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Everything posted by pash

  1. You're not the only one. Metropolis is very entertaining right now. Shenanigans abound.
  2. Malezas in for Crespo, Klaus as CF. No other changes. -edit- here's the image as well:
  3. Cimirot has been error prone lately but I like his hustle. We can win this. Campos is the weak link, can't believe he's getting another go...
  4. I feel they'll take it much more seriously. Every time we play for a tie, it's a disaster waiting to happen. I don't want to toot my own horn, but -
  5. If they've got their act together defensively, it would be a good test. We still have so much trouble in that respect.
  6. I was thinking the same thing about Jairo while I watched this. He could not possibly have been worse. Although he probably would have broken an ankle.
  7. They should aim to do better than they have before. I am not content with them relaxing once they're in 25th place. It will take time, but is doable.
  8. I agree with the above posts about Karelis - if you play him, he's gotta be in the center, either as a CF or SS. He clearly works well with Mitroglou there, as well. There are other options who fit more naturally as wingers, and we should use them.
  9. Biseswar dives instead of hitting the goddamn ball, a real shame. That was a good run.
  10. They spent the whole game barely able to string two passes together, while we've been playing like we don't care.
  11. Campos tries to mimic Rodrigues' dribbles, screws up, gives up the ball which almost leads to a breakaway. Qarabag does not look better than us.
  12. Great recovery speed by Varela Campos has been down for a while, after trying to take on three dudes at once
  13. First sub I'd make - Pereyra in for Campos, move Thiam to LW, move Rodrigues to RW. Has Campos even touched the ball?
  14. Blackhawk, I'd much prefer it if you got yourself a microphone and gave us your own play by play. Maybe drink some ouzo before to make it interesting. I'm smelling a hit here
  15. Didn't expect this lineup... --------------- Glykos ------------------Matos- Varela - Crespo - Leovac-------- Canas ------ Cimirot -----Campos -- Shakhov -- Rodrigues----------- Thiam ----------------- We're gonna lose this one I think
  16. I also think Charisis is stronger when he plays with Cimirot. Perhaps it's just the familiarity from last season. But yes, Charisis needs more game time to reach his potential. And if the team plays to its potential, there will be plenty of opportunities in which to play. I say smart move resting Canas for the Olympiakos game.
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