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WCQ: Georgia - GREECE


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i am a big fan of grammozi. i think he is the missing link on the left side for the greece side. i read where olympiako is interested in him. i hope he plays in greece so the greece supporters can appreciate him.

i agree with you , he does have a good left foot and takes free kicks as well, but I think the best chance of seeing him on the national side will be at the confederations cup. there is no way Otto will replace Giannakops or Karagounis at this point in the qualifying round.

I also think all this Nikopolidis bashing is ridiculous, he's the best we've got so we've just got to live with his errors. why can't you all just put your domestic clubs diffrences aside and support the national team :nono:

also in another issue, does anyone have any other link(s) besides sportline.gr to see the highlights of the goals?

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One thing that cracks me up - I mention this because we are complainng about GK- is the lack of good goalie in England - 


Shilton? I like how they get scored on from half  - maybe we should count our blessing

Toldo blew the EURO 2000for Italy - I think this position is easily scrutinized

Yea, now that I think about it, England I think has it worse off than we do. The thing about England is the use their goalkeepers way past their shelf life. Granted, goalies can still be very good till around 36 or 37. I mean, Shilton was 40 and still starting in Italy (WC Italy 90') and Seaman was 39 for the 2002 World Cup :blink: :ph34r: . David James is OK for now but even he is getting up there in age (34-35). They do have a couple of prospects in Chris Kirkland (albiet his injuries) and Robert Green (0 CAPS, plays for Norwich-a team likely to get relegated). But it could be worse for us greeks eh?.... :LOL:

Oh yeah, I thought Toldo did well in filling in for Buffon at the Euro 2000. That shot Treziguet (sp?) had to win it all was one tough blast and I don't think he could've stopped it even if he had kept his feet. Oh well...

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I meant Seaman earlier not Shilton - Shilton was OK - Seaman????

Great name.

They kept asking him to come back to play - don't retire please - I think opposing teams were the ones saying that.

We though Nikopolidis had problems with high balls. Pah this guy was sketos m#$%!s with a 80's ponytail.

james as an international goal keeper was a joke.

I don't know too much about Robinson.

The US has had great goalies for a mediocre team for years. I even though Meola played well for them in 1994.

Re. Toldo - I was talking about the goal by Wiltord in the 90th minute that squeezed past him -to send it to OT - was Buffon hurt for that tourney?

Its funny how easy it is to remember the GK from world cups - Shumacker, Bats, Zoff, the little Mexican in the neon, the Argentine who kept stopping penalties in 1990, the white guy for Brazil that looked like Woody Harleson - Tafarel....maybe I don't remember them that well

During our debacle in 1994 WC in the US - the worst part was that we kept switching goalies - the one I saw vs Bulgaria live at Soldier Field - Amantzidis - was awfull

A question I shoot out to all of you where does Nikopolidis rank amungst alltime Greek greats - I just saw that he is about to pass Saraganis as the alltime most capped keeper by the summer.


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Did Koudas really play 28 years with the Ethniki?!!! That can't be right....

It must be 1985 at the latest.

Yorgos KOUDAS years: 1967-1995 43 caps 4 goals


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I feel currently (within the past year or so), NOT over the last 20-25 years that England's GK problems are about as bad (if not worse than ours). David James is getting old and increasingly unreliable (like our Antonis). Seaman was falling apart near the end of his carrer, and figured that out and retired soon afterward, but the damage had already been done for England (WC 2002). Paul Robinson seems OK, buit has few appeaences and is un-proven internationally. Chris Kirkland is pretty injury-prone and about as reliable as PAO's Sanmartean. Robert Green is also very good, but has had 0 appreaneces and is playing on a sad, relegation doomed team in Norwich City.

While they (England) have young, up and coming keeper's, we don't (or at least not as much). So in a sense I agree w/ you. Though considering what thier problems have cost them over the years, the problem can be considered about as bad as ours right now.

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The US has had great goalies for a mediocre team for years. I even though Meola played well for them in 1994.

Re. Toldo - I was talking about the goal by Wiltord in the 90th minute that squeezed past him -to send it to OT - was Buffon hurt for that tourney?

Its funny how easy it is to remember the GK from world cups - Shumacker, Bats, Zoff, the little Mexican in the neon, the Argentine who kept stopping penalties in 1990, the white guy for Brazil that looked like Woody Harleson - Tafarel....maybe I don't remember them that well

Buffon broke his hand before the tournament and that gave Toldo the starting job by default. Didn't see the goal you mentioned, but if Italy made it to the final, Toldo had to have played well.

Meola was THE GK for the US MNT in the late 80's and early 90's. He probably could still be in goal for the MNT, however, there's so much youth coming into the team and his injury have probably finished him off for good :( (at least for the NT, he can still be very good in MLS :D ). OUr teams were very mediocore in the 80's and 90's. Hell we lost to Bermuda 1-0 in a 1991 friendly :LOL: <_< :( :angry: :blink: :ph34r: ! Pretty pathetic eh?

Taffarel was always consistent and played well for Brazil, but because they've always been so good with thier field players, I think he was always viewed as the team's weakness. Campos for Mexico was definately one of the most un-orthodox goalies of all-time. At 5' 8'', he always wore the brighest, ugliest, (and in many views queerest) jerseys one could imagine. He also could play forward, and him sitting at midfield when Mexico had the ball deep in the oppenents half was quite common :blink: :whistle: . Don't know enough about the others, but some sound vaguely fimiar (and probably very good or bad) Ahhh, the discussions that can be had from one man's struggles.

What was the deal with us (Ellas) using all 3 goalies during the 1994 World Cup?? It's true belive it or not, I think one still plays in the Ethiniki A. But either ways, it was as bad as it was odd <_< :tdown: :(.

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