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Corruption In The Greek Sl


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The whole of Greek football has no shame there should be a year ban on all the teams, every team in Greek football and I'm including Olympiakos is a disgrace! The behaviour of the fans is disgusting! And the rest of you in here who agree with the violence and agree with what the fans did tonight! IS NOT A FAN OF FOOTBALL!!!

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Don't think anyone is saying its good what happened tonight but everytime Oly is involved s%$#! goes down, but its always the fault of others isn't it?


Instead of the media speaking the truth on what really happened and letting everyone know this ref is a corrupt piece of s%$#! they focus on what the fans did

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You have to ask the question as to why Olympiakos benefit from the favourable calls as you say? And why there seems to be all this finger pointing to only one team? I believe that all the teams are corrupt! and ok let's say they relegate Olympiakos........do you think anything will change? I say uefa ban Greek teams from European competition for a few years!

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That was a penalty but what I don't understand is, even if PAOK scored the penalty Olympiakos would still be in clear command going back to Kareskaki tied at 2, so why not give the penalty?




Perhaps because he knew Mak would flip out and draw at least a second yellow? ;)



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The Greek League will never fully be clean there will always be something shonky on the side happening BUT one thing is certain, it wouldn't be the way it is now if people like fatF*** weren't involved. The guy has the best team in the league, the most money, the biggest budget yet he still needs refs to help him get results, xeftila of a human being

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The Greek League will never fully be clean there will always be something shonky on the side happening BUT one thing is certain, it wouldn't be the way it is now if people like fatF*** weren't involved. The guy has the best team in the league, the most money, the biggest budget yet he still needs refs to help him get results, xeftila of a human being

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Amorgos the whole of Greek football is corrupt!!!!! We won a bloody European cup in 2004 and nothing bloody happened!!! The f'n epo took all the money instead of reinvesting in the Greek league!!!! You have all these rich owners looking for handouts instead of investing in there teams!!!! AEK has a chairman who is worth 3 billion dollars and he won't even build a stadium for his team! You have refs who probably are not getting paid so they are blackmailed into taking handouts

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Firstly I would like to say thanks for recognising me as the champ! One day you will wake up and understand that you have been brainwashed into thinking aek is innocent in all this corruption business that has plagued Greek football! It's time that you change your thinking broski! And don't worry I forgive you

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i dont know what is a bigger outrage

the games being conpromised by the fat slob

or this inbercile getting hit with water at toumba simera

a hit on his back with water and he grabs his head ????????????????????????????????

then 5 mins later he grabs back like someone hit him with a 10 foot pole

where are all the gavri ? when we won in faliro

0-3 you were saying anastasiou was acting when that coffee cup with the kouti hit him in the face

this guy should get an oscar


Edited by Spirtto13
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Won't find a clearer penalty and surprise surprise look at the team involved.


It was not really that clear, first it's hard to tell whether or not Kapino makes contact with the ball, also Mak appears to have handled the ball at about the same time that the keeper makes contact with him.

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noone is right

everyone likes to put their team above every circumstance

lets agree that this farcical parody will not change

this forum will end up a ghost town soon

if nothing changes

dont see point in loving and supporting our teams and discussing when 20 yrs the same smell continues

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