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Everything posted by CHE21QNS

  1. No, my grandfather was kidnapped during the Civil war, and there were probably no gorilla fighters as late as the 60's but there was definitely strong communist influence left over after the civil war in the xoria. They definitely dealt with their share of discrimination. To answer your other question, things have changed very little in Greece. It is extremely difficult going to a university in Greece and not align your self with some sort of political youth group. Every party has their own youth group and teachers, who align themselves with certain parties and push their own or in many cases hold back other students of opposing groups or students who aren't involved at all. The left groups like KNE are probably the most influential but ND has the same groups as well. I have so many stories from friends in Greece who were just fed up trying to deal with this corrupt system, including some stories about Tsipra from a friend who went to Metsobio. The system in many cases extends passed college as the cream of their political crop get public sector jobs and political positions when they get out. Even on the streets, there is gang style war going on between left wing groups and right wing groups, and one of the biggest casualties of the leftist superiority on Greek streets were the Aganaktismenoi Ellhnes protesters in 2010-2011, who were gaining momentum and averaging over 100,000 protesters until the left wing sects such as the Anarchists and Pame had their way. Its as if you have to align with their protesting monopoly to protest in Greece unless you intend on getting beaten up by a group of club wielding fanatics in red gear, mat police, or illegal immigrants paid by some political group to cause chaos lol. As far as the Junta goes. I agree that it was definitely tough to be of leftist descent during that time and that is probably the blackest page of this chapter because in all honesty the left has a lot to offer as far as creativity, culture, and the arts go. Most creative thinkers and artists have some sort of leftist influence as leftist ideologies are definitely much warmer , less realistic, and more romantic. Other than that I have to admit that when I was younger on the GS.com site and Reaper would mention how much better off Greece would be under a junta, i considered the word Junta alone blasphemous and shocking. But the older someone gets and the more their political ideologies shift from the theoretical to the practical I started to realize thing aren't so black and white. In my opinion the Junta were just more honest in what they did than the Generation of the Polytechnic Uprising (GPU). The Junta basically said we don't like the direction the country is going in and we will use our military power to both bring Greece closer to the West and bring economic prosperity. Which they really did do. Many argue that they could of probably won an election too, but let me raise another question; what is the difference between the Greek Dictatorship and the "democratically" elected politicians and parties of the GPU? You can (and they have) simply bribe people into voting for you through public sector jobs, bribe students with easy grades, through subsidies, through handouts, through giving illegal immigrants ballots, deceased people voting, and shipping in diaspora Greeks (pasok tactic) to vote. Has the election process in Greece really been "Democratic" the last 30 years? Or what about Papadimo? I'm not even going to go into the flaws of Parliament and how seats are decided or the need for these "coalition governments". I personally think Papadopoulo was much more honest in what he did than what any of the GPU did for Greece in 30+ years.
  2. Nepoleoni (who AEK is also after as well) , Korovesi, and Galitsio would definitely help.
  3. Thanks for the memories Irlande! Very interesting read The people who I've spoken to regarding those days were my grandparents and father. My grandparents gave me the city perspective (Kalithea and Pirea in Athens) and my father gave me the xorio perspective (Verdikousa , Ellasonas, Larissa) . My father told me that there were heavy leftist influences in the mountainous regions of Greece, left behind from the civil war and carrying into the 60's. A lot of people were forced to proclaim their affiliations and many people were kidnapped by both communist rebels and royalists (my grandfather was kidnapped by the communists, escaped, and was then forced to serve the royalists, only to escape them as well) and to some the Junta brought a period of stability. His experience of the xounta was more positive than my grandparents but in general most people I spoke to will sing a different tune based on where their political affiliations lie. My father told me that those years there was actually economic prosperity, that the strato helped the xoria a lot , and that in those years the xoria in his area actually had electricity, roads, and better sewage systems. My father however never had any affiliations, the last party he voted for was pasok before he left for the US. My grandfather tells me that those years weren't as bad as most make them out to be. He told me that during that time there was a lot of construction in Athens and that those years the Junta was helping a lot of people add floors to their homes. As far as staying in after certain times and not being able to assemble, my grandfather tells me that for the most part it wasn't like that. Bouzoukia were still full and people still went out, they just knew to be a little more reserved if they saw officers on the streets. That's something that he emphasizes, that during those years there was a lot of respect between people, respect for authority, and a great feeling of safety. You could leave your door open and sleep in your yard and wouldn't fear a thing. The only thing he told me is that if you drew attention to your self you'd get questioned but usually it didn't lead to much. For example if you had long hair and skoularikia and went around listening to rock music, you might get questions by officers. Certain rempetika like "enas magkas sto votaniko" or "oi mastouriotes" that included lyrics about drugs were banned. One experience he always shares was this young kid giannaki who worked at the gas station with him. He was always loud mouthed and would say stuff like "F*** papadopoulo, F*** papadopoulo etc." until one day an officer heard him and took him to the station. They merely scared him a bit and told him "re m#$%! mh les tetia stous dromous" and that was it. My grandmother came from a leftist family in Nikaia, Peraia. Her experience was different. Officers would come to her home often looking for certain family members and questioning her mom , who had leftist affiliations. For the most part if you were politically active in ways that went against the junta, things were a little tougher during those times. My grandmothers friends who used to come over were part of the polytechnic uprisings, so they too shared similar stories. Seeing how things have unfolded , its a shame to say that I look back at the stories of the polytexnio with a grain of salt.
