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Mid-Year Report Card


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I figured since it was Christmas and half-way through the season that we should grade our team on an individual basis. Please tell me if you agree/disagree and all that… ;)


Nikopolidis: 9.5/10- Only thing that would prevent it from being a 10 is his rough game at Old Trafford and his lack of fitness that followed for a couple of weeks. Other than that he has been a stalwart and the same old star. Doing outstanding for the Ethniki too, especially in the Portugal game(Xriste mou!).

Chalkias: 8/10- Great when we called on him in the AEK game, esp. when he saved that PK towards the end. Hasn't had too much to do though since he's come back to Leoforo.

Kotsolis: N/A- Unfortunately I don't think he's played a minute. Maybe he has in the Greek Cup but he's being wasted and I really hope he gets a loan deal in January.

Dzorvas: N/A- Don't know a thing about him...


Kyrgiakos- 7/10- Would probably be higher but he's been out so it's hard to judge because of the injury.

Henriksen- 8/10- Started off slow but has been solid.

Morris- 7.5/10- Inconsistent occasionally but has shown passion and works his ass off for a small guy like him. Has a future for sure and is on the right track I think.

Seitaridis- 10/10- One of the few who is playing at the very very top of his game this year. He's everywhere and works his butt off. But that's why we love him...God I hope he stays...

Goumas- 7/10 - Not bad when we've needed him. Especially recently he's been getting close to his old form when he was the rock of our defense before the Kyrgiakos days...

Munch- 8/10- He's been amazing in recent weeks but I didn't grade him higher because he didn't play much at all first 1/4 of the season...Dependable and hard-working.

Fyssas-8.5/10- Passionate, hard-working as usual but at times made some blunders and would get caught upfield on the counterattacks…I wish him the best at Benfica and I’m really going to miss him…


Basinas- 8.5/10- Injured for part of the campaign so far and was for the most part was played in unfamiliar places so I can't blame him for not being his usual 9 or 10. But if it weren't for his recent performances including the golara at Ibrox and the hattrick last week he would probably have been an 8. He'll be 9/9.5 in June though I guarantee...

Michaelsen- 8/10- Works his ass off day-in, day-out. It's good that we didn't lose him over the summer. Hopefully he stays healthy.

Zutautas-6.5/10 - Shite at times then decent. Can score from long distances as he showed us against OFI and Rangers. I don't think he should leave yet but he definetely shouldn't be starting.

Sanmartean-7/10- Started of brilliantly and looked to be our new golden-boy but disappears in Champions League and important games. He's good only for the minnow games for now but still has a future for sure.

Epalle- 6/10- Shite for the whole season except for December. Unbelieveable at Ibrox and last week. His flip after the goal was bitter-sweet…

Sapanis- 6/10- I'd give him better for the last couple weeks but that's all he's done: play in 2 or 3 games so it’s hard to judge him.

Konstandinidis- 4/10- He’s been in bad form this year and I’m normally not one to criticize him. I defended him earlier this season but now I’ve given up on him. Only real accomplishment was the injury-time Rangers goal at Leoforo.

Gittas- 0/10- I gave him a grade because he came on last week for 5 minutes…:lol:

Maric-3/10-Saved the worst for last…A goal or two to his credit, but for all the time he’s getting he’s pathetic. Get him outta here…


Konstantinou- 9.5/10-He’s worked his butt off every single game this year and is very close to his old form of two years ago. Has formed a great partnership with Papa and will only get better until June.

Papadopoulos-10/10- He’s been in inspiring form and nobody could have predicted him to be such a success coming from a 2nd division team and having been on the pine for most of the season. Leading the league in goals isn’t a bad feat for a youngster like him…Won’t be too long until he becomes commonplace on the Ethniki.

Olisadebe-N/A- Though he played a bit, wasn’t in real form and was gone during our first game in CL…hopfully gets back into form.

Vlaovic-7/10- Decent when needed him and even scored a few. Not bad for a sub I suppose.

Warzycha-N/A- More of leader off of the field now more than anything else. I think that when he retires that he will at one point or another become our manager.

-Alright, let the criticism begin... :D -

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i agree pretty much about everything excpet for maric...i would rate him alittle higher then svouras and i would give goumas at least an 8, he has been very good for us and is starting a little collection of goals like he use to....he needs to be used, because when he is used, he plays very solidly....some of the players that you rated lower, i think have been picking it up lately...ie epalle and zutautus...epalle is starting to come into form and though i hate to say it, zutautus has been playing well for us.....i think by the end of the season they will be higher... but overall, a good and accurate rating JCL....

