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Everything posted by pash

  1. Agreed. Another try by Rodrigues, but that was never going in
  2. That's halftime, we nearly went down a goal. The changes we need to make are obvious. Pereyra, Mistakidis, and Biseswar in ASAP
  3. Maybe Cimirot should take Klaus's place...
  4. Superleague streams age like people - they get slower and slower, then they die.
  5. pash

    PAOK - AEK

    On the plus side, you have nothing to fear from our right wing...
  6. For sure. Shocking decision, considering past results and performances...
  7. Probably for the best, considering the lineup: --Glykos-- --Matos--