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Starting 11 and Formation

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I saw a topic like this in the PAO forum and thought it was a good idea so I stole it lol.

What do you guys think should be our starting 11 this year and what formation? We have a lot of depth so I believe we can play with a few different formations.

The first formation is the 4-2-3-1 which Dellas seems to prefer, with our roster as is if start:


Bakakis Arzo Kolovetsios Soiledis

Johanson Simoes

Aravidis Mantalos Vargas


This is the normal formation the Dellas likes to use but with the lack of wingers we should look to try something new until we sign someone. In any of the formations I offer we can't go wrong with Galo or Bakakis as they are both great right backs.

Second formation is the 4-3-3 which Dellas has been trying in practice:


Galo Arzo Kolovetsios Soiledis

Simoes Johanson Cordero

Aravidis Djebour Mantalos

I'm not sure how well Mantalos would do on the wing but that 3 man midfield would be a joy to watch when they are all on form.

And the third formation is something that Dellas hasn't tested in practice but I think would work well for us is a 4-1-2-1-2 or a 4-4-2 with a "romvo" in the middle:


Bakakis Arzo Kolovetsios Soiledis


Simoes Cordero


Aravidis Djebour

I think this would work out great for us as we have great central midfielders but very few wingers. A goal scoring striker like Djebour that doesn't have the legs anymore to pressure the opponent for 90 minutes would benefit greatly by playing next to a workhorse like Aravidis, they'd cause a lot of issues for any defense. For this formation the two wing backs would need to be able deliver in great crosses so maybe Galo gets the nod over Bakakis in this formation.

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Id rather play Galo at LB if we are going to need great crosses for that formation as Soiledis cant cross a finish line.


I like all 3 formations, not sure if Vargas will not be used as much tho tbh, think he will be key for us.


I lie the first one the most how and ever. The 2nd one will be handy when we are looking to hold out for the lead. And then the 3rd when we are going all out to get the goal.

Edited by Dikefale11
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That first line up is solid, but without Mandalos there right now someone else must come in


I also think Tzane will be there also in the defence.


But main thing is we have depth and Dellas has options this season.


Early to say but what's your prediction on where we will finish?


Im saying 3rd right now would love to say we can be champions but gavri haven't made any signings as yet which is strange and PAO do have a good roster also.


If we show consistency and win those tricky away games we can achieve anything. Need to win our first 3 games to lift confidence as things get tricky from round 6-9 from memory

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Almost impossible to tell where we will finish, after 1 friendly. Top 3 for sure tho should be our aim, not that it makes a difference from 2-5th as all teams qualify for the stupid play-offs.


Interesting to see who starts as our CB's. Tzane, Kolo where immense last season, Arzo wont be able to just walk into the 11ada easily.

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I think Arzo will because of his experience and the leadership he can offer the younger boys. That's my opinion anyway


As for where we finish I did say prediction, not going off one game but we have pretty much signed the players we want, maybe add another 2 or so, so with the current roster we have is what I mean by predicting where we will finish...


I agree on the dumb playoff system though, it just tells all team who know they cant win the league to just finish top 5 then go all out in the playoffs, it defeats the purpose of the other teams who fight it out and finish high on the table, then have to try back it up in the playoffs, biggest m*****a iv seen

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The CL spot must be a priority for us, which bring also bring in more $$$ and allow us to attract some what bigger names than we currently have.


I have high hopes this team can do well this season, people are writing us off saying we just got promoted but they fail to understand the culture and never say die attitude that has been built within this team now and so long as the new boys gel, we can achieve a lot!!!


My only worry is we need to be consistent, we have shown it in the lower divisions but its very important we continue it in the SL and I'm sure Dellas is aware of that. We don't want to be beating bigger teams than going to lower teams and losing or drawing, we need to get maximum points off the lower teams away from home especially.


Another 2 - 3 players would also help us, surely they're also looking at this.


Big season ahead cant wait!!!!

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I think this team will finish between 3rd after the regular season, and make sure he wlne then wins the playoffs to qualify for the champions league qualifiers.!the two or three signings we WILL make us will make is the facorites to win the super league.

Lol, posting after a night out, classic.

So I guess I was trying to say that we will finishing 3rd in the regular season, and then win the playoffs and at champions league qualifiers. We have great depth and less games than our competition so we are in good shape. We will make two more signings at least, and they can possibly put the team to another level and make us a serious league contender.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Barbosa will very much be in the starting 11 for the time being and depending on his form whilst Mantalos is out. Once he returns, once again depending on his form, Vargas may fill his position, depending on his form also. 


But as things stand he will be starting on the left wing.

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Think Dellas will go with the 4-2-3-1 formation.




      Galo   Arzo  Tzane   Soile


             Johanssen Simeos


      Aravidis      Vargas        Barbosa





Mandalos and Bakakis I wont put in as they are injured right now and no use in having them in the team. I have Tzane there at CB but Kolovetsios can also play there. Depends on the opposition.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been thinking about how we can possibly fit Mantalos, Diego, and Vargas into the same starting eleven and have them all play in a more control position and there's only one way to do it: play a 4-4-2 with a diamond in the middle.







This is literally the only possible way to do it and have them all play in a central area.

Why it might work:

Mantalos has played as an 8ari before at Xanthi and I think he can do well for us there since he will have Simoes next to him to be more defensive and Johanson behind him cleaning up.

