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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Thank You.. I am glad that the ARIS fans have started to post here too.. I always found Aris fans on gs.com to be the best rounded and most mature posters... I have been looking for them here...On the members board... Do you know how the great man El Cid is going?
    1 point
  2. This is when ideology, (especially those ideas derived from ages and societies steeped in ignorance), prevents good-meaning people from doing sensible things that actually help humanity. Take for example abortion, a thing nobody likes. I mean everybody wants to have as few abortions as possible; none would be ideal. We can all agree to this. Now, what makes abortions rare? What are those factors that reduce abortions? Why in 2016 (source) we had the fewest abortions in the US since 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade (legalizing abortion)? The facts are there, and they show that sex ed and most importantly women having access to birth control are what reduces abortions drastically. This is what has made abortion to decline for the last 20+ years What do you think Trump and the conservatives are doing now?.... Something that works or something that doesn't? The con leaders either prefer wilful ignorance or want to impress the religiously conservative base.... So, yeah, now with Trump and Pence at the WH, they'll begin to teach ..abstinence and the fear of God as preferred (but failed) method against abortion, while they'll be de-funding women's health clinics and education in human reproduction. Are we great yet?
    1 point
  3. don't want to turn this into a political debate.. but the Turkish rich corrupt businessmen are similar to their Russian counterparts...Very rich who are hiding/spending/throwing dirty money at football clubs.. The Greek landscape is very different....(sure we have equally grubby corrupt businessmen)..however in greece the 'lao' has influenced the government to the point that corrupt grubby businessmen can't invest in Greece even in grubby businesses anymore...The 'red tape' and highly regulated Unionised industrial relations, unfriendly business tax incentives has strangled even the grubby corrupt types....They seek to 'invest' in their grubby ways in other markets.. Government policies driven by the 'lao' over 40 years has lead us here..This is not a new 'merkel created agenda"
    1 point
  4. And, then this magic box.. fixes everything needs fixing. So the con-artist in chief, tells the cult members that he, only him, has the magic box. You have a problem with immigration, I will fix it by building a wall. You know what a "wall" is? Yeah, you have one or more in your home. So, once it's done, no more rapists, drug dealers, killers from Mexico. The wall is going to be beautiful, the best ever. Believe me. If you went to Trump University, you know when something is a good business opportunity. (Hint: tall ladders) So, what else the bs-in-chief can do? Oh, let's do something the simpletons can perceive as we're doing something. Oh, yeah, cut funding to any org that provides health services to women if it includes abortion. Why, let's spend more than $1.4 billion dollars in Africa telling those black people not to have sex! It doesn't matter if this has been a total waste, simpletons in this country love such policies. Ask for $1.4 billion to give medical care to human beings and the cons, including "good xtians" say NO, because if god wanted you alive and well, you wouldn't need to be a burden on society. Hail to the chief.. Pfff
    1 point
  5. Thanks, I think we should be put back in our own standalone forum based on team popularity. Or at least there should be a link straight to the Aris forum - ie Aris to be shown within FL as Iraklis/Veroia etc are shown within SL Instead of: Main page -> FL/Gamma -> Aris Hope it makes sense.
    1 point
  6. Quoting myself here (hilarious), but was bang on the money as far as the 1st leg goes, I hope Im proven wrong on the 2nd. But frankly don't really care, if that makes sense...
    1 point
  7. On the night of the 12th Feb we will have a clearer picture where we are... But we need to take this step by step. Game against OFI is an absolute MUST WIN.
    1 point
  8. Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
    1 point
  9. It is looking more and more like Mike Judge might have been right this whole time...worth watching for anyone who has not seen this movie.
    1 point
  10. Id say its quite better. The players that are attracted to the top 3 teams (Besiktas,Fener,Galata) and other teams like Belediyaspor,Trabzonspor as well, are far better than the ones attracted by Greek top clubs.
    1 point
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