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I didn't see a Greek basketball section so for the time being ill post updates for the Vasilisa here. We are sitting in 4th place right now tied with Aris and behind Paok by two points. Paok and Aris both have to play Olympiakos and Panathinaikos, and Paok has to come to OAKA to get a karpazia from us. I have a feeling we finish the regular season 3rd.

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We are heading in the right direction especially with these new signings as you said.


We will be in Europe next season which is a plus for us and a great effort for a team who just got promoted.....


It also great to see the crowds they have been getting at the games, 9000 last week vs Aris.


When they play PAOK I can see 15,000 turning up and if we meet the gavri or vazeles in the playoffs then just imagine the crowd then.....


Great to see!!!!

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We are heading in the right direction especially with these new signings as you said.


We will be in Europe next season which is a plus for us and a great effort for a team who just got promoted.....


It also great to see the crowds they have been getting at the games, 9000 last week vs Aris.


When they play PAOK I can see 15,000 turning up and if we meet the gavri or vazeles in the playoffs then just imagine the crowd then.....


Great to see!!!!

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We are heading in the right direction especially with these new signings as you said.


We will be in Europe next season which is a plus for us and a great effort for a team who just got promoted.....


It also great to see the crowds they have been getting at the games, 9000 last week vs Aris.


When they play PAOK I can see 15,000 turning up and if we meet the gavri or vazeles in the playoffs then just imagine the crowd then.....


Great to see!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to be a Debby Downer but its a ###### disgrace that we can't fill up OAKA for the best run AEK department at the moment. You have an owner shelling out cash to bring in paixtarades, and shows no signs of stopping, and we can't get 15-20,000 people into OAKA and turn it into hell. Disappointing. I hope things pick up fan wise as the team continues to shine. 

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Mensah Bonsou actually aged last game dehydrated and checked into the hospital yesterday... I guess that explains his 2 point performance. Anyways he's out now and will play this weekend, we need to win and hope Aris loses to get 4th place. If we lose we'd most likely finish 6th place.

In the grand scheme of things finishing 6th would mean we'd play PAOK first and if we advance we'd likely play Panathinaikos who are in a slump. PAOK this year beat us twice in two very close games, with a healthy squad we should be able to take them. A Panathinaikos in a slump would be a much better match up in the second round than Olympiakos getting ready for a final 4 in euroliga.

If we finish 4th or 5th we play Aris who we can beat. Aris don't scare me unless we are on a bad day, in the second round we would face Olympiakos, we were close the second time we played them but there's no way we'd advance.

Realistically speaking we shot ourselves in the foot losing the past two games and I don't think Aris will lose this weekend. We will struggle in round 1 and almost certainly lose in round 2. Hopefully we can take third place in the playoffs.

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