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Wins are always a beautiful thing, but we can't just sit on our asses, we've got work to do. Also, we avoided the away goal, NIKOPOLIDIS! Okkas must keep scoring, he's playing well now. :nw: :box:

Let's go to France and get the job done.

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OLY WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tup: :tup: :tup:

The goal was a nice one............once again an exquisite pass from Rivaldo and Okkas doing very very well to finish ot off :tup:

We could have got atleast one more goal. 1 goal cushion is very difficult to protect, particularly the way Sochaux were attacking on the break. A lot of times, our defence was caught flat-footed. It was strange to me why we always settle for one goal only. First half was good. But the second half, it looked almost like we played to protect the goal. Rivaldo and Okkas were left all alone in the front with almost no through ball from the mid-field in the second half. Also, Sochaux were very impressive in the counter attacks........they played with speed down the wings, and sometimes our lack of pace was there for every one to see!!

This is the first time iam seeing a live OLY match, and there r some suggestions.

Iam not biased, but i think Okkas was good today. He is one of the few players with 'pace' in our team and i think he and castillio should play instead of Giovanni. Also, contray to what i hear in the forums, Rivaldo is also very important.....today he played more in an striker role than a playmaking role.......but believe me, if he doesnt see enough of the ball, our creativity up front is almost next to none. I think the people who watched the game today will agree with me.

Kostulas was superb in defence, and Nikopolidis also had a good game.

Overall a good victory..........but makes me wonder that one goal might not be just enough!! Tough game coming up next week!!!! We HAVE to play better!!!!

:tup: :tup: :tup:

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Good luck to Olympiakos in tonight's match.

I think it's actually good that Giovanni isn't playing. It'll give OSFP a new dynamic and hopefully it'll work out for them. I see it being a 1-0 or 2-1 scoreline with Djordjevic and/or Rivaldo scoring. Okkas will miss a dozen chances to bury a goal. :)

Oh well Okkas scored my friend!!
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I don't know guys, I think vatraxos has outdone himself with the defensive display to keep the score. Especially when you have who you have in the back.

Now we have a very difficult task, if we score just one golaki in dirty france they have to put three back, or will we see another "black out" like at Anfeild ?

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Iam not biased, but i think Okkas was good today. He is one of the few players with 'pace' in our team and i think he and castillio should play instead of Giovanni. Also, contray to what i hear in the forums, Rivaldo is also very important.....today he played more in an striker role than a playmaking role.......but believe me, if he doesnt see enough of the ball, our creativity up front is almost next to none. I think the people who watched the game today will agree with me.

Kostulas was superb in defence, and Nikopolidis also had a good game.

i liked kostoulas very much today, although he made some mistakes towards the end of the match. also okkas was good tonight running up and down the field, as was maric. also mavrogenidis and stoltidis did a good job. but on rivaldo i have to disagree with you. i didnt like him very much today. apart from the pass to okkas and the fouls he drew he played more for himself than for the team. there were some occasions where he could have made a deadly pass. especialy the scene where he made the psalidaki. :tdown:

it will be difficult back in france. sochaux showed that they are a very fast and dangerous team today. we better shouldnt underestimate them. especially their left and right wing players caused a lot of trouble in our defence today. :(

taralidis, vallas and castillo should get more play time (they are superb in fm2005 ;) ) i really would like to see castillo in front with okkas. but this kid really has to get his nerves under controll. did he finally get a yellow card for the stuff he did in the end of the match?

@nightsurfer: i went to apollo today. from time to time i also go to the "steki" near albisriederplatz

@xxx: thanx B)

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It's good to see Oly get a win and Okkas finally score a goal (anyone have a video??). He's always seems to get it done with the Cypriot NT but never enough with OSFP. Though OSFP had the same problems as their PAO counterparts had last night, not being able to finish and make it 2-0 or 3-0 going into the brutal away legs. I think that Oly need to re-vamp their midfield (tactically, personel are fine) As strange as this is, I predict that both Greek teams (OSFP and PAO) will lose 2-1 away. But...they'll still advance (away goals rule)!

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but on rivaldo i have to disagree with you. i didnt like him very much today. apart from the pass to okkas and the fouls he drew he played more for himself than for the team. there were some occasions where he could have made a deadly pass. especialy the scene where he made the psalidaki.

what do u want Rivaldo to do........u want him to never take a shot at target??

there were many cases today when he made superb passes. he had a stunning first half and if u thought he was playing for himself........well help urself.

u guys will never stop bitching him...........what ever he does, u will always go on like he didnt do this, he didnt do that............everyone who saw the match knew who was creating OLY play in the first half!!!

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rivaldo in the first half was practically the rivaldo that everyone came to know, impressive work by him in all fronts ! ! ! unfortunalty he and okkas were cut off in the 2nd half.

we will need a similar rivaldo on the 24th if we want to hold on to our euro dreams.

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Great win today

i mean i was nowhere near a Greek radio or Tv but rather at work

i was really happy to find out for the 1-0 win but i am dissapointed b/c of wut i have been reading

Olympiakos dominated the match from the begginning

Vallas hit the post and Olympiakos probably should have won this game 5-0 or 5-1

i mean we still haven't learn from our past mistakes and thats finishing off our opportunities to finish off the team

remember Liverpool at Kariaskaki Olympiakos should have put them away and look at the end result

i do feel confident going to France

reason being this younger lineup worked well together (would like to see more of castillo) and thats reallly positive to see

and plus this is Olympiakos best overall game in quite a while

great pace from wut i read

and i ahve read from different sources

anywayz lets go to France and lets go for the win (Bajevic don't say we are going for the win then we don't play like it)

lets go ###### win period

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Guest Protathlitis

Thumbs up to The Olympiakos fans for supporting there team.. 30000 fans was impressive... We only had like 7000 .. When are our fans going to start coming out.. When we get eliminated from the competition.........

yeah, pao is moving into a new stadium which is smaller than leoforo right? :LOL:
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but i think u need to look at this in the Pao prespective

they have had a very inconsistent year

the most since say 1998-1999 season

they have been frustrated with Management with Zejc just bouncing and alot of his players he brought in haven't worked this season

Vardioyannis not acting like a billionaire owner

watching this biggest rival spend money (maybe not good moves all the time but u see the effort off course Olympiakos getting a big payof with the new stadio)

and the fact that Leoforos which does have proud and successfull history is becoming out dated and it doesn't seem to create an atmosphere that fans or ppl that want to attend

i mean if the stadio is built for Pao i think fans will be going alot moe then now but also Greek football does need to clean up it's violence to help out

but our fans are great i mean i am just trying all the time to catch every Olympiakos game that i can even if it means just sitting through the radio play

anywayz on the game from the clip i saw of Okkas ball i was so impressed with Vallas showed the form i wanted to see great clean and hard tackles to knock of the opposing player.

i know it's one game but Vallas looks like a player to be reckoned with

Rivaldo was so key to the goal getting 2 players to guard him and again wut beautiful touch pass and vision

and lets give it up Okkas finally did everything the dribble the fake shot and then the blast in the back of the net

Okkas has been the scapegoat all season long

but if he shows class and form like this consistently all will be forgotten

i have been one of the many that have bashed him hard now lets give him is due and credit for his performance but lets beat those F***ers in France

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