  4. I agree with AEK66 regarding some people benefiting from this , but there are many faces to this crisis. 1. The manipulative face: The truth is that the ultra rich tycoons of Europe DO gain from this. They now have a cheap labor militia, standard of living goes down all together making them more influential. Another big area of manipulation that many overlook is the housing market. Its pretty simple to make crazy amounts of profit using illegal immigrants and its happened time and time again. Take a good neighborhood, throw in some illegal immigrants, some drug dealers, get some security that surprise surprise keeps the immigrants closed into a perimeter (cough omonia cough), come in and buy an entire block of neo classical buildings for crumbs. Then send the security in for "raids" to "clean the neighborhood up" and watch your property turn from s%$#! to gold. In Omonia alone this happens every few years. Every year you hear "they cleaned up Omonia again" only to hear " Asee xalia pali" the next year. On the world scale the US gets to destabilize the middle east. They remove "tyrants" who in essence are just leaders who were aware of the fact that they were dealing with animals and thus treated most of their people as such (Saddam being the biggest example). The power vacuum makes it easier for the US to get their hands on oil while at the same time equipping ALL sides of the 1000-sided civil wars that break out in regions where the people just love killing for the sake of killing. In essence the US gets to stir things up , make some pocket change, and Europe cough Greece cough pays the tab in the form of an invasion by millions of moosleems , which brings us to another face of this crisis. 2. The geopolitical face: Turkey is gaining from this as they can continue to finance their interests in Thraki and people like mr. Xatziosman can enter parliament. The left wing parties, anarchist, and unions will continue to grow as all they have to do is give out some flyers, give them some flags, some slogans about the "workers rights", some hoods to burn down a building or two, and you just expanded your influence by a few hundred thousand more. In Belgium there is already a mayor who is trying to bring Sharia law to brussels. Ironically while Christians are stranded in the middle east and northern africa getting slaughtered and watching everything they've built get burned to the ground, "moosleems" get to come to the western world "for a better life", with their baby bumps and patiently watch as their numbers multiply and as their imams get louder and LOUDER. Basically turning their "new homes" to the same s%$#! holes they were apparently trying to escape. Everywhere these pests go, the neighborhood turns into a slum, the crime rate skyrockets, and the quality of life falls. Don't be fooled by your friendly muslim neighbor, as it is part of their religion (taqia its called) to deceive others if they are outnumbered or it isn't within their interests to outwardly proclaim their shariah beliefs. Behind closed doors most of them sympathize with shariah beliefs and statistics show that in countries that are majority muslim, Shariah as the source of legislation is OVERWHELMINGLY FAVORED including the "peaceful, loving, and innocent" palestinians. In countries where muslims are a minority (including the US), the majority of them want shariah law (as shown by the arab spring) , and an even bigger percentage of them feel that following their personal muslim ideologies is more important than following the law of the country that is accepting them. Thus why there has been a 200+% serge in rapes in countries like Sweden and throughout Europe. They're simply following their religious code as any woman who is not wearing that rag on their head is considered a prostitute. Also in the US they have collegiate groups called MSA's (muslim student associations) across different universities, colleges, and campuses who spread this filthy faith as well as keep ties with groups like the muslim brotherhood. 3. Social face: While the humanitarians, leftists, and flower children become one with their moosleem counterparts, churches are turning into mosques. Neighborhoods are changing into no-go zones where just being a citizen oft he country will get you harassed by some imam cleric, or your house can get attacked because you have Greek flags hanging outside your balcony (video footage available upon request) People are growing unhappy and paranoid , because something like a camera can be enough to get you killed. You also have to become increasingly worried about what you can say or do as you might come off as "politically incorrect" or "racist" as the new fad is to be forced to be tolerant towards the intolerant, and after all a cartoon can land you six feet under right? Your quality of life and aesthetic is being destroyed. Drugs are coming in at a larger rate than ever before and so is disease. Before you know it Europe is an ugly slum, shadow of its former self, which is still paradise to "mooohameett"..... Solution: Close your boarders, use the navy to patrol them, anything that doesn't change course sinks. Barricade and secure the weakest points of entrance and start mass deportations. You can only stay if you've been her for years and have taxes or some other evidence that you have been a productive member of society. Where they go is not our problem or our business and there should be humanitarian efforts to brings Christians into Europe who are really suffering, but after or as the wave of habibis is combated.
