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17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with Tsipras signing/accepting the new deal?

    • Yes, it was the best option available
    • No, he campaigned against such deal and his referendum was a rejection of such
    • Undecided. Confused. Disgusted.
    • Who the hell knows? Everything in Greece is up to loose interpretation

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This elections are going exactly like the ones in january. All the propaganda pro-ND polls from the tv channels are making propaganda showing Syriza and ND are equal. Tsipras will get less then in january becaise of Lafazanis joke new party but will still win by more then 5% difference. Golden Dawn will become bigger this is the best time for them because of the refugee crisis they will become as big as they actually can.

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This elections are going exactly like the ones in january. All the propaganda pro-ND polls from the tv channels are making propaganda showing Syriza and ND are equal. Tsipras will get less then in january becaise of Lafazanis joke new party but will still win by more then 5% difference. Golden Dawn will become bigger this is the best time for them because of the refugee crisis they will become as big as they actually can.


So I was right, again.


I am right, because I know what's going on in Greece, you people are wrong cause you don't have a clue.


Bye :)



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This is one was a weird election. It was clear to all that no matter who won certain policies would take place. No choosing a new directions or anything. Voters know Tsipras lied and wasted precious time while costing the country some $20 billion. But, in the absence of an alternative, they voted for him again hoping he may do some domestic reforms on the margins.


I think people are tired of traditional political parties and their long-serving politicians.  I also think in the absence of any credible alternative, Tsipras was the only one standing.


But, what Greeks really want is another story. The left, center, and right in Greece have been statist, advocating for a large public sector, special privileges to all sorts of interest groups, etc.


It's an interesting split personality phenomenon: blaming/hating the state (gov) but also expecting it to solve everyone's problems, all of them. The political parties play on this stage....

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I also think those who work in the public sector and the parents of those who work in the public sector all voted Syriza for family job security. Remember, Tsipras only garnered just under 2 million votes this election. Everyone else had no idea who to vote for. 


I haven't seen the demographic data of this election yet. Those who want state jobs voted for Syriza (or any other gov party) want this to continue, but this has to change as it's been one of the causes of Greece's problems and since the Europeans demand that the Greek public sector shrinks considerably. I don't know what Syriza will do since Tsipras signed the new deal and personally promised to implement such reforms in order to get the latest bailout.


This gov has 155 out of 300 but I believe there are still people within the majority coalition that will not agree to the tough measures that must be taken according to the memorandum.

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