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i agree with pao123 on the goumas rating, he has done his job when his been called upon.

Id also give zuta a lower rating, perhaps a 5.5 because hes just too inconsistent.

Also jcl....care to rate Shum!?

I would do so myself but i wouldnt know where to start.

Slow start to the season, heavily criticise, took him till late November to show us a PAO team play with cohesion and than all of December to show us his "attacking style" of soccer which has been received warmly by all.

Continues to bemuse us with his selection of zuta (?1 :tdown: ) but has done the hard work to gel young and old, new and current players together.

Did take him a while to find the right psychological edge at PAO when the media and us had turned on him, although i still doubt all PAO fans arent completely satisfied with him. I myself, admit he has won back some respect, not all, but i have to give him credit where credit is due (and thats basically the last month or so).

hmmmm..........6.5 - 7

jcl....feel free, it is ur mid year report...

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I think I'll edit Zuta from 6.5 to 6....Maric maybe a 5 (I was having a little fun with him. I know I exaggerated slightly)...And Goumas definetely the 8. You're right about him...I don't disagree about Epalle and Sapanis, but the fact that they haven't been playing much or been doing well for long keeps them where they are. Additionally, we can't tell if they will even be playing come June because of the new transfers...Let's hope for the best though...

As for the Shumster himself, I forgot him completely. I'd give the 6.5 because of the poor start and aweful PR, but he saved himself in December...

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You're correct, but you know what I meant...He's still not out of the woods yet cus he still can't get all his positions right, but let's give him more kudos than Bajevic; afterall, we're only in second and halfway through the year. It can only go uphill... :tup:

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How about the team as a whole????? How would you rate it? I'd give it a 6, judging from the first game unitl now... I can't give it higher, because we got spanked by the good teams in the CL and we're 4 points behind gavroi.

"Almost" doesn't mean anything to me anymore after 7 years..... In the second round, we have to control our own fate, and not hope that other teams will do the damage to our rivals.

Anyway, I see that the team is improving and will continue to do so. I don't like Shoum as he is not the great coach we should have. And the rest of management are idiots.

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i agree with athinaios on the team ranking but i must admit that the team has picked up of late and only good can come when our players return from injuries n our new pick ups arive.... only thing i disagree with you all is the ranking of sapanis... i think his a 7/10, even though he hasnt played much his been showing good form of late n he deserves a 7.... rest of the rankings i agree but maybe you guys over reacted with Nikopolidis as well... ill give him an 8 not 9.5.... because to give a 9.5 means he had to play perfect jst about n that 5-0 to man u plus him being unfit really loses points... B)

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I do not like to rate players unless I see someone perform so well that deserves praise.

Seitaridis is the only one!

I love Agellos(Basinas), but he has under performed so far except at Ibrox :tup:

Papa gives me some hope too...

Antonis is always great (was Old Trafford a nightmare?) so no biggie.

Some new players have picked up their pace and some old ones are following that trend.

We still need to see how Manolis, Kyrgiakos, Giourkas will recover

Need Michaelsen to excel like HE CAN!

I dislike Scum and I hope he leaves

He has not done anything yet to prove his presence.

PAO needs a coach that will stay and develop a great team, Scum is not him and no one could do this in less than three years.

If PAO does not eliminate Auxaire this WILL be a bad season even if WE win the protathlima.


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i agree , these recent results have been promising , and hopefully instilled a lot of confidence in the players :D

its good to see fringe players like sapanis and goumas doing well , and scapegoats such as epalle and (to a lesser extent) zutautas finally showing their worth :rolleyes:

with manoli,sotiri,seitaridis returning from injury and (hopefully) capable reinforcements being shipped in , we will be a force to be reckoned with,not only in greece but also in europe

i disagree with u trifilli tho, i would be much happier if we could finally win the protathlima, as any other success would just be a bonus after the mess we've been thru

hopefully schum can prove us all wrong and actually achieve these goals

im keepin my fingers crossed :unsure:

PAO for the title!!!!!!!! :tup:

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lots of guys know that i speak the truth and am not bias like alot of the guys here.....

but the ratings some guys got are ridiculous......


the guys blows!!!!!!!!!!he played 1 good game, he is useless against decent competition, he would not make even an average team like aris!!