  5. I actually put Manu in the list and then took him off because I feel like we didn't really get to see the player at all and he was on loan. The only memory I have of him is coming in vs. Panathinaiko in leoforo and impressing me with his speed. He was at a great age too, and then from there we never saw him again pretty much...Who knows...He's 32 now and playing in cyprus
  6. Juan Fran and Gudjonsen were out of this world kreata. ESPECIALLY juanfran, even though it seems he moved on to do good at levante. I will however disagree with Diop. Diop was one of the best defensive mids we ever got, who we snatched up from some powerful teams at the time, and its a shame he didn't stay longer. Players like Hersey, Arche, Baha, Patsatsoglou, Basina, Dadomo, Drpic, Moretto, Azkarate, Aruabarrena (who was good for a few months until his injury) , Kalon (good for us but no future, the guy moved on to play for a his own club ffs), Geraldo Alvez, etc. are all players we could of lived without.
  7. I feel like one of the reasons our fans are so split on this signing is because there is an envious atmosphere at the moment because of the gaurous chasing Flamini and the mpaokia chasing Ayew. In all honesty its that type of mentality that sped up our demise post 2008. Running our club like that won't do us any good and it hasn't done anyone any good for that matter, including the vazeles. I'd much rather get hidden gems or up and coming players/talents than having a flexing war with Savidi and Marinaki on who can bring the most mercenaries. Aniete looks like a good signing. The guy has a lot of passion, he's quick, good technique and vision, good scoring ability, and even if he has a hard time, he can score you a much needed Free kick or give a good corner to change the game. 29-30 doesnt drive me crazy but its not too bad either, he still has about 3 good years left in him, basically as much as a contract. I'm all for getting Aniete and letting the mpaokia and gauroi stay with their dicks in their palms as more powerful teams come in and snatch up their bam signings haha.
  8. What do you guys think about Aniete?
  9. Lampropoulo also injured. Lets see if he can make it in time for Hraklh. Even though I like Kolovetsio and Tzanetopoulo
  10. CHE21QNS

    AEK BC

    I hate to be a Debby Downer but its a ###### disgrace that we can't fill up OAKA for the best run AEK department at the moment. You have an owner shelling out cash to bring in paixtarades, and shows no signs of stopping, and we can't get 15-20,000 people into OAKA and turn it into hell. Disappointing. I hope things pick up fan wise as the team continues to shine.
