in 3rd division.

Now, debts that go back to the 2 previous regimes, need to be retired. Who is going to come up with another $10 mil?  I will be the first to call Yannis and tell him to sell if anyone serious expresses interest. Maybe you know someone?

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14 hours ago, jvc said:

We're all hoping for a new owner athinaios.  

Question.  If you know....what's PAOs total debt?   

I'm hopeful someone wealthy will step in. The Giannakopoulos family would be best, because they spend but also have a knack for hiring capable managers.

As for the debt, PAO needs close to $8-10 million right away. Of the last $5 mil of the capital/stock increase only $3.5 has been raised. The next $5 mil additional increase in the capital/stock that was approved recently has to come from somewhere. That money will be spent immediately to pay old contracts and obligations. I hear that many PAO staff are 2 months without pay.   As with many Greek businesses, nobody really knows what the hell is going on. I don't know if sports clubs are required to publicly disclose their balance sheets.

Now, the debt is one thing, but if we want the club to go higher, the budget has to at least match what gavroi are spending.  Again, we need a "crazy" person to step in. Crazy for PAO that is. The league does not represent value, nor the economic conditions in Greece would allow for a profit any time soon. Even playing in Europe is much harder now, but you've got to make a huge investment to get to the CL group stage and recoup part of the investment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2017 at 10:14 AM, athinaios said:

I'm hopeful someone wealthy will step in. The Giannakopoulos family would be best, because they spend but also have a knack for hiring capable managers.

As for the debt, PAO needs close to $8-10 million right away. Of the last $5 mil of the capital/stock increase only $3.5 has been raised. The next $5 mil additional increase in the capital/stock that was approved recently has to come from somewhere. That money will be spent immediately to pay old contracts and obligations. I hear that many PAO staff are 2 months without pay.   As with many Greek businesses, nobody really knows what the hell is going on. I don't know if sports clubs are required to publicly disclose their balance sheets.

Now, the debt is one thing, but if we want the club to go higher, the budget has to at least match what gavroi are spending.  Again, we need a "crazy" person to step in. Crazy for PAO that is. The league does not represent value, nor the economic conditions in Greece would allow for a profit any time soon. Even playing in Europe is much harder now, but you've got to make a huge investment to get to the CL group stage and recoup part of the investment.

I don't know if anyone would want to "invest" As you said, investment assumes some kind of profit, and PAO won't be profitable for a long while.  The club needs serious money soon just to survive and much more to improve to the point of being competitive in Europe. That's not likely.

But even domestically I doubt the sport is very profitable given the economic situation and the bad quality. I watch games on tv or internet when I can but the spectacle is boring, very low entertainment value. Rooting for a team makes it more interesting but ...

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  • 2 months later...

Φημολογία για Νιάρχο και Παναθηναϊκό





Οπως αναφέρουν οι πληροφορίες, ο υιός του κροίσου Σταύρου Νιάρχου πρότεινε στον Αλαφούζο να του πληρώσει όσα χρήματα έχει ξοδέψει και από εκεί και πέρα να αναλάβει όλα τα τρέχοντα έξοδα, όπως συμβόλαια, διακανονισμούς κτλ.

Ωστόσο οι επαφές «κόλλησαν» στο ότι η πλευρά Αλαφούζου φέρεται να ζήτησε ένα ποσό της τάξης των 50 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ, προκειμένου να παραχωρήσει το ποσοστό της!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Our team is in complete disarray from management to on field product. Last game was absolutely brutal. PAO bungled there chance at qualifying for Europe should have got the win in the first match and I think they would have qualified it all went down the tubes in 6 minutes in the first leg. Alafouzos has had enough time at the helm, but he needs to step aside now!

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