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Everything posted by pash

  1. I wouldn't count either of those as problems. Those are pretty close to ideal, apart from Vitor's absence.
  2. Blackhawk has a flair for the dramatic. He's incorrigible.
  3. ^ George Tsoukalos is this amazing combination of incredibly embarrassing and wonderfully impressive. But mostly embarrassing.
  4. Correct. Final match is not meaningless for us. A draw or loss will put us an additional point behind.
  5. Surely there's some sort of rule that will result in our team getting even more punishment for excessive on-field violence, if we get to the point where we get 5 red cards? Unless we just go for handballs all day.
  6. They do mention that in the video. It's not surprising, he was in trouble just last year for this. Messi is definitely a cheat, it's only his popularity that has kept him out of jail.
  7. A short film about the creation of the Panama papers. They spend a good amount of time with the sole reporter in Iceland who broke their portion of the story (including the now-infamous interview with their now-former PM). Hopefully the next vid shows us how Messi is a tax cheat.
  8. Good for both of them. Get paid some serious cash to play in easy leagues. Opens up space + cash for us to invest further. Assuming that would actually happen.
  9. An injury from what?!?! I bet he's just pushing to get sold.
  10. It's been done before. I think there was a thread about this in one of the other subforums (regarding entirely merged leagues) - the Cypriot teams don't have the money or fan base to be competitive, and will eventually find themselves pushed out to the second division. Let them have their own league.
  11. pash

    NT Coaches

    1789, I'm running out of space on my body to tattoo your elegant prose
  12. Some of ours smell better than others, though
  13. Maniatis is hot smelly garbage. Sifakis, not a bad GK. Probably deserving of being the backup, assuming he's playing (which it seems he rarely does).
  14. Pretty sure it was recorded as a 0-3 loss for us, since it was abandoned.
  15. Of course they'd get clobbered. So what? Or, if we MUST send non-children, put in the fringe players. Golasa, Malezas, Antonis, Sabo, Melissas, Skondras.
  16. Our boy's playing in that position again, in the away leg vs RM. They're currently down 2-0 with about a half hour to go, so it's going to take a huge effort to get through now. Good luck to him. -edit- well, no surprise how that ended, I guess. A pity.
  17. That's too bad. I still think we should send our U15s for the second leg.
  18. Ban, followed by no changes for X number of years, followed by Greece kowtowing.
  19. I'm guessing this is where it'll be revealed. Saw the link posted on twitter about an hour ago, and it doesn't seem anything's started yet.
  20. The mysterious Kushta is getting ready to come on too. -edit- for Rodrigues
  21. Rodrigues has been pretty poor today. Vitor, I'm liking a lot
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