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I have never found the defenite answer to this


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they did but that was a different Xalkidona ......that xalkidona was made in the 30's named after the area of constantinople where many came from (Xalkidona, or today Kadikoy in turkish)

this must have been a dif xalkidona club that was actually playing in the city....

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they did but that was a different Xalkidona ......that xalkidona was made in the 30's named after the area of constantinople where many came from (Xalkidona, or today Kadikoy in turkish)

this must have been a dif xalkidona club that was actually playing in the city....

so where did the Halkidonia club get the trifili from?

i heard its an old symbol from the Orthodox church?

The Pao shop was selling a book on Pao but it was too big and bulky to carry back to Aus, anyone have the book?

i wonder if it says where it came from in there?

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Guest Protathlitis

i heard its an old symbol from the Orthodox church?

haha I dont think so re.....wasnt it because pao used to be a horse club and thats a horse symbol or something?
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i heard its an old symbol from the Orthodox church?

haha I dont think so re.....wasnt it because pao used to be a horse club and thats a horse symbol or something?
nah someone said it was used on some of the crests from the crusades of the orthodox church

cmon guys someone must know something!

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Guest Protathlitis

what about the horse clun thing?

cos it is a fact that it was a horse club. so what your asking is where the horse club got it from

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what about the horse clun thing?

cos it is a fact that it was a horse club. so what your asking is where the horse club got it from

i never heard that it was a horse club :blink:

the only thing remotely related to ur statement and horses was back in 1908 they wore a red strip as Pao's first uniform but played their first game in a paddock but what they didnt know their was a bull nearby.

The bull started chasing them after it saw the red so the Pao players ran and took the red kit off vowing never to wear red again B)

Why they chose Green i dont know, why they chose the trifili i dont know as well

All i know is i love the trifili and pao :tup:

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Well I read in the early 20's the teams management decided to adopt the Trifilli as a nod to one of the first coaches they had who was a well known athlete from England.

so was John Campbell english or irish?

im still intrigued by the history of the trifili - anyone else know any more about this or has links on the internet about it?

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ok so we got the trifili from Chalkidona but where did Chalkidona get it from?

I cant find jack on the internet because Chalkidoan merged with Atromitos and theres no info on their new merged site :ph34r:

We are talking about Chalkidona from Constantinouple that was a track and field club.

Not the one from Pireus that is now in the 1st Division.

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