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Everything posted by CHE21QNS

  1. There's an issue here, because Greece finds itself facing a double edged sword. Syriza is defiant in regards to the EU while the past governments were too submissive. Both are very dangerous for the country and more importantly our boarders. Don't be fooled into thinking that the elite members of the EU/EZ care about the boarders of Greece or the continent as whole. Lets look at ND and PASOK for instance: Too submissive, to the point where fire selling Greek islands for chump change seemed like a good idea.(Something I find to be the most disgusting act of treason committed since Pangalos' and Simitis' actions during the Imia crisis) For some that don't know some islands fell to turkish hands, who decorated their new islands with a nice little turkish flag. They were also too submissive in regards to the Dublin II treaty. So if you are too submissive to European interests you have no choice but to endanger your boarders as the ultimate goal of the Dublin resolution is to pick and choose the cream of the crop as far as who enters the EU, allow the EU to get on their philanthropist/humanitarian high horses, and turn a blind eye as Greece drowns in Imami immigration. The submissiveness of the past governments once again shines through when you look at how Italy and other Mediterranean countries reacted to the Dublin treaty. The outcome? 95-99% of all illegal immigrants entering Europe, now enter through Greece. Now lets look at Syriza: Aside form the obvious leftist view towards immigrants, Syriza is too defiant (not that there's anything wrong with it as, like we said, it IS what Greeks voted for) in that we risk asking the EU/EZ/IMF for too much and considering a Grexit an actual possibility. Greece does not produce arms, and something tells me that when we're trying to barter with our arms suppliers using the drachma, our friendly neighbors to the east will look for an opportunity to cause another Imia like crisis or "episode". Not to mention that as of right now, to some degree our Nato and EU memberships keep things from progressing too far towards turkish interests, something I don't feel we can count on if we start moving politically towards Russia. So basically our boarders are F***ed no matter how you slice it. Maybe Xrish Augh might be a good solution for a few years but then again who would take them seriously in Europe? Maybe Aneksartitoi Ellhnes are a better solution(my personal opinion). But will the Greek public ever view them as a solution?
  2. Anybody know where Tantra is?
  3. Look guys, Iceland is a different story. Iceland doesn't have the same immigration problem, Iceland wasn't exposed to the EU the way we were, Iceland doesn't have the threat of being invaded by Canada, Greenland, or the Antarctic isles lol. Iceland has a different population and a different lifestyle. For the most part they seem like a much more content and less corrupt nation. A population that gets by on Beer and knitting, is different from your average Greek hahaha Also I don't think any serious political conversation should ever have the name KKE in it. That party is a farce. If any of you remember, last elections, Syriza had the opportunity to come to power then as well, but KKE made the statement we've all known for years, basically saying they don't even intend to assume power in Greece. So basically they are only there to block reform, disagree without giving solutions, give power to street thugs and union pimps, and pretty much sit on the sideline and watch..........The fact that this piece of s%$#! group consistently pulls 5-7% says a lot once again about the Greek voter.
  4. Look man its not so simple as to provide for Greeks with other people's money. The point is to lead the country in a path where it has the ability to obtain some form of sustainability on day. Right now that is IMPOSSIBLE. The interest rate is too high, the debt is too high, the austerity has shrunk the economy, the gdp is going down and the deficit is going up, the country has no control of inflation or its currency. There are a lot of issues, similar to the 2008 housing market crash in the US. People were given subprime mortgages with high interest rates , the banks turned their heads (just like the EU did in the Goldman Sachs/Papademo/Simiti scam to get into the euro), and no one bothered to ask if these people were able to pay these loans or if their income can sustain the payments in the even of a recession. Same thing with Greece. Basically what Syriza are saying is "help us help you". They can either get their money back at a lower interest rate, slightly trimmed, and without austerity/political influence, or they can lose everything and get nothing if Greece defaults, which is the only solution if an agreement isn't made. The country has NO money to run operating expenses and in the long run the country will never make enough money to keep up with the interest rate. We have no choice right now. Greece is a junky right now, and either the EU lets Greece die from withdrawal or helps the country get rehab. But under no circumstance can we continue to keep injecting dead money into the country without a real solution. Now on to other important things. That avatar man. I can no longer continue to converse with you while you sport a despicable and disgusting Kronos Gyro as an avatar and have the username Gyro hahaha
