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lets all e mail TSN

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Last night I was actually thinking of the same thing, to email TSN.

My arguments against Real Madrid is that they are a crappy team now. They are not competing like they use to. They got crushed by Barcelona 3-0 over the weekend.

I will end an email to TSN for them to show the Olympiakos-Liverpool game.


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I think the Real Madrid game would probably give them the better ratings considering its a must win for them

The more popular teams that are followed in Canada are the English teams. Therefore, it really helps the cause that Olympiakos is playing Liverpool. I have a feeling a lot of Liverpool fans will be emailing TSN inquiring about this match.
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Guys you know its really not TSN the issue.

If ESPN shows the game in the USA, then there is a chance TSN will show the game here, dont forget TSN gets the feed from ESPN in the US to show Champions Leaugue games.

Maybe we should be e-mailing ESPN also, so that they put it on.

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That day they showed PAO, they were supposed to show PAO tape delayed at 11:30pm, all they did was just swicth the two and showed the PAO game live.

What i am saying above is e-mail ESPN to show the Olympiakos whethet it be live or tape delayed because they might have other plans to show other games.

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It looks like TSN came halfway with Olympiakos - Liverpool match

From Soccertv.com,

TSN will show the Olympiakos - Liverpool match at midnight on Dec 8.

We just need to push TSN just a little bit more. I will send them yet another email explaining to them that Roma only has 1 pt in the group and therefore it is no point to show the Roma - Real Madrid match.

Guys, we are almost there!!!!

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