  11. @Dikefale, Simoes can balance out Johanson's defensive mindedness well. However they both prefer to play on the right and I think that would cause a problem if they played on the same line. So while Mandalo is out the most likely scenario would be a 4-3-3: ---------------------------------------Aravidi----------------------------------------------- Barbosa------------------------------------------------------------------------Platella Anakoglou--------------------------Simoes -----------------------------------Johanson(Cordero)---------------------------------- Soiledhs----------------------------------------------------------------------Bakakis ----------------------Tzanetopoulos---------------Kolobetsios-------------------------- -------------------------------------------GK--------------------------------------------------------
  12. This is where we will discuss the severe crisis that the Western world, Europe and mostly Greece face as a result of Illegal Immigration. I didn't want to put my opinion in the title as I understand some may see things differently pertaining to the issue, so you are free to voice your opinions here. The biggest issue right now is Muslim immigration. I personally believe that illegal immigration by these people is not just emigration but a large scale invasion by a peoples who as a minority pretend to be docile but as a majority reveal their true intentions, and thirst for ideological supremacy. The problem is that while the rest of the Mediterranean has tightened up their immigration policy, Greece in 2015 thus far alone, is letting in three times more illegal immigrants by sea than ever before. Immigration centers/ detainment camps are plagues by overcrowding and many riots as of late and camps like Amygdaleza are not only releasing 30 immigrants a day but plan on releasing 3,500 more immigrants simultaneously in the next few weeks. I won't say too much yet as I'd like to hear other thoughts as well first, but I'll share a powerful video that I saw a few years ago, which in essence was warning us of days to come. If you haven't seen this video I strongly reccomend you do. Everything from the message, to the music bring shivers up my spine:
  13. I actually like Sa too. Not a bad age either, definitely has a few more good years to offer. Much better chance dealing with Legia than with a brazilian team too and the estimates of paying 500,000 for him really aren't that bad. I think he'll be happier in Greece too and I'm hoping him and Barbosa can link up well.
  14. Top 25 Dumb and Dumber Superbad Old School Scarface A Bronx Tale Goodfellas Bad Santa The Warriors Lord of the Rings Trilogy Star Wars (both trilogies) Football Factory Green street hooligans Friday The Hangover Slumdog Millionaire Oceans 11 Donnie Darko The Replacements Animal House Jurassic Park The Punisher (2004) The Myst Herald and Kumar go to Whitecastle Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2 Basketball Diaries
  15. Seriously our players get re-injured often AND it takes them extra time to get back to playing shape. Looks like our staff will need the biggest signings this summer
  16. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! So excited! I feel the same way I felt 10 years ago when I saw Darth Maul first appear on my TV screen, or when I saw thousands of Clones marching on the screen.
  17. I personally am not too crazy about Gronti. I feel like he should be loaned out because as of right now, the midfield is wayy too stacked and I can't see him even cracking the subs to be honest. Gronti is too inconsistent as well but I cant blame him either, he's young with a lot of competition for his position, its hard to find a rhythm, but even last year where he did get chances he didn't really impress consistently. Idk I still think we could of used Tsoumagka. We let him go too soon and it would not have hurt to have 3 LB's fighting for a position, especially while Soiledi was injured. I think you're thinking of Klonaridi , I don't think Bougaidi went to Panathinaiko. Ohhh nnoo, you're thinking of Koutroumpi. He was steady but nothing to write home about , and he was slower than the replay.
  18. Even at our worst they needed a little push. Yea we did have some nice players with potential back then. Founta has a lot of potential but his passing game was awful and his control needed work, but still the kid was like 16-17 at the time. Too bad he turned his back on us, and honestly I think Platella is an upgrade. Valentino Vlaxo also had potential from what I remember. Tsoupro I thought had potential too but unfortunately he let us down last season. In my eyes the player that I was most sad to see go, was Tsoumagka. When he was at his best he was one of the best left backs we had seen in a while, with some great potential and great passes. Unfortunately I feel like we let him go a little too soon, without letting him prove himself after his injury. I might be wrong too though. Bougaidi lots of potential too, and so did Katidi but his attitude was the epitome of kafrila, not to mention he was overhyped. From what I remember tsoukala wasnt so bad either. Overall it was just a leaderless team. Like chickens running around with their heads cut off. Then you had some ref decision costing us some games, and then you had the worst goalie in AEK history (dimi) alongside Moretto, costing us a few games of his own, along with the worst coach and traitor in AEK history (vlaxo). Then you had pretty much no scorer other than a heroic Pavli and a Petropoulo who showed up to give us hope for 5 games or so. Nightmare ###### season. So glad we've come such a long way. Btw, 3 players left from that era----- Anakoglou, Cordero, and Gronti
  19. Yea he had come in the second half of the season. I really think they are mistaken when they say he was the only one. I think they forgot Cordero. But man do you guys remember the the last 20 minutes that he came on against the gauro and pretty much took them on, on his own for those last few minutes? This player has so much room to become big with us.