Vargas seems to be way way way more useful behind the strikers than anywhere else on the field, he's a very skillful player but his stamina so far is a major concern, we need his ability.

Up top, Diego would be playing as a second striker a little behind Aravidis in a more "free" role, back when Manolo Jimenez was our coach he used this formation in a 4-0 destruction of PAOK and he used Scocco in that second striker position and it was arguably his second best game with AEK ever. Diego and Scocco have a lot of similarities so he should have the same impact. Aravidis of course would be more forward and hopefully finishing off chances created by the three behind him.

Why it might not work:

The defense, primarily the wing back positions. In Toumpa we saw Dellas use a 4-3-3 formation that left us with no wingers at all. As a result only Galo and Soiledis offered width when we attacked, and when we were on defense they had no cover from the wings that usually Platellas and Barbosa offer. Soiledis well we all know is a tragic defender but even Galo was exposed. Didac should do better than Soiledis did with no cover but Galo being exposed was an issue.

With Johanson being severely out of form the last two games, our Centerbacks have faced more and more attacks and haven't been great. The first two games of the year Johanson was a pit bull, he cut out everything and transitioned the ball well to attack. We faced 0 clear chances in those games. The last two however, Johanson has been pretty poor, especially in Toumba. Against Pas, he didn't close down on the goal scorer and he scored the long range shot. Against PAOK, he was eaten alive, we faced 15 clear cut scoring opportunities and the inexperience from Tzanetopoulos and Kolovetsios showed, they made many mistakes because of the nerves I believe. If it wasn't for Baroja we would have lost 6-1.

I don't think we can possibly start all 3 at once, it would be extremely risky. What do you guys think?

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I think we need to find an unimportant game, like a friendly or against an out of form opponent and test the 4-4-2 diamond. We actually have a good record with that formation unlike the 4-3-3. Personally I think its way better than 4-3-3. The problem with 4-3-3 wasn't just the lack of wide options and cover on the wings but the lack of offense going forward. Anakoglou was supposed to be the creative player linking the offense with the defense but he was overwhelmed, leaving Simoes as the only one at least attempting to make moves forward. The biggest problem is that we went in so defensively oriented and so dependent on a counter attack that when we actually got the ball we didnt know what to do with it. 


4-4-2 might actually work because Simoes has experience playing wide on the right so I think he can help cover Galo since we have more attacking options on the field. Up front it would be perfect as you are right Diego is a Scocco type player who would not only deliver in that position but he would help Aravidi too, and this would ease the headache we face at times in the CF position. 



However the formation does have its drawbacks too. The drawbacks being that I feel Mandalo's attacking abilities would be somewhat wasted as he would not only worry about moving farther up the field than usual but would also have to worry about coming back to cover on the wing. In essence, in this position he would become a role player, and I think Mandalo is more of a leader on this team. Another drawback is that in the event that they are on an off day you've made your bench thin by putting all our options out at once. Vargas will run out of steam by the 65th minute and Diego might as well. So I guess we'd have to wait till Cordero and Mandalo are fully in form so that Cordero can come in and let Mandalo move up in Vargas' place.


Or maybe that could be a better starting line up and then bring Vargas in, in the second half for that burst of energy and creativity. 












We can also play a flat 4-4-2 , that would provide help on the wings as well. I've seen Simoes' old games and he can play on the wing so I don't think he'd have a problem being Left Mid in a more wide position to be able to cover Galo as well. Barbosa helps add creativity, and he also comes back on defense. 












What I would personally prefer is if we stuck with 4-2-3-1, and if we can't create offensively we switch to 4-1-3-2 in the second half by taking out which ever DM is less effective and throwing in a midfielder. So we can start like this:















and then by the end of the game switch to this by subbing Simoes or Johanson for Barbosa.....and Platella for Vargas. 










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Playing without wings will kill us as shown in the PAOK game. In the end, there really is no way to play all of our 3 "deKari" players on the field at the same time without opening up gaping holes in our formation.

I also thing our back line is quickly showing their inexperience and bad positioning. While I am not watching daily practices, I think didac and arzo should get some time to prove themselves. One thing they do have going is experience.

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  • 1 month later...

Honestly, Im not too crazy about this line-up especially because it excludes our most in form player- Barbosa. It also excludes Galo who has been very good.

If were going to plat a rombo id much rather see a 4-1-4-1 rombo:









Mandalo and Barbosa can alternate throughout the game, same goes for Simoes and Galo when Galo is in.

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This is what I believe to be our cureent best starting 11.

A solid back 4, providing Arzo is good.

A solid trio in midfiled consisting of a player who can cut off opponents (Johansson), an all rounder in Simoes and a creative magician in Mandalo.

2 actualy wingers, who have naturally been made and created for their sole purpose to play on the wings in Platellas and Barbosa.

And a proven striker in Djebbour. Weither he is up for it or not is another question.

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Honestly, Im not too crazy about this line-up especially because it excludes our most in form player- Barbosa. It also excludes Galo who has been very good.

If were going to plat a rombo id much rather see a 4-1-4-1 rombo:









Mandalo and Barbosa can alternate throughout the game, same goes for Simoes and Galo when Galo is in.

I like this lineup also, we need a change and a way to fit all our good players in. Barboda is a must start right now, and we need to get Cordero and Buononotte more involved.

Btw looks like Vargas will be suspended for around 3 games, and when he returns from Venezuela he will be punished by PAE in some way.

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