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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Personally I find this kind of shooting utterly ridiculous. Ridiculous are also these people who like retards pose proudly next to their kills as if they achieved something important or difficult. Anyone with money can join a "safari" hunting group, with guides, riding big trucks, everybody armed with machine guns, and with all the luxuries of the modern world. This is not hunting, it's a massacre. What's next, hunting by drone? Having said this, some natural preserves make money by licensing hunts for exotic animals, and the better ones pick only old animals for shooting. They say that controlled killing helps population control and raises needed funds to keep the preserves operating. I don't know how much of this is true; it may very well be. Yet, nothing takes away from the Trumps being assholes.
    2 points
  2. I-nferno is a banned word around these parts ...
    2 points
  3. Sure. And Thomas Jefferson was black slave owner and fathered children with his slaves. What is your point? On the contrary you either fail to see that it is imperative that we evolve as a civilization and that would be the only thing the prolongs our existence on this planet. Life --that of any species-- is not something you terminate for the sport of it. Such action is monstrous. Of course this disregard and disrespect for life, this arrogance shows in the way that less privileged people are treated. It's the root of racism, the root of slavery, the root of keeping the workforce underpayed, people without healthcare and education. You might not see the relationship between all of the above. I don't expect that you ever will.
    2 points
  4. Cimirot is a starter when fit, he's not even a rotation player so he's valuable definitely. And he's only going to get better. Let whoever wants to buy him pay full price or greater.
    1 point
  5. Ο τερματοφύλακας είναι περίεργη θέση. Στον ΠΑΟΚ ήρθε στα 24 του χωρίς μεγάλες παραστάσεις από την Ευρώπη. Για τερματοφύλακας το 24 χρονών είναι παιδάκι ακόμα. Ο ΠΑΟΚ ήταν καζάνι που έβραζε και στην κάθε στραβή έφταιγαν όλοι και όλα. Δεν μπόρεσε να αντέξει τέτοια πίεση και έκανε πάρα πολλές γκάφες. Στηρίχθηκε, αλλά συνέχισε τις γκάφες. Πήγε λοιπόν πίσω σε ένα "ασφαλές" περιβάλλον και αποδίδει καλύτερα. Το τι θα καταφέρει να γίνει είναι ερωτηματικό και το μέλλον θα δείξει. Πάντως μήπως τελικά ο Γλύκος είναι καλύτερος τερματοφύλακας από όσο του αναγνωρίζουμε; Τόσοι και τόσοι ήρθαν να πάρουν τη θέση του και κανένας δεν άντεξε την πίεση. Ο Γλύκος όμως που ξεκίνησε με τον χειρότερο τρόπο κι εκείνο το περίφημο γκολ του αέρα με τον Ατρόμητο, δεν το έβαλε ποτέ κάτω και κατάφερε να παίξει καλύτερα από όλους αυτούς που ήρθαν για να πάρουν τη θέση του.
    1 point
  6. I see why these Trumpies need top security clearance. They must be experts in something....
    1 point
  7. Wonder if any of those teams are willing to pay the 6 mil buyout option for Cimirot? If I was PAOK I would not let him go for even 1 Euro under.
    1 point
  8. Great example you give, but it's in vain. The persons you're trying to reason with aren't able to analyze and synthesize information. How can you make someone change their mind by using reason when they arrive at their conclusion without it? Teddy Roosevelt's actions were over 100 years ago, and things have changed, including what was appropriate. Women, blacks, imms all "knew their place" back then when America was great! right? But, the Trumpies are a contemporary phenomenon of excess in bad taste, morals, abuse, and crookedness.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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