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Everything posted by pash

  1. Actually, I mean that he might have the big job. I had heard a rumor a few months ago that it was already decided that he'd get to be head coach. If we really are already buying/selling players, then them already having chosen someone makes me feel a bit better.
  2. If he's taking Ivic's job, I think that gives us an idea of where Ivic is heading...
  3. pash


    Their owner is Canadian. Nothing good ever comes from Canada.
  4. My thoughts exactly. This hits PAO harder than it hits us. Even if we also lose our domestic internationals.
  5. Doesn't sound like we're exhausted. More that Panionios is too rested. I say we play them and hope they get cramps. That said, I also maintain that we have the better team. As long as the players show up, we should be able to do it.
  6. He's much, much better. Pairs very well with Cimirot as well.
  7. According to Ivic, Rodrigues requested a sub due to fatigue. Hopefully he's not covering for an injury. Our next match is away vs Panionios on Wednesday, who we should be able to beat. If we do, we'll be in a very strong position. As it stands, we will have some missing players: Kace, Tziolis - cards Jairo - injured If I had to choose some players to be unavailable, those three would have been it anyway. I think for the next few games, this might be our most functional team, too. --Glykos-- --Kitsiou--Malezas--Tzavellas--Leovac-- --Cimirot--Charisis-- --Rodrigues--Mistakidis--Mak-- --Klaus-- If Rodrigues ends up actually hurt, or Mak tries some m*****es, no reason Pelkas and Korovesis can't take their places as wingers. I'd like to see Mistakidis start in the middle for once, too.
  8. And that's game. Thank God PAO got intimidated by their own numerical advantage. My guess is that Rodrigues will be injured for a while too. I like that he and Jairo always hurt themselves at the same time; there's a nice symmetry to that.
  9. Four more minutes guys, a point would be great out of this match.
  10. Yellow to Tzavellas, I'm guessing for mouthing off like the idiot that he is
  11. Yellow to Tavlaridis for a stupid tackle on Klaus
  12. Mistakidis bleeding (head-to-chin action), getting wrapped up. This is the second time this season that we've seen him looking like Frankenstein's Monster.
  13. Mistakidis preparing to come on. In for Rodrigues, who was calling for a sub.
  14. Skondras in for Jairo. Unreal. -edit- I'm guessing Skondras will take RB, and Kitsiou will move up as RW.
  15. Jairo gets hurt seemingly as often as Konstantinidis
  16. Very dangerous position, hopefully Glykos gets this
  17. Malezas gets taken down by Leto. As the commentator says, every goddamn play results in an overly physical foul.
  18. Maybe when both teams are down to 9 men, it'll be more even.
  19. A well-deserved card for Koutroubis. Very similar to the Tziolis tackle.
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