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Everything posted by Bardouuu

  1. I actually don’t think bakasetas is our worst player, for me Bouchalakis really feels like dead weight. 8/10 forward pases he makes result in turnovers.. and that’s a lot for a CDM/CM. our best 10 is fortounis but always injured. None of the strikers have had a proper chance to showcase anything because they have never been put in a position to score. since we do not have a CAM, I think we should rely on the wingers and crosses from the likes of tsimikas and just get a tall CF who can header them in. Until we find the proper CAM that is..
  2. LOL WTF WAS THAT?! The ref is handing fouls in Montenegro favor like Halloween candy
  3. We are playing terrible and it’s not just bakasetas. This team looks so unorganized. Passing is very frustrating. Montenegro has the upper hand right now and definitely looks more dangerous. Don’t let possession fool you, we aren’t doing anything with it
  4. Personally, I feel like we played like dogsh*t the entire game. We were lucky to have won. I still don’t care for mantalos and Bouchalakis those two couldn’t complete a pass to save their life (particularly Bouchalakis). I have a hard time taking anything positive from this game other than getting the W.
  5. I agree, honestly we had some amazing delivery in the box. I think if we could find a tall Lewandowski-type striker that can get up and reach those headers we would be a lot more dangerous in the box. I don’t think this player needs to be anything spectacular.. also, it’s important to note that just because a player performs well off the bench doesn’t necessarily mean he would do the same as a starter. When Tzolis (for example) comes off the bench his speed and energy is evident, but it’s mostly because the currently fielded players are playing with tired legs. It’s quite possible that if Tzolis plays a full 90 he will look like Pavlidis (invisible) in attack.
  6. Anyway.. on another note, another really bright performance for tsimikas and masouras.. which is basically the only positive thing I could come up with.
  7. I don’t get why Bouchalakis gets to play 90 min. He is absolutely a cancer in our midfield. I admit that is very disappointing from the coach not recognizing that
  8. Are there people here that feel the national team has NOT been moving in the right direction under JVS? if you feel that the team is moving in the right direction, (fielding some of the youngest teams I recall EVER seeing with the ethniki), why would you replace the coach and start from scratch. I think the coach is starting to really click with the players, and I feel Confident in him moving forward. i think we really do have an inflated opinion of the abilities of the national team. I think the depth of the team is what has really hurt us. Whenever we have an injury or a suspension it feels like we’re picking people off the street to play the needed positions.
  9. He wasn’t the only coach to exclude these players. Bouchalakis is terrible in my opinion I’m surprised he played the whole game
  10. Sorry for the rant but I also dying to say this, and notice no one else did. tzavellas has been very consistent this campaign however, he received an IDIOTIC second yellow which kept him out of the Sweden game where he ABSOLUTELY would have made a difference. I blame him heavily for our loss to Sweden for his inability to control his temper. I realize we shouldn’t have relied so much on that game and should have handled business agains Kosovo and Georgia. But we didn’t.. and we needed him and he left us hanging. obviously Sweden and Spain games back to back we’re not ideal either because we knew the sweden game would be a dog fight and we suffered a lot of yellows leaving us with even less depth for the Spain game
  11. Also, I think this was a tougher group than a lot of you give credit for. Even Spain is not having an easy time. sweeden and even Georgia have been playing great football. We are not a top 15 team in the world as we once were.
  12. Hey guys, I’ve been locked out of my account for like a year now.. but I’ve been reading and watching religiously. I agree that our goal was indeed offside (after looking at the replay). The penalty unfortunately was pure BS. The Spaniards knee GRAZED giannoulis foot and then dove. Contact absolutely didn’t warrant the penalty in my opinion. It is what it is. however we have been playing very exciting football, which is very refreshing. Our results are getting better. Our team just truly lacks depth. I would still love to have Manolas and siovas in the squad, atleast for days like this where have no other option. I don’t HATE androutsos at RB tbh. Also I love the potential that tsimikas is showing, his crosses are elite. unfortunate ending to a decent run at qualifications. I am confident if we keep it up we will be in good place for the euro. I would gladly invite JVS to stay and lead the team there.
  13. I only watched the highlights against Norwich but besides getting completely Crossed over by a Norwich winger, it seems like he had a good game, some great corner kicks, crosses, and even a decent shot on target. im impressed with his delivery.. I didn’t see much of gianoulis in the highlights with the exception of a cross that was caught by the keeper
  14. Very fluid play in the first half. Norway looked pretty weak tbh, we did a great job at containing Haaland who was pretty invisible all game. Very positive performance for Pelkas, and someone who doesn’t often get the recognition he deserves is vlachodimos. When he is at goal I feel so much more confident in our defense. Enjoyed the no BS defending of Kpap and tzavellas, although we will need to replace him long term. massouras had a great game as well. also, maybe an unpopular opinion.. but do you guys really feel that Tsimikas is anywhere near Liverpool material? I have not been too impressed with him, I don’t mind him on the NT But you’d expect better from someone who’s training daily with Liverpool. Anyone else feels “ehh” about him?
  15. That’s not the attitude I want to see from our coach. Seems a bit dismissive of the poor performance today. I do get the feeling he doesn’t really believe this team is capable of much. regardless, he’s the best coach we’ve had since santos.
  16. Anyway campaign is not over, let’s not be so dramatic. We move on to the next game with Kosovo and Sweden, needless to say if we win both those games, we won’t be in a bad spot. Sweden expected to lose from Spain and hopefully us too. We have to get our game together. Pleasantly surprised with tzavellas performance today
  17. I don’t like bakakis too much but I feel like he had a solid game before coming off. that kid on the left wing for Georgia Is extremely talented. This is what we expected from Limnios, who has basically vanished in the last few games ?
  18. Truth is, we needed a goal all game.. they couldn’t do it. We were gifted one. then we had to defend for like 15 minutes, and we couldn’t do that either.. extremely disappointing game and result. mavrias was poor conning to replace bákakis who was having a great game..
  19. 100x better. I’d say they’re outstanding paying Spain at the moment.
  20. I think Limnios had a pretty bad game, but you guys are also being pretty harsh.. a bad game doesn’t justify “permanently removing him from the squad”. I think he still has something to offer. as for mavropanos, he had a decent game, it’s a matter of chemistry, the goalie would have anticipated that header back had the two players had more chemistry.. I think he will be a fine addition to the team once the team stabilizes. Which I can’t say will happen until the WC LOL.
  21. Georgia is absolutely going to be a problem, they are fast on the counter. we should be rooting for Spain to take 3 points from everyone.
  22. Realistically first place over the Spain team that destroyed Germany 6-0 a few weeks ago is out of the question. Max points against Sweden are attainable but still very optimistic I think. We have work to do
  23. Nah man, no luck. Same error message.. ?
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