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After listening to era sport for the past 2 hrs.... they are almost certain that PAO will be getting a new defender in the next 2 days.... but the name is a mystery.... Dellas maybe?????? we can only wish!!!!

Tudor is still available

according to Croatian media Villarreal, Bolton & Pao want him

they say that the Bolton deal is not likely to happen, because the other two wish to buy him & the English would only take him on a 1yr loan

Pao and Villarreal both play in CL, Villarreal is playing in a more glamourus league but there are already some Croatian players at Panathinaikos and Malesani probably knows him well (as the Parma / Verona / Modena coach he played many times against Tudor's Juventus)

Panathinaikos & Villarreal have both same chances as he's now 99% sure of leaving Turin

This would be a great last moment signing for Pao if it goes through :tup:

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seems like we lost him.... :angry:

we will prolly end up getting some washed up italian.... IF were lucky!!!

if we get an italian defender then it would not be a washed up 1!

i dont think we will get anyone cause we have got some bright looking up and coming youngsters.

malezani has been around in football for some years and he can see if a talent has future. He was at parma for good sake with all the super youngsters.

wait until u see triptoseris, stathis and andric will most likely play often as a centerback. He is very good in the air and very strong.

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Andric is not good enough to be centreback IMO - he is a DM he can chase and tackle etc etc but man marking a quick striker and winning headers i dun thinkso!

as for this transfer rumours about a defender - if anything we will see one in January forget about one now - and if so (by some chance) id like to see them sign a Greek (dellas) instead of yet another foreigner to add to the many we have now!!!!!!!!!!!11


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Transfer period ends this wednesday and Pao must make a move if they are to strengthen their backline. as I beleive Morris could be out for at least half of the season.......

half the season!

the guys innocent only thing he should get punished for is for the throwing of the jersey!

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half the season!

the guys innocent only thing he should get punished for is for the throwing of the jersey!

Be realistic here, he had Intent to ###### the guy up (even though he didnt touch him) that alone warrents a suspension + throwing the jersey he could get anywhere between 4-12 weeks ;)
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half the season!

the guys innocent only thing he should get punished for is for the throwing of the jersey!

Be realistic here, he had Intent to ###### the guy up (even though he didnt touch him) that alone warrents a suspension + throwing the jersey he could get anywhere between 4-12 weeks ;)
well thats the thing he got the red for INTENT which reduced the players down to 9 and 1 game suspension i think thats enough as he didnt connect, if he did its a whole lot of can of worms. As with the shirt throwing thats disrespecting the ref which should be at least 4 games so i reckon a fair suspension of 6 games should be enough :)
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Intent is worth more then that trust me....

an example:

if someone tries to kill the present but doesnt get the job done, how long do u think he will go to jail for??? 1-2 years?? because that in relation to football is a 1 match ban... i think morris will get 4 match ban (if his lucky) for Intent to cause harm and another 4 match ban for the jersey = 8 matches and losing his captian spot plus some finds......

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I didn't like the Flavio story, drama to be exact... remember the back and forth? The Turk said he was a tourist in Turkey, and he's showing that he's not very much interested..... despite his very high salary!

I mean, I can give a player a break if things don't go well for some time, but I can't see someone not mark, or not play with intensity! Did you see that he was hopelessly chasing Georgatos (didn't make it... same as Vyntra who was just jogging.... actually Morris came from further away and slid for the tackle or to block Geo's shot for the 2-0)....

