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  1. ^^Celta my mistake. This is rather pessimistic to focus on the last 10min and dismiss the 80min prior, whereby he put on a coaching clinic. It's not strama's fault he had no depth. It was always a death sentence trying to compete in all competitions.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. There is one man who needs to come back and can make a change for us - Demi.
    1 point
  4. I just saw your post, would have been fun to watch the game, final score 4-0.
    1 point
  5. But, hope is eternal.... Little Herbie could beat the muscle cars! So, if you score one of these, you can easily beat the Zastavas! But this is what happens when Herbie isn't handled correctly..
    1 point
  6. Guys, we let this thread go out of bounds, trying to be as accommodating as possible during this rough election season, so from now on all posts and posters that use inappropriate language and/or taunting will result in warnings and suspensions. We can't continue like this. It's not what this forum is about. I just warned 4 members who posted above. You know who you are, so STOP it!
    1 point
  7. As said above, Prijovic is our most expensive signing, at least in the Savvidis era... Prijovic - 1.9mm Varela - 1.4mm Cimirot - 1.3mm Leovac - 1.3mm Lucas - 800k https://inpaok.com/334448
    1 point
  8. ^^^i disagree with you putting lod to that list but each to their own :)
    1 point
  9. There's a blind guy who lives in the apartment next door to mine. Every morning someone from Boston's ride service (for giving rides to people who can't make it to public transit) comes to pick him up, and I believe they outsource the job sometimes to regular taxi drivers. This time, the guy came up, buzzed for the apartment, then ran out to his car to wait. The blind guy comes out, very confused, realizes there's nobody in the building, so goes outside. My windows face the street so I can see what's happening, although it took me a few to put two and two together. So anyway, the guy gets out to the sidewalk, and the cabbie then starts honking to get his attention. Keep in mind that this is on a road that has probably a dozen cars parked on this side. Eventually, the blind guy follows the honks and makes it to his car but he overshoots and starts going for the passenger side door (which was in itself a minor miracle), so the cabbie rolls down the window and starts yelling at him to get in the back. Good times. Remind me not to go blind.
    1 point
  10. Wrong. He was very consistent. We played a 3-5-2/ 5-3-2 attack/defense in europe which fit the side like a glove. For domestic games, he would always drop one of his CB and play a 4-2-3-1 and even 4-3-1-2. He got us past brondby, whereby had we played a 4-4-2 rombo as we played with anastasiou, we would never have knocked them out. The team should've had maximum points against both malaga and standard away from home. We should've humiliated malaga, with the amount of chances we created. To win these games though, you need leaders like kara that can play for 90min. In the past, our results would reflect our performances. I liked strama because he knew how to play in europe and eventually i think he would've brought in the right players that can give the side some character as a lot of the guys we currently have are way too passive. Strama also has connections ouzo can only dream of. We were linked to melo just before his departure, instead we got kourbelis.
    1 point
  11. In another topic I critiziced the UEFA with Partizan's expulsion for three years. Today I saw this article with the 23 clubs with the biggest debts according to UEFA's annual report on financial health of football entities. No Partizan mentioned. Of course. http://www.totalsportek.com/football/clubs-with-the-most-debt/
    1 point
  12. Samaras hasn't yet accepted that the hunger of being a professional footballer at a high level is gone & all the sacrifices he had to do from a very young age has caught up with him. It doesn't get better than scoring a goal at a FIFA World Cup tournament in stoppage time which took Greece to the knockout stage for the first time. He has played in two FIFA World Cup tournaments, two UEFA Euro tournaments, He won many domestic trophies with Glasgow Celtic, played many UEFA Champions League matches, play in the EPL with Man City & West Brom. He has experienced playing in the Gulf & the USA. At 31 or 32 years of age he has his whole life in front of him & a lot of catching up to do in life from all the sacrifices he did from what a 17 or 21 year old would be doing like surfing, nightclubbing, woman etc instead of having to go to sleep early to get up for training, be on a strict diet, miss most family events. Football did give him fame & fortune, met famous people & visited places he probably wouldn't had he not reached where he did but I think that hunger to train hard is gone.
    1 point
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