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Lazaros Christodoulopoulos


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Christodoulopoulos most likley ruined his soccer career by his refusal to return to the team. He has a contarct with PAOK and he should be honoring it. If he (or his agnet) was smart enough, he would return to the team and really prove his qualities, before demanding to be sold.

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  • 2 months later...

Christodoulopoulos lost his case against PAOK in the EPO courts of appeals. he tried to gain his freeedom from the PAOK contract and join other team.

After this, Christodoulopoulos met with Niko Vezyrtzis and agreed to return back to the team. His first practice with the team will be on Thursday. Vezyrtzis came out and made the announcement that the player is returning to the team, and that he has contract with PAOK until 2010.

It sure will be interesting to see how the fans will react to this development. A lot of the fans have been calling for his head. In my opinion, I think Christodoulopoulos was used by his agent, and due to his young age did not how to handle the situation correctly. It seems that Lazaros now gets a second chance with the team. If he comes out and apologizes for his behaviour, I think the fans should give him his second chance to prove himself. The worst think that can happen is that PAOK will sell him for good money after he shows his worth.

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It will be some time before Lazaros plays in an official game. He needs to get into playing shape, since he missed half the season.

Latest reports say that his salary remains the same (20,000 Euro), but that there is allready an agreement on new contract starting with next season.

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