  20. Agreed I shiver every time Anesti touches the ball
  21. I agree about Barbosa and I feel we've been harsh on him, because its been evident that he hasn't been 100% psychologically since he got back from his injury, and he was tearing it up before that. He seems more cautious than he was before and I think he'll turn it up in A. As for a winger. I really doubt Scocco would want to come to AEK for a winger position. He pretty much hated that position when he was with us last. He would play in Mandalos' position or as a second foward. Idk guys its tough. I feel like we might be cluttering the roster the way were going so its important to make every transfer count. Right now it kind of seems like Xrisanthos wasnt the best signing considering we could of gotten a BAM signing in that position over the summer. Time will tell I guess but Im afraid of reverting back to 2011 type moves where we fill the squad with mercenaries and ruin the family atmosphere we have the last few months.
  22. I think our left wing is fine. Both Platella and Barbosa can play there. Honestly our right wing can use on more player as a back up but were fine there too with Platella, Arava, and Douni. So I don't think wingers are a priority right now. Maybe in the winter. We NEED 1 right-back as Bakaki has no back up other than Fouli. 1 Goalie is an absolute must 1 CB is an absolute must 1 Left back would be nice but Petauraki and Soiledi haven't been too bad to be honest. 1 Striker would be nice. So all in all I think we have 3 ABSOLUTE MUST signings, and potentially 5-6 signings if we want to be luxurious haha F***kk I feel like 75-80% of this squad is midfielders. lmao
  23. So are you saying you can see Simoes benching Johanson? Honestly, for me Johanson is our best player right now, and thus far has done a great job of like you said protecting our CBs. For me unfortunately there is little to no space for Zoric as a starter in the squad as it is. The only way would be if he came in as a sub for Mandalo in the 75th minute in the 4-4-2 diamond. If Mandalo isn't healthy I would much rather see the 4-3-3 than see Platella benched for Zoric. In all 4 cases as far as impact on the game goes: Platella> Zoric, Johanson> Zoric , Mandalo>Zoric , Anakoglou>Zoric
  24. Goddamn is Della's Job going to be hard next year. For me the best line up is 4-3-3 which sucks because it means a lot of my favorite players will be fighting for a spot (Namely Anakoglou and Cordero). But if Platella doesn't deliver (which I hope he does) then I wouldnt mind seeing 4-4-2 Diamond What are your thoughts guys?
  25. Anakoglou is probably my favorite player at AEK right now, from the way he came to the club to his style of play, I really hope this player turns into a true leader in the years to come. I think there's room for both Simoes and Ankoglou in the starting lineup but when Mandalo is match fit again its going to be tough. Simoes is a defensive mid whereas Anakoglou is a dekari. If need be they can alternate through the midfield too. I think the one fighting for a position next year will most likely be Cordero. F*** finding a line up will be tough next year. Lets see what our options are line up wise as we are now (Parenthesis are subs and question marks are if im not sure about the position): (4-2-3-1) -----------------------------------Aravidis------------------------------------------------------ Barbosa----------------------------------------------------------------------Plattellas -----------------------------------Anakoglou (Mandalo till he is match fit)-------------------------------------------------- -------------------Johanson-----------------------Simoes------------------------------------ Soiledhs---------------------------------------------------------------------Bakakis -------------------Tzanetopoulo---------------Kolovetsio------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------Anesths??----------------------- An issue with the above formation is that Simoes and Johanson both play to the right. So since Anakoglou is a lefty and Simoes can play right mid as well the center can look like this, I think this also balances the offense and defense a little better (4-3-3): Anakoglou--------------------------Simoes ------------------Johanson(Cordero)----------------------------- For you guys who don't like Plattella 4-4-1-1 : ---------------------------------------------Aravidi------------------------------------ --------------------------------Barbosa-------------------------------------------------- Anakoglou----------Mandalo----------------Johanson---------------Simoes Soiledi----------------------------------------------------------------------Bakaki -----------------------Tsanetopoulo-----------Kolovetsio------------------------- or 4-4-2 Diamond --------------Barbosa-------------------Aravidi------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Mandalo------------------------------------------------ Anakoglou----------------------------------------------------Simoes -------------------------Johanson(Cordero)----------------------------------------------------
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