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Filippos Syrigos attacked


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Sirigos was suposed to go and testify for the doping case of Kenteris and Thanou again ...

He also has waged war over Karaiskaki and the way the Hellenic Olympic Committee handed it to Olympiakos.

He generally was a journalist searching and exposing issues and unfortunatelly he obviously took no measures for his safety.

I hope he can make it and manage to testify if he saw who hurt him.

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Sirigos was suposed to go and testify for the doping case of Kenteris and Thanou again ...

He also has waged war over Karaiskaki and the way the Hellenic Olympic Committee handed it to Olympiakos.

Thanks for the info... as I m not so well about the details...in Greece...

Are in the internet...any reports from this journalist ?

Then only thing that they say in the Greek news is.....that the suspects are expected to be from the Soccer environment.

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I would not believe any rports before the man himself gets better and tells us if he recognised with more than 95% certainty any of his attackers...

I have a hope that maybe someone of them told him something ... I believe this might be possible because those people who attacked him had a clear intention to kill him! He was very very lucky to have survived this attack and you can verify this is you read the medical anouncements if you locate them somewhere (I heard them read on the TV news)...

Truth is that older enemies might have found a good time to attempt to kill him now that other issues are hot to disguise their actions behind parallel motives of other sides. But it would be unfair for us to speculate before the man himself talks...

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If you exclude all the mercenary journalists who conveniently try to avoid the main subject, this attack clearly smells like a Gay-attack!!!

Syrigos opposed the idea of the gift of Karaiskaki to the gays by the ex-corruoted government and also the Owner of Eleftherotypia confirmed that this was a sport-related attack!!!

Also apart from the gay attack for the obvious reasons there were other two possibilities that came out...

One was for Aggelopoulou and Syrigos's opposition to the way Athens 2004 handled lots of things and the second is related to the Tzekos-Kederis-Thanou issue which Syrigos was clearly speaking of a corupted athletic background both in Athletics and Weightlifting...

To just get people a little bit more clear on everything, I just want to give a brief historical background on syrigos...

Syrigos was an Arxi-pasokos in the mid eighties but during the mid-nineties something changed (when Syrigos was left out of many 'Arpaxtes' of Pasok) and started to attack the ex-*government. Rounding everything yiou could see that all the scandals he was involced PASOKIA were behind all of them...

1. The gift of Karaiskaki to the gays...

2. The extraodinary bonuses and salaries of Athens 2004

3. Dopa subject which was again Pasok-related....

Syrigos has many enemies and he is also a basic witness to the Tzekos case....

I hope he recovers soon and bury all the vromo-pasokia and the gays who attacked him!!!!

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Thanks for your personal views on that subject......

Some how it's a sad news.... for our homeland..... , because under these cirmumstances the country can't progress.....

If the free speech is attacked, so is the freedom...., so is the idea of equal opportunities..in the society......

That's really sad news for our country......

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Well I guess Fidanidis of (pasoko-typia) was also wrong then huh? ;)

What do you expect from a country where justice is never awarded. A recent example proves that, when the gay-fan was cought just after he threw a stone in PAO's bus for the Basketball game in SEF couple of years ago... I wander in which island he is now doing his wanderful vacations..... ;)

But as usually said... We can never speculate, especially when things are so clear where even a 10 year old can put the pieces together.... ;)

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I thought it was very interesting looking at Sports Newspapers yesterday. Each one of them had a front page title about the dolofonia. All except one! Which one you ask...? Yes you guessed it....Protathlitis.

This newspaper has often issued warnings on its frontpage that amount to threats. I have to say I am amazed to see them get away with so much crap.

Sirigos was a man who first exposed the possibility of Greek weightlifters taking dopa after Atlanta. He was attacked by all in Greece and the paper he was working for at the time fired him. But that didn't stop him and in my opinion he did the right thing to continue speaking his mind.

I don;t know but this whole incident has a smell of Olympiakos to me. They had more reason than anyone else to want him dead and that's exactly what the attackers wanted, to kill him. Thanks god that they failed.

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