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Cup Final, Santos, and Xanthi


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Well, what a dissappointment in the Greek Cup Final. What the heck was Santos thinking putting in Dellas instead of Alexopolous??? :tdown: All season long, he has the duo of Cirillo and Alexopolous. But in the Cup final, Aek's second biggest game of the season, he put's in Dellas. What on God's green earth made him do that?? If anything, play Moras, but Dellas?? The guy hasn't played all season, let alone a big game like the Cup final. He was at fault for Oly's first goal. In the first half, Konstantinou should have put in another goal that Dellas was playing defense poorly. And, the second goal, what was he thinking clearing the ball down the middle of the field?? That ultimatley lead to Djole's goal. Poor poor decision making.

I'm not sad at all to see Santos leave after this weekends game with Xanthi. As I stated before, in the 3 season's he has coached AEK, the guy has never been able to win the "big game." I don't want to hear people complain about his roster. His coaching decisions in big games are down right aweful. Today's game against Olympiacos was just another reminder of his poor tactics and line up strategy. So long Fernando, you won't be missed.

As for this weekend's game, the team MUST come out strong and get an early goal. As the game goes, so will the pressure. I expect fans not to show up in huge numbers after the teams display in the Cup final. Anything but a loss will push AEK into Champions League Qualification round. Let's hope we can maintain this position and start working on next season.

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(I just hope that the fans don't turn on their players)

I don't think the fans are mad with the players. The players played good i think they are more mad with Santos. If we win Sunday everything will be fine but if we loose... i see War World 3(hope NOT) happeing at OAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Santos did try the 3 central defenders.......the result was a 4-0 POUTSA at irakli.

Good in theory, but we dont have the wingbacks to play 3-5-2. Lakis and Cesar on the flanks 1. dont have the stamina to play up and down all day and 2. arent the best defensively.

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Santos did try the 3 central defenders.......the result was a 4-0 POUTSA at irakli.

Good in theory, but we dont have the wingbacks to play 3-5-2. Lakis and Cesar on the flanks 1. dont have the stamina to play up and down all day and 2. arent the best defensively.


u are the top man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

top laugh :nw: :nw: :nw: :nw:

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Santos did try the 3 central defenders.......the result was a 4-0 POUTSA at irakli.

Good in theory, but we dont have the wingbacks to play 3-5-2. Lakis and Cesar on the flanks 1. dont have the stamina to play up and down all day and 2. arent the best defensively.

We played also in Crete against OFI with 3 Centerbacks....including Dellas and we won 1:0 the Greek press wrote hymns on Santos.............

Then again with 3 centerbacks ...including Dellas we lost in Kaftonzoglio...and from then the Greek press sent Santos to Disgrace....

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  • 2 weeks later...

and we certainly know that malbasa and georgeas are garbage, and tziortopoulos and kontis are low to mid-level greek league talent.

aek66 you don't follow AEK so close... isn't it

So let me say that you are not fair to Tziortziopoulos....

He came out of a very severe injury and was away of the pitches for over one year now.... and still on his come-back, he has shown a decent performance...

He is one of the best Greek Left Backs at the moment... and I would not be at all surprised, if he gets a call up this automn from Rehhagel.....

Mark my words...........

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Talking about AEK defenders, Dellas played the match against Australia the other day.

Although he is a bit slow he defended very well, with his hamstring bandaged. If he can gain full fitness he will be very good for AEK for the next few seasons, but we have to play him.

In the match VS Aus, he mopped up for all the other defenders mistakes and consistently left his position to cut dangerous balls out. For me he was the best player for Greece!!!

Hopefully he can regain full fitness for next season and will be a tower for AEK at the back, with very good positioning and aerial skills!!!!

Bravo Dellas!!!

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