  5. Great another public worker s%$#! hole coming back to life to give us their "objective" news and reporting..........
  6. The fax machines weren't workinggg re paidiaaa!!!!
  7. Ironically, for a large period of time in Greece, this song was playing in every Germanos store, every OTE home phone, every OTE commercial, and a lot of cellphone ring tones...........and yet most never bothered to understand the meaning or warning behind the song. "I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.....so I'll leave it up to you."
  8. In the leftist ideology there is no such thing as "Our people" in the way that you are picturing the term. You're thinking about it within the scope of statehood, meaning them (another nationality) and us (Greeks) whereas leftists ideology sees it as them (middle class-rich) and us ( workers/lower classes worldwide, including immigrants). To some degree they have a point as the rich were living tax free and corrupt for many years. Only problem is, the lower classes in Greece were as well , on a smaller individual scale but in larger numbers. It seems Syriza is falling into the same, typical Greek approach of extremes. Its either the rich or the poor. Nothing in between, and most certainly no attempt to fix both. Greek politicians have yet to wrap their heads around the concept of anti-austerity, as Syriza will simply replace poor-austerity with rich-austerity. Big business will avoid Greece all together, the way things are heading, and Rich-austerity will quickly turn into a shortcoming for poorer citizens as well, as there is NO concept of moderation in Greek politics or Greece in general. There is no attempt to reach a compromise with Greece's financial elite, to help both the poor and rich in Greece, as that would go against the ideology that the current Govt. represents. When the pendulum swings to the right again the rich will have their way again and the poor will be backed into a corner. When the right F***s up and the pendulum swings left again, you'll expect ERT projects and public sector "jobs" popping up all over the place again, and when the pendulum swings right, Greece will continue the privatization programs where we will be able to continue racking up the "BIG BUCKS" selling away our boarders and islands on craigslist. When the pendulum swings to the right, you'll eventually get taxed for having kids, and when it swings left you'll get taxed to pay for Illegal Immigrant children. Just one big stupid ###### ENDLESS circle. With that being said there is one thing you have to give Syriza credit for and that is, that they have not pulled a 180 yet. They're doing exactly what they promised they would do since their election campaign. They are pushing for the EU to loan to us, under the appropriate terms. They are going after the big boy cons rather than jailing salon owners and corner store "tycoons" LOL. They have cut certain taxes imposed on those struggling in Greece. Agree with it or not, they are doing what they said, and even when they can't do what they said, the intent is still there. This only exposes the fact that the Greek public doesn't even really know what they really want. All they know is that they want "it" NOW. They don't know how "it" is going to happen as long as it happens NOW. Everyone is focusing on a declining economy since his election, but no one is acknowledging that he's doing what they voted for. They probably thought Tsipra and Varoufaki were going to waltz into Brussels and the European/World elites would give up their plan without a battle. That is why the Drachma at this moment in time, under these conditions would never work. Because the first week that Greeks realize the Drachma isn't the instant success they thought it would be, there is going to be more unrest and bitching, because they aren't getting "it" NOW. Whatever "it" is. "
  9. In the first half Platella was the only player putting in 100%. I can't lie I was really disappointed with Barbosa. Too many mistakes in the middle and there were points in the first half where it looked like there was a giant hole in the middle. Anesti was shaky again. This guy gets more and more tragic in my opinion, and in big matches it has and will continue to cost us. He doesn't offer any sense of safety in the back and the sooner we bench him the sooner he has a chance to reevaluate himself and fix his weaknesses. Today's heroes for me were Della and Bakaki. Della for changing the line up and putting Arava in the middle, while putting Soiledi on the wing. Our atack came to life after that change. Bakaki for the awesome goal and for turning it up in the second half and adding a huge boost to our team. That tackle he got a yellow card for, was a ###### beautyy...too bad it was wrongfully called a foul. 3-0 To the flip flop Gaurop****** Kougia. Kalh oreksh kolotoumpa.
