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AEK Transfer Talk


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Lescott will do fine in the Super League, it's a much easier league than the EPL obviously and the players he had around him at Villa were pure garbage. Ketsbaia wanted a left footed CB, and we got one. Complete the signings of Lazaros and Lescott, and then a quality CM and we are in a good position to compete for the title.

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Lazaros will be good for us, his pace will help us a lot going forward and he is an experienced player, better to have him than no one after we lost Barbosa.

Lescott, as much as I don't rate him the only good thing I see is having him and Chygrynsky at the back we have a ton of experience and we wont see the usual school boy mistakes we saw in the past. Yes Lescott has been very average in England of late but I think the only thing in his favour here is the pace of the game is much slower so he should adapt easy and not have too many problems.

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If Lescott is healthy and Fit he will be very good...

A lot of points are dropped every year by simple school boy errors at the back...not just AEK...But Paok, PAO, etc..against average opposition....the number of points dropped by the bigger teams v lower teams through errors is amazing..

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We'll see what happens with Lescott, I think he will do a lot of good for the team, especially for Kolovetsios learning from Chygrinsky and Lescott. Kolovetsios is talented but he needs an experienced player next to him at all times, in every friendly his performance would drop significantly when Chygrinsky wasn't next to him. 

As for Scocco I don't know if I trust my source on this one, the source told me that he would only be signed if we get a CM first. We are going to have trouble unlocking defenses so Scocco would be very useful, and I don't think he will pull the prima Donna bullshit on this team because we have a serious management at the top and he will be paid. 

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Scocco would be a great signing at 31 guys come on!!

Even if he's not as good as he was in his prime, he still has that combination of trickery and direct aggressive attacking play that we lack in one player.

Our team is either platellas or almeidas. No one in between. if that makes sense.

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