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Posts posted by athinaios

  1. Life was very cheap for most of human history (and, sadly, still is in some parts & cultures). Everybody, and I mean everybody was a barbarian. Of course, the new countries (after 17th c) chose to hide the attrocities of their ancestors and highlight the ..genocides of others.


    If I were the king of the Balkans and the greater area, I'd have everybody do a DNA check, so they could see how everybody is related going back only a few centuries.

  2. I think what's going on is all sides are playing their cards. Interestingly, they haven't announced what would happen as far as penalties, etc. against PAO. The club is negotiating and threatening to bring its fans out in protest. This can get out of control, so I guess they're all trying to figure out what to do next.


    I'm also guessing that Alafouzos cancelled this because he was offered something by Kontonis.  We'll see.


    I hope this is a turning point for Greek football. It's an opportunity for the other clubs who have been discriminated against to raise their voices. This league is nothing "super" or even legitimate.

  3. Well, this "super league" :lol: has to go. If several teams leave and create their own, they could do that but what are the legal ways of doing so, and getting recognized by UEFA so there's participation into euro games.


    The Cypriot league won't accept Greek teams. Many decades ago, the top Cypriot team would play in the Greek league and usually didn't do well.

  4. Well, I'd be happy as they are. They didn't have to risk injuries, didn't have to play in a harsh environment, and most importantly they'll get extra rest before their euro match. They should thank the cannibals who created this....

  5. Animals! They destroy Greek football!!! Always the same people..


    Doxa, you do the same here in this forum.  We do not condone this, no matter which fans do it. OK?


    I'm going to say this to you in public as well: I've been sensoring/deleting your provocative language. Next offense, and you'll be tosed out. You may get off with incidiary language, but this will stop now. 


    What we witnessed today (and sadly too many times in the past) at Leforos is a disgrace to Greece, its history, and its (most) people. This is a sport and not tribal warfare. This forum will not deteriorate into an arena for immature persons to lay waste.


    Most of us come here to have fun, exchange views and hang out among friends who may support other teams and have different views on all sorts of subjects but we do it in a civilized and mature way. And, for this, I'm thankful to all of you who make this hang out time a positive experience.

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  6. There's a problem mixing people with different cultures, especially if there's a critical mass of new immigrants who concentrate in ghettos. In there, religious militancy and cultural mores find fertile ground.  Europe has a problem with low birth rates but admitting large numbers of people who not only have different cultures but also are strong opponents of western way of life is a bigger problem in my opinion.


    The video above is highly edited for maximum effect. I don't know what number of refugees or econominc migrants behave like those animals in the video, but increasingly more Europeans are developing a negative view of such migration. Interestingly, those who perpetrated the Paris attacks (last week and earlier this year at Charlie Hedbo) are actually work against the ...greater plan of islamization of Europe. The better trick would have been to peacefully fill Europe with Muslims and then....


    It's clear now that Europe will react. President Hollande is asking for constitutional revisions and other legal measures in an effort to control the migration and throw out the undesirables.



  7. Another testimony from a ref, who says Oly has had the benefit of most refs in Greece.




    Yes, gavroi have better players, but they get tens of millions of euros from the CL every year, and in order to do that, they had to be Greek champions.


    The greatest complaint I have, regarding our club, is that Tzigger did nothing to protect the club. A man of his economic power let our team unprotected. Also, with Pateras and the rest of his cohorts who helped the club for a couple years and then abandoned it, because their little dicks got in their way of their brains.


    Football as a brand has been damaged in Greece, but I wonder why don't the other teams (most of them)  start another league without gavroi.

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  8. I just re-read the first couple of pages in this thread... Oh, the excitement and celebrations.... Back then, I said "Although it's nice to bring such players to Greece, that brings excitement to the fans, I'm old enough to know that these moves are hit-or-miss. Most of these transfers turned bad.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the club trying to raise the level and be more competitive. Yet, I want to see how big name players apply themselves and what contributions bring to the team, instead of cashing in their fame and collect $$ while they're semi-retired."


    Let's not forget that whoever was in charge of the planning (Anastasiou has to have part of the blame), should be fired. The idea was that this team would be playing in Europe this season! We needed ready players to qualify. Instead it was a total failure and none of the transfers helped. It's incompetence, to say the least, that you get a player like Essien to help you at the end of October (if that)!!!  Disgusting.

  9. At the risk of sounding too practical or too old, I'd say a good education & a degree is more realistic and helpful in your life. Very, very few lads make it to pro teams. Here in the US, there's an abundance of tallent (football and basketball) but only the very lucky ones make it to the pros. And, it's not a matter of talent or personal drive. It's luck and the brutal fact that there's more supply of talent than positions.


    I'd say, research schools and see which ones have strong soccer programs/teams. They might give you a scholarship to play for them if you can prove you're good. Bulid up your resume. The scouts concentrate on those schools. Rarely a talent is discovered at a playground any more. These are old stories.


    The colleges that have good teams also have a good academic reputation and money for scholarships. Get a degree no matter what. Not only it's more realistic but education and a critical mind is something you have with you forever.


    Good luck!

    • Like it 2
  10. Guys, I agree with what you all say. But, we would take such a win over any team like Arsenal. Heck, I'd be happy if we won the same way over Brugges or Gabala.


    I see dark days ahead for all Greek teams. With no good Euro presense, I can't see great players coming over, unless like Essien who maybe was thinking to come and retire.


    This is the result of a decade+ of criminally managing the league. The quality went down. I'll never forgive Tzigger who didn't fight the building of the corrupt league, especially given his $$$. And, most other teams would benefit if they destroyed the rotten system that was build to benefit Oly and through Oly its sattelite teams.


    I realized the decline many years ago. Yes, Greece won the Euro in 2004, but it was a bright moment that came with hard work and luck and a German coach who forced Greeks to do it his way. But, as with the Olympics, these two bright moments were wasted opportunities, ontop of wasted of billions of $$.


    I also thought that the mismanagement/corruption/bad quality of the sport would damage it perhaps irrepairably. Many fans were turned away in disgust. And, for safety too. It became unsafe to take children to the game. This is how many of us got hooked. The live, personal connection mattered.

    The lack of competition and the corruption turned away viewers too.


    The times had changed. Young people--the future supporters--had many other options for entertainment, including several other sports. The monopoly of football was breaking down. 


    Now, few people attend. TV ratings are way down. The league hasn't found a sponsor this year, etc....


    Awh, it's so depressing.... -_- <_<

  11. The last 2 years PAO drew teams that could easily have beaten and advance to the CL or at least the Europa.  I mean what teams do they expect to draw? But, this team has shrunk is any measurable way.  Tzigger was the worst owner ever for PAO. Especially because he had the means ($$) and also didn't protect the team. Never before PAO got so few titles in a couple decades.


    As for Pateras and his buddies, they were big mouths and had lots of incompent people around them. OK, the brought Sisse and got us success for one year....They spent tens of millions of $ and the team had nothing to show for after a year..... They left the team with big contract players and the debts followed. When PAO was like AEK none of those big shots came to the club's rescue. If it weren't for Alafouzos and the fans PAO would have fallen to 3 division or worse.

  12. I also think those who work in the public sector and the parents of those who work in the public sector all voted Syriza for family job security. Remember, Tsipras only garnered just under 2 million votes this election. Everyone else had no idea who to vote for. 


    I haven't seen the demographic data of this election yet. Those who want state jobs voted for Syriza (or any other gov party) want this to continue, but this has to change as it's been one of the causes of Greece's problems and since the Europeans demand that the Greek public sector shrinks considerably. I don't know what Syriza will do since Tsipras signed the new deal and personally promised to implement such reforms in order to get the latest bailout.


    This gov has 155 out of 300 but I believe there are still people within the majority coalition that will not agree to the tough measures that must be taken according to the memorandum.

  13. This is one was a weird election. It was clear to all that no matter who won certain policies would take place. No choosing a new directions or anything. Voters know Tsipras lied and wasted precious time while costing the country some $20 billion. But, in the absence of an alternative, they voted for him again hoping he may do some domestic reforms on the margins.


    I think people are tired of traditional political parties and their long-serving politicians.  I also think in the absence of any credible alternative, Tsipras was the only one standing.


    But, what Greeks really want is another story. The left, center, and right in Greece have been statist, advocating for a large public sector, special privileges to all sorts of interest groups, etc.


    It's an interesting split personality phenomenon: blaming/hating the state (gov) but also expecting it to solve everyone's problems, all of them. The political parties play on this stage....

  14. Hmmm....  


    When I predicted this would be an ongoing injury.... everyone kept calling me a mizero and uber-negative



    I know JUST A TINY BIT about these things.....  If this is a re-injury to the same area... we might not see him till end of October

    I said similar things about him back in the summer when his transfer was announced.  I asked why a great player  goes from a better team to a worse one to an even worse one?  You figure it out. Also, for me, given what had transpired in the last season and PAO's goals, earning a spot in the CL or at minimum in Europa was essential.

    So bad planning to get someone, so expensive, and not being able to use them until October!!!!  The club does not have a good manager....


    As for Trianta.... Shame. Your free time ain't exactly free. All pro club players have clauses in their contracts that they have to keep fit, avoid other sports (to prevent injury), etc. If someone's behavior affects their performance, then there should be consequences.


    Also, it may be legal to do something, it doesn't mean it's ethical or prudent.  I would want to create a club culture that brings people together, that they care, and help each other, and are willing to help the team, while they realize what team they have the honor of playing for.


    Internal culture matters very much in every institution, club, country, etc

  15. I agree. Obviously there are some players who handle the ball well, are football thinkers as they read the game well and act upon.  But, who's the best? I don't think there's an answer unless you define precisely what this "best" means. Here are some factors.


    So, who's greater in these circumstances?

    • great player, but team, never wins anything. Plenty of examples of such players
    • not very technical but strong and his personality lifts the team to greatness
    • different eras, different styles of football; the physical aspect alone would make a huge difference. A mediocre player today who's conditioned 100% would frustrate any "old timer" many of which were semi-amateurs... and when the training was not as scientific as it is today.
    • the opposition has changed, in power and intensity, and strategy. Harder to do the stuff of the past on the pitch today.

    Keeping those things in mind, I think Messi has to be at the very top (I can't say "the best" for the reason I stated), because he's very diverse, and has done great in very hard competitive leagues.

  16. Those players who are good and think can go to a better team aren't motivated playing for a team that's going nowhere!  Marcus is frustrated. I don't blame him if he wants to leave. With Anastasiou & company what is PAO going to do? The club has reached its ceiling and it's the same story for 2.5 years now.


    Anastasiou had 2 weeks to prepare for the Panionios match. Ouzounidis read him 100%. Blocked Berg and PAO got 2 chances for goal in 90'  Berg knows football and sees what the coach is doing (or not doing properly).


    I don't know what Berg thinks nor do I know what goes on inside the club. But, I played the game and in general I do know success breeds confidence and makes you produce the extra effort, whereas failures are demoralizing and everything & everybody are affected. Hard to find motivation if you have no confidence in the coach, and/or you think the team isn't going anywhere (given the expectations). Then you start saying, let me hold back a bit to protect myself... it's not worth killing myself over this....

    It's basic human psychology. 


    In a highly competitive game, inches, or fractions of a second make a big difference. How? Well, by running a little harder, putting your foot or you body out to block a shot, fighting for the ball, being motivated.... Now multiply this by 11 players on the pitch and the game takes a very different course.... ;)


    Obviously not all goals are preventable, but ... You see how so may goals PAO conceded because one or more PAO players weren't putting 100% of effort. Now, go down by a goal or miss a good chance or don't create chances because of lack of effort, and the game is lost. It's as simple as that.

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  17. I bet we'll win this game one way or another, because everybody knows the title is demanded by the fans now after the ridiculous show in euro play.


    Bad planning. Also, I read Dabizas's interview the other day, and there was a problem with the medical/training staff. Clubs must have a great team behind the playing team due to the demands of the modern game.


    I'm skeptical why we have so many injuries so early in the season or why PAO has been getting people who have injuries.


    Anyway, the years when we beat Panionios we seem to do well. I never liked that team. They always play us dirty, especially at Nea Smyrni.

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