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January 2004 Transfers


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Can the club really afford to bring in anyone of significance during this transfer period? I'm not sure if the money is there...

And besides all that, Batitoudis has kept a relatively low profile of late...and that worries me. this guy is a rat, and my thinking is that he has something up his sleeve to screw PAOK.

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I don't expect any big additions to the lineup. The one thing that is almost certain to happen is that Napoleon Amaefule, who has yet to play in an official game for PAOK will be replaced on the main roster by his brother Thankgod Amaefule.

Other rumors going around are that PAOK is looking at the following players: Maladenis (AEK), Gekas (Kallithea), and Niren Debah (Levski). But those are just rumors appearing in the press, which in Greece usualy does not have anything to do with the truth.

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I will also be interesting to see what will happen with Spasic. This highly paid (compared to other PAOK players) player has not contributed to the team in any substantial way in the last two seasons. He has been constantly injured. I would not be suprised if he is history for PAOK. If not during the January transfer periond, than at the end of the season.

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I don't think he is the right guy either. I don't want to see Maladenis at PAOK. There is a rumor that if Zagorakis is let go by AEK, that PAOK will make a move for him to re-join his old team. I would welcome his addition to PAOK as he can really help in the midfield, and could also be of help in the leadership department with so many young players on the team.

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Screw them both Zagorakis was the captain of Paok before he left for England said " if I return to Greece I will only play for Paok" but at the end of the day money talks and he went to Aek, now he whant's to come back and collect his pension F@#% that let aek pay the "spazmena" we dont need pop-stars at the club let the youngsters do what they are doing. I would rather finish 6-7th with the young blood than 4-5 with the old hacks and pay them double.

Let them try Aris they will take anyone at the moment.

I will be disaponited if both ccome to PAOK.

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I Am A Pao Fan........and i respect paok greatly (although when we play them i dont).......and i think that paok needs these old hacks to regain their control of one of the best teams in greece..........PAOK are slipping the gap between them and Pao And Oly is increasing......

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I hope Maladenis does not come to PAOK. I have nothing against the player, but I don't think he would be a good move looking to the future.

I'd rather get another young prospect than these old players, who are close to retirement.

As for Andralas, I don't know too much about him, but he might be a good addition to our defensive lineup, considering that udese will miss a large portion of the January games.

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To recap the PAOK transfer news so far:


Alexis Garbozis from (AE LEmessos)

Kostas Andriopoulos (Panahaiki Patra) - will join main squad if Pourliotopoulos is released.

Paris Andralas (Proodevtiki) - signed a 3.5 year contract with PAOK, but it remains to be seen if he joins PAOK now or after the end of the season.

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According to some reports Maladenis is asking for 300,000 Euro per year from PAOK. If that is the case than I hope PAOK officials just tell him to go take a hike. Our best player Salpiggidis just signed for 150K, and this guy is demanding 300K.

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I'm in total agreement. Maladenis should not come to PAOK for that sort of money. In fact, I don't think he should come to PAOK at all. James's comment said it all. They've gone with youth this entire year, let them finish the year with it.

Spend the money elsewhere!!!

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