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Psomiadis brought to Justice...


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At last some move towards the right direction against the man who got a jail release for lung problems and apeared to the press with a cigar in him mouth just to show how rotten and insufficient our system is!

This is a man who added the last straw to break the camels back and bring AEK to the brink of extinction!

And UNLIKE other fans around the world AEK fans showed how much they disliked him and his tacktics even when AEK was getting historic results unders his reign, just to show how much the people who support this team are people who appreciate the Greek Word "

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It was about time that something actually happened to this "man".I still can not understand how they allow to a criminal/nonos like him to become the president of AEK??? :blink:

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i think pao fans show how much they dislike tzigger too no matter how much success they have had in recent years in europe.

AEK did "very good in Europe" under Psomiadis and noone liked him because he is rotten to the bone...

you guys think Vardinoyiannis is not "able" to run the club...

its a different issue...

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First we have PAOK04 go nuts over the the refereeing during the Oly-PAOK game... then Ziaka backs him. Now Irlandos has lost his mind too! Is it possible that I am becoming the most moderate poster here? :LOL:

Dude....i know you're only joking but in all honesty Psomiades needs to be put away forever.

First for contributing to the destruction of AEK :angry:

And second, for undermining the Greek justice system with his bullshit medical condition and then walking out of prison with a big cigar in his mouth.

Agapoula mou, p****** tha se kanoune stin filaki!!!

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And second, for undermining the Greek justice system with his bullshit medical condition and then walking out of prison with a big cigar in his mouth. 

Agapoula mou, p****** tha se kanoune stin filaki!!!

let's face it, despite greece being an eu nation, we know how things work (law & powerful people) in the souvlaki republic (my spin on south-american banana republics) of greece.

in the souvlaki republic - psomiadi will probably have a nice villa as his 'keli', a cook, cuban cigars flown in and female 'company'. let's see if the law is more powerful than a full 'fakelaki'.

The same things happen everywhere, its just that in the more developed and bigger countries the people are more blinkered and the authorities are better at covering up their s%$#!!

@ City1924, I don't know too much about domestic law in Greece but can't he be prosecuted and an investigation carried out now that photo has come out?

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