  10. I like this line up ! Arava has shown he can deliver from the wing, Chrisantus had been pretty good the last weeks, and I think it'll do Barbosa worlds of good to be in a more liberal role having space to do some dancing haha
  11. I'm liking some of the names coming up for GK. I too have lost my patience with Anesth. To be honest his remarks after the games don't help at all, and some splinters in his ass would do him worlds of good, we just don't have a proven enough option to replace him right now
  12. Looks like Marinaki is stepping down ........I've been waiting some time for this and this is dedicated to our friends at Olympiacosword.com : WE DID THIS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Yea but were not gauroi man. We want competition, only the gauroi want to win the league at all costs. A league win without beating the Gauro along the way isn't as satisfying.
  14. Good points guys, and this has been happening with Panionio since the year we were shut out from European competitions. (2012) A few other teams were spared by the league as well. I know Ofi was one of them for sure and I believe two of the other teams were Levadiako and Ksanthi but I'm not completely sure. As for Ari .....F*** Ari. They sold their soul to the devil the year we were relegated and are now paying the price for their sins. I mean OlympiakAri. Also guys, I hate Oympiako just as much as you guys and I definitely think they should be punished at some point and stripped of titles, but at the same time I can't imagine the Greek league without them. Winning the league in a year without Olympiako wouldnt feel the same.
  15. What does Scocco need to think about? He's got caught being someone's side bitch.........lol
  16. Apparently he's being accused of having an affair with some other player's (I heard its a player but might be someone else on the team) wife at newels and tension is building up.
  17. Looks like Scocco's little love triangle might push him closer to AEK afterall.
  18. No Simoes doesn't play AM, he's a Defensive mid who can play CM as well as RB. With Moriense it seems they have given him a pretty liberal role due to his athleticism, so it seems he plays DM but their Right Mid plays a little farther up the field allowing Simoes to come up alot to help on offense, usually coming up from the right mid and sometimes the right wing as well. Kourmpeli is also more of a DM who can play CM as well. If Cordero keeps taking a million years to get match fit (don't know if its his fault or the team's fault or Dellas' fault but either way its annoying) then I can see Kourmpeli being a good edition, but in no way do I think he should be seen as a starter for CB. Noooo mann! Offense was having a field day with Karabela and the guy offered little in attack. Soiledi in my opinion did okay against the gaurous defensivly but I'll admit lacks in defense and hasn't been tested for the most part. But on offence I have to disagree. For the most part his centres have been pretty good and on offense he has been an extra option a lot of times coming off the left wing. If our offence aren't making the necessary moves into the box I cant completely blame Soiledi for that either.
  19. Idk I just realized I want to become a professional goalie. If I can just pick a side to fall on, fall on that side, and still get scored on most of the time then the pressure isn't so big to fall to the right side. Maybe It's better to have Anesth lay ontop of the crossbar and let his long ass useless arms dangle down and hopefully he saves something. Idk but when you do everything wrong, dont get scored on out of pure luck and then still get scored on when you do everything right then he's just got to do s%$#! wrong and just hope for the soccer gods to save him each time.