Biscan is another dissapointment! We need defenders. Morris is the only good one we have. Kotsios is not fast enough, Goumas has never been great but we need him... as for Vyntra what else can we say... He shouldn't be playing for any top-tier team in Greece

PAO should bring in a couple defenders or elevate others from within

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Flavio my friend may be a great player....who knows...what we do know is he has no heart, his mind is somewhere else and the flavio of real has not shown up....he is playing like shiit and in a couple big games mind you..l...the guy was a waste so their is nothing to rethink, now if he plays a couple good games so what...where was he verse wisla whe n cl was on the line or against oly when we needed him......who knows ....###### flavio and ###### brazil for producing such a F***in waste of talent.......................besides if we have been taught anything as sports fans, players etc.....offense wins games....defence wins championships and are defense needs upgrading which will in turn will open up the game and give more chances to our offense....Dellas would be an unbelievable signing but we can only hope...as for goumas , he plays with heart and leaves it on the field ...we need more of that not a liverpool reject................you guys thinkd we will pick someone up by the deadline?

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Flavio my friend may be a great player....who knows...what we do know is he has no heart, his mind is somewhere else and the flavio of real has not shown up....he is playing like shiit and in a couple big games mind you..l...the guy was a waste so their is nothing to rethink, now if he plays a couple good games so what...where was he verse wisla whe n cl was on the line or against oly when we needed him......who knows ....###### flavio and ###### brazil for producing such a F***in waste of talent.......................besides if we have been taught anything as sports fans, players etc.....offense wins games....defence wins championships and are defense needs upgrading which will in turn will open up the game and give more chances to our offense....Dellas would be an unbelievable signing but we can only hope...as for goumas , he plays with heart and leaves it on the field ...we need more of that not a liverpool reject................you guys thinkd we will pick someone up by the deadline?

No problems...i will remember those words with regards to biscan and flavio in fact im printing it out now...and pinning on my wall. Hopefully you are wrong..and im sure u are hoping that 2.

Premature judging on whether a player has heart...after three games..isnt right.

Now of course i admit both have not performed well in the past 3 games, but thats exactly it only 3 competitive games for a new club, in a new country, not only that but its even harder to adjust because who the hell is welcoming you, and trying to make u fit in the time....ohh yeah how bout the other 12 new signings that are also trying to adjust to pao.

Simple fact is....we are building a core pao team....we are not strengthening one.

As for a defensive issues...yes i agree we are slim...if not worse than slim...but hey rather than signing(because i doubt we will)...maybe some young guys can get a chance tripotseris, stathis, kokkolakis.

morris first 3 games were s%$#!.

michaelson first 3 games were s%$#!.

borrellis...first season was s%$#!.

did they have heart? yes.

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Kojak, you got it wrong.... it's not just they're playing badly, but they are not trying hard!!!! That's the difference. Those who know football can see if a player (like Goumas for example) gives it all, or just strolls on the pitch. And, in my eyes, a veteran, high-paid professional like Flavio should be playing like a leader from day one..... (even if he makes many mistakes, passing, crossing, etc....) He's not marking, can't run fast, no passion, and he acts like a tourist (after he got a fat contract).

As for your ...wallpaper, I honestly hope I'm wrong about Flavio & Biscan... I'm not judging their future... but I know their past & present--and they can't continue like this!

Of course I'd give time to any player to adjust, and for the team to gell together... but some bad signs are showing that it's not a matter of knowing eachother but something else....

And, by the way, myself I would prefer a player who gives me a "6-7" performance to a primadona who plays sh*ty (3-4) all the time and maybe a couple times a year he gets a "9-10".... This is a very unpredictable event....a team needs constistency with consistent players! :box:

Also, most guys here understand that without a very strong defense you better not dream of good days ahead.....

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Ela re kojak, you dont know how wrong i hope i am, and yes it was only three games, but three games that were pretty important....and its not that they played bad which they did, its that at least flavio didnt play, biscan tries but his just not that good but we will see with him....as for flavio this is not a new occurance and people in this forum were predicting this exact scenario....the guy is a sucker of the cock and if he doesnt start performing soon pao fans will have his head....but again i hope i am wrong ,,,....i pray that i am wrong and i hope one day you look at your print out and call me a dumb ass....but we will see....anyway we still need to beef up on defence and with a few hours left in the deadline i dont see pao making any moves.....what the shiiit

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