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Starting 11 and Formation

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I actually forgot that Barbosa will be out for the next match due to cards. In that case I think its okay to go with Poyiet's lineup. Or we can stick to the 4-2-3-1 and try out Soiledi as a LW, I actually think he's well suited for that position.

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I would slightly change the formation and play like this:




Bakakis/Galo               Kolo       Lambro        Didac


Galo/Aravidis              Simeos   Johanssen     Diego





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^^^^ I like this lineup a lot, only change I would make is Barbosa or Galo on the right wing, and Djebour or Aravidis up top. Barbosa is in great form, and Aravidis is really really really really bad on the wing. We need a healthy Djebour so badly right now, if he wasn't injured we'd have an extra 7 points at least I think, we wouldn't of tied against Xanthi, or against PAO, and we would have beaten Asteras. Even Brecevic would of done the job in those games :(

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I actually forgot that Barbosa will be out for the next match due to cards. In that case I think its okay to go with Poyiet's lineup. Or we can stick to the 4-2-3-1 and try out Soiledi as a LW, I actually think he's well suited for that position.

I think he's out for the Kalloni home game, they had to choose one of the next four games to miss and they picked that one.

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I don't how realistic that lineup is, but if the reports of Poyet wanting to use Cordero Johanson and Simoes in the same lineup are true, then we should try this. Defensively we will be solid if Arzo is actually good, and we'd have three very good central midfielders in front of them holding possession and stealing passes. Mantalos and Buononotte are two players I want to see start together in the middle, when they are both on form it could be magical. With a real striker up top like Djebour, they will have more space to operate because Djebour will draw defenders to him unlinke Chrisantus and Aravidis. The drawback is that Barbosa won't really fit into the lineup.







Poyet has been thinking about using the 4-3-3 with wings and this last formation is the only way I think it would work for us. Mantalos needs to play in this lineup, and Barbosa is our only (good) winger so he needs to play, and the 4-3-3 will only work if Cordero is in.

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I only left Barbosa out as I thought he was suspended, if he isn't he slots in on the right and Ara on the bench IF we have a fully fit Djebbour, if not Ara up top.


The first line up you have Original is a very good one, I like it a lot especially with Diego and Mandalos side by side, I think those two can wreck havoc on defenders together and with the 3 behind it gives us balance. Simeos is and I hate this saying "box to box" type player so he can also help our 2 attacking mids when we go forward and then you have Cordero and Johanssen sitting and cleaning everything up.....

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Hmm Idk guys...As far as OriginalSydney's 4-4-2, I can't see us putting Johanson and Simoes right behind Mandalo and Djebbour. Those players are too defensive for those roles and so either they'll have to come up too far and leave our DM positions exposed or they'll play true to their roles and leave Mandalo and Djebbour completely isolated. 


As far as your line ups Original, I like the first one a lot but if Mandalo and Buonnanotte get drawn too far out wide, we're pretty much left with a giant hole in the middle but then again Cordero and Simoes have great attacking abilities so they can make runs farther up if anything, so I can see it working well. 


As far as the 4-3-3 is concerned I was disappointed to hear that it was used in the game today. I don't even want to look at that line up. It doesn't work for us because we don't have any true box to box extrems/wingers. It's too defensive and it loses us the midfield, this teams strongest asset. I hate the line up and I feel like we could have played ANY other line up and took at least a point from toumpa. 


As far as Artho goes I just don't know wtf is going on with this guy. I have him on instagram and his fans from his last team adore him, calling him the "king of Jerusalem" and other such things. How can a guy that was so adored on his last team come out so useless for us?

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I was thinking the same thing Che on Arzo, no idea what has gone wrong with him and why he has never been used, but currently Lambro and Kolo are doing a good job so I wouldn't change them.


The team I had in the 4-4-1-1 wouldn't require both Johanssen and Simeos to attack, Simeos can be box to box he is capable of that. It wont expose us though, it doesn't allow teams to go right through the middle and would force them to go wide or long.


As for 4-3-3 we are told to play it here in NSW Premier League (FFA has endorsed it) but I refuse to play it as it leaves you very exposed in areas and after watching us against PAOK and how they ran through us all over I don't think I ever wana see us play that formation again UNLESS Poyet plays it a different way and has us very organised all over the park.

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  • 2 months later...

4-4-2  rombos























































Playing with some formations for the upcoming derbies without Barbosa. So far I actually like the 4-3-2-1 with Diego and Mandalo behind Arava,  and 4-4-2 diamond.

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My logic is that Johanson is quicker than Tsane and Artho, and more reliable than Artho and Lmapropoulo. Also our midfield is still stacked, so I'd rather have JOhanson in helping than have to bench Simoes or Zoukouloini in the high profile matches. Simoes is much more important in a defensive mid role than Johanson is in a right mid role, it might not show to the naked eye but the work that Simoes does covering our asses on defense behind the midfield is VITAL. 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Prob a fair result at the end. We had many players out and for a little while thought it was over but then we just kept coming and coming! Telika Bakasetas got the equaliser with a very good header

Bakakis & Galo prob our two best 

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