  20. This game just proved everything I've been saying in the past. 1. Zoric cannot deliver at the level that we need him to, and doesn't have a place in this lineup when Simoes comes and Mandalo rturns and Cordero is finally put in the lineup again. He needs to be loaned or something because I really don't see him offering anything great on a higher level anytime soon. When he's having a bad day he has a tragic day, and you can see the frustration get to him. 2. Anakoglou doesn't belong in the defensive mid role if Mandalo isn't in the lineup. He doesn't belong in that defensive of a position unless he has a creative player like Mandalo to work with , who can run and cover all over the midfield otherwise the gap between him and our offense is too big (especially when zoric is taking up space) and he is left exposed on defense. As we are today he belongs in a dekari position with two players behind him. Either Cordero (preferred) or Rova, with Johanson. 3. Platella and Aravidi have a ton of ###### heart. That header that Platella got was huge, and honestly I like a player who at any moment can give the team a spark and change the game. 4. Lampropoulo is VERY mediocre and I've been calling for an ABSOLUTE need for an extra CB in the summer to put Lampropoulo on the bench until he improves vastly. 5. My dislike for Anesth is slowly turning into very deep resentment. I ###### hate this player. Every time he touches the ball I tremble and SO DOES HE. He has so no sense of his hands or his height and mistimes almost everything on set pieces. We are very vulnerable on set pieces. Also I've been keeping count and since the Olympiako draw this has been the 4rth goal scored on him from his closed corner/ klisth gonia. Last time I checked you closed your corner for a ###### reason, because you believe the ball will go in that direction.........if the ball goes in that direction and STILL GOES in WHY THE F***KKKKK are you in that corner to begin with. No ###### reflexes what so ever so the first goal is his fault. Also I might sound harsh and yea Anakoglou had a lot of responsibility for the goal but I blame Anesth just as much! He basically gives Anakolgou the go ahead for the back pass, slows down half way through , three quarters of the way through he shits himself all together and starts to back peddle, and finally when the Hraklh player gets the ball instead of showing some ###### balls and attacking him to either make the block /take the ball or to throw off the players composure he gets completely smoked....what a ###### waste. Your team and defense needs a goalie that brings confidence and order to the back line, to fear and confusion. 6. Soiledi is not as bad as some make him out to be. But when you put both him and Anakoglou (two more attack/distribution oriented players) together without a proper defensive presence, you are left exposed. But regardless Soiledi is a big asset on offense and was many times a lone shining light on offense trying to get things done with his crosses
  21. Love the one that Mel picked but ahhhh one can only wish...heres my version haha orrrr :D hahah maybe a bit busy
  22. Honestly , just scrolling up this topic I realize, Puma couldn't get anythingg right. Not even the fonts/designs of the numbers! As if the home jersey numbers aren't ugly enough, look at the one that Majstorovic is holding, wtf is that? Or does anyone remember those ridiculous numbers that looked like they were taped on?? I'm seriously relieved we don't have Puma anymore. I'm also happy that for once our sponsor looks good too. The Jeep looks great on our Jerseys unlike some of the garbage of the past like Kino (the most god ugly logo ever), LG, Good, or Tzoker..............the Jeep logo goes well with our jersey and brings me back to our good old Foiniks Asfaleies, Ethnikh trapeza, and Alpha days. :wacko: :tdown:
  23. The reason I wasnt too crazy about that jersey comes down to a few reasons. 1. I don't like the diagonal patch of black over the shoulder. I remember there being images that there would be a dykefalo there, but we just got a replica, so the black patch doesn't serve a purpose. 2. The stripes look like they are painted in with crayon and I'm not too crazy about that. 3. On the field it didn't flatter our players at all, WAYYYYY too tight , skin tight, on some players it looked like they were wearing a spandex leotard or something. But I will have to say it was one of our better Jerseys with Puma. Didn't dislike it as much as the others.
  24. They really do look better, all of them!
  25. Holy s%$#!! A real collared shirt, with stripes, the right shade of yellow, AND predominantly black?!? IS THIS A DREAM?! I'm about to cry tears of joy! MIDDLE ROW , FIRST JERSEY FROM THE LEFT!!! The first jersey from the left on the top row I also like because it reminds me of the 2002 Alpha jerseys we had, and even sharper. Also i don't like horizontal on AEK but that jersey actually looks nice, but I wouldn't want it.
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