2. michaelson 8/10???

useless!!!!!!!!!!!!what does he do in big games, vs rangers it was guys like zutautus, epalle and sapanis!!! he is done and has nothing left

3. vlaovic 7/10

the guys has what 2 goals all year in all competitions?????he sucks and you CAN NOT GIVE SOMEBODY A 7 WHO DOES NOT PLAY, A 7 IS A GOOD MARK!!!


nikopolidis.....7.5/10.....has done good but has not been stealing games that we could have got better results..

chalkias.....6/10.....done a solid job as a back up, nothing over the top.

morris...7/10......started slow but looks like a great find, if continues could be great

goumas....5/10..average as usual, nothing bad, nothing good

seirtaridis...10/10...special player

munch...8/10....played great every game i have seen him in.

basinas...4/10...played awful this year!!the last 3 weeks he has been your best and looks as though he is back to his old self.

epalle.6/10...plays hard every game and by the end of the season will be 9/10!


zutautus..6/10...plays hard but lacks skill, good coming back to defend.

maric...3/10..waste of roster spot.

michaelson...4/10....nothing like the last 2 years, no attacking spirit!

sapanis..6.5/10...always one of the hardest workers, playing great right now!

konstantinou...9/10...best striker in greece by far!!!hard worker and good finisher!

papa..10/10...could have had 15 goals if he was healthy

vlaovic...3/10...does'nt play enough and when he does, is nothing special!!!

these are real rankings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Katse Nick keep your pants on...

Like pao123 said, Epalle a 6 and Basinas a 4??? He's played 2 good games all year, in December, and Basinas has been working hard and has been played wherever the hell Scum wants him to play. It ain't his fault. But 2 points lower than Joel??? Basinas is not only a great player, he is charismatic and even if he's not a 10 on the field, his leadership is 10 on and off the field...

Sanmartean a 2! I don't know if you were in a comma during the first two months of the season but if it weren't for Sanamartean we wouldn't be in second place. When the whole team seamed out of form, he was running rampant around opponents. He was running all over the place setting up players for goals and pulling nice moves. Just cus he sucks in CL doesn't mean he deserves a 2 pal. And Sapanis, same thing: 6.5 to Michaelsen's 4??? Sumthin wrong there. he's only played 2 games and suddenly he shoots up higher than a guy who works his ass off game in and game out. He scored a golara against PAOk but nooooo that merits a 4... Vlaovic gets a 3. Yes that really makes sense. He plays about 3 games and scores 2 goals but Epalle gets 1 goal in 2 games and gets 3 pts higher in your ratings...yes yes I see it now... :huh: And GOUMAS A 5!!! I'm sorry but to be a starter (which hasn't done in 2 years), do well in CL esp in Glasgow like he did and gather up a few goals like he has does not merit a shallow 5. Especially at his age. He's been consistent and has let his playing do the talking...must've done all that during your comma though... :whistle:

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Alexo, I was thinking that I would denounce him a gavro but you did a good enough job...Maybe he'd like me to rate his team's European performance??? It's equal to the number of honestly won championships his team has won in the last 10 years... 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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you guys are all retards who think that you all know it all!!!!!!!!!

basinas has had the worst season of his career and you guys are giving him good marks??????

you guys are all just idiots and you can not just admit that your team has stunk this year!!!!!!!!!!

if all your players deserve such good ratings then why did your clubs supporters striker from going to games.........

open your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yea, so Basinas is having the worst season of his career. That's why he got an 8.5 and not the 10 that he would always get...what's your point? :huh:

you guys are all just idiots and you can not just admit that your team has stunk this year!!!!!!!!!!

Wouldn't be talkin' Nicholino mou if I were you...cough cough Juventus... :whistle:

if all your players deserve such good ratings then why did your clubs supporters striker from going to games.........

That's cus we wanted to stay home and watch Olympiakos obliterate its European competition. But since that failed we're all going back to the games now and the team is doing quite well....all is back to normal... ;)

Hey Niko,

open your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Since we are in the ratings game lets give the

gauro owners team of Koskota/ kokali ...

a rating of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000... or 10 to the nth power!

The amount of e (euros) needed to buy their way out of prison, EPO, refs, politicians!

I feel sorry for gauros... those cheap Eurobastards at Uefa would not cooperate like the local boys do!

Hence 7... at home and... 7-0 at Turin

But life is sweet for everyone because gauros "does not care" about Europe!?

Our little friends are full of domestic "MASA" and could not...take any more!!!

High ratings are fun and in this HAPPY NEW 2004 I am in a GIVING mood!!! :la:

PAO players have done very little so far to deserve good ratings as a whole!

One great 1-3 at Ibrox is all they can claim

Basinas "bad" form is more due to Scum and the inability of the midfielders to complement his game.

Seitaridis IS the BEST GREEK player at the moment

Antonis had one bad game at Manchester

PAPA is a pleasent surprise from all the ... signings

Konstantinou is better than last year...

That's all folks

PEACE in 2004

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