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Chris Tsamados

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Everything posted by Chris Tsamados

  1. Belgium starting to get frustrated, good. One more goal and their be crying like bitches.
  2. On a slightly different note I hate Belgium's kit, can't tell if it's the goalkeeper, referee or an outfield player when they are running around. It has too many colours.
  3. Strong defensive display from us so far, though Stafy has been turned a few times a bit easily. Want to see more of is going forward though, Belgium's left side looks weak so we should try and pressure it.
  4. Samaras came on in the 73rd minute in Zaragoza's game the other night. http://www.realzaragoza.com/noticias/62286 It doesn't sound like he did too much but he did get a pic on their website:
  5. Samaras press interview after signing: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.realzaragoza.com/&prev=search
  6. I think people are a little to hard on Samaras, he has just recovered from a serious back injury, which meant most big clubs wouldn't touch him with a barge pole, whilst injured. He has achieved a lot for the national team, and if he can show that again i'm sure he'd be welcomed back with open arms. Good luck to him!
  7. Lennon said he have to remortgage the stadium to get Samaras, I doubt he's on that much anymore!
  8. The rumor is gaining weight: http://www.hibernian-mad.co.uk/news/tmnw/hibs_set_to_sign_georgios_samaras_901626/index.shtml
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