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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2017 in all areas

  1. Disappointing result. Given the form we have been i think we were all expecting us to put up a fight and maybe come away with a draw. Once we started so brightly, we all thought it was possible to even sneak away with a win. Just one of those days, we did not deserve to loss 3-0. I think a 0-1 loss would have been the fair result, as other have said, Schalke was nothing special. A couple of half chances in those first 20mins (Mysta's through ball to Leovac that Leovac couldn't control, another shooting opportunity Leovac had after a mysta pass again) and of course Matos chance. The reason why i feel most let down is that I think this is one of the only games where Ivic may have got it wrong. I completely understand him playing a 3-5-2 and trying to take a 0-0 to Germany, infact I advocated the importance of a clean sheet before the game. But we have played 3-5-2 against weaker teams and on heavy pitches (Cup vs panotoliko and vs pas away) this was a different beast all together. Ok so he starts with a 3-5-2 thats fine. You go one down from a mixture of maybe the keeper should have done a bit better/defence slow to react/unlucky. At the point you need to score, you need to go to Germany with a 1-1 at least. A change in formation should have happened at half time. I think another mistake was not starting pedro henrique a few of us on here had discussed that he could be the key, quick, good dribbler someone who we really could have used... It's all good and well to say this now, who knows maybe switching to a 4-3-3 wouldn't have helped, but had we changed it up and still lost 3-0, I know I would feel better knowing we threw the kitchen sink at them and did all we could to get the tie back in our favour. Rather than a lacklusture 2nd half where the conceding of goals felt inevitable. Bad day we move on, important we bounce back with a good win against Veria because I have seen this show too many times before over the last 3-4 years, where one bad loss sends our season into a downward spiral and its the beginning of the end of our coach. I don't think that will happen this time around but we must win our next 2 league games no questions asked.
    2 points
  2. ^^ In order for there to be a union, conditions in member states should be the same, if not at least similar. I lived in Germany for just over three years and I can confirm that the life there is so easy. Work is everywhere to be found, there is a good health system, there is multi-cultural society that lives well with each other. Conditions are similar in England as they are in places like the Netherlands and Belgium. The standard of living is high, bureaucracy is low and the environment is generally safe. Here is Italy, it is the complete opposite of Germany. Sure if you have a job then you can live quite comfortably but the conditions are still not the same. Not many people have a normal contract. They are restricted to roll-on year contract, which guarantees no security. The reason for this is, of course, economic as well as the fact that it is very difficult to fire someone in Italy. Bureaucracy here is a joke, it is on par with Greece. So, what we have is a union with various member states who are completely difference culturally, economically and politically. "So let's try and pass EU laws". OK, sure but what if those laws actually make the situation locally much worse? What if a country is already so advanced, introducing this law would slow it down or just be an obstacle? The EU leaves no room for discussion either. Then we have the issue of immigration. Now then, before you forge an image of Athens4 I can tell you that I am of mixed heritage (Greek and English) and that I left the UK four years ago to try and live in different parts of Europe. I love meeting new people and traveling and and and. You get the picture. I find it unacceptable for there to be a union yet populations of member states to feel the need to have to - or even want to - move to either Germany or England. It is understandable as there are many jobs in these countries. But if we were a union then we would ensure that all member states were on the same, if not similar levels. And this just isn't the case. Roll on Brexit and while we are at it bring on Grexit too. It is the only way Greece will see change.
    1 point
  3. Good post. I think going into a home game against a very strong opponent hoping for a 0-0 draw is always predestined to fail. It's the wrong mentality. Let's keep in mind that a lot of our players - especially our defenders - have also been playing essentially nonstop. Our depth there is much thinner than in midfield and up top (even when injuries aren't an issue), and fatigue is becoming a problem. I think Ivic's conservative approach let us down this time, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt - I get why he chose his formation as he did, and frankly doing such a thing against another team that plays a 3-5-2 is logical as it ensures coverage of both of their forwards. As for Henrique - I think he should have played, but the fact that he had only played with the team like three or four times before that made the move harder in Ivic's mind. Although that mentality doesn't excuse why Warda was then thrown in there... I thought Mistakidis, at least, was wonderful. The guy might not have the dribbling abilities of Pelkas, but holy s%$#! can he move through defenders. If he doesn't get a call-up after this game, then Skibbe truly has lost his marbles. I also thought Leovac and Cimirot were good as well, although Cimirot was overwhelmed with their midfield. Probably had the toughest job on the pitch.
    1 point
  4. I would honestly prefer to play with no striker than have Athanasiadis up front. I cannot believe there were people who actually thought he would resurrect himself against Schalke tonight.
    1 point
  5. The soccer (or any other sports) games are either in the Elliniki TV - Athlitika section: https://kapaki.info/?p=torrents&pid=10&cid=49 or in the Xeni TV - Athlitika section: https://kapaki.info/?p=torrents&pid=10&cid=83
    1 point
  6. really?? what of the 100s of billions in subsidies since the 1980s? only we were too stupid to appreciate and understand it.. EE membership is the only thing that propelled us ahead of backwaters like Albania and fyrom etc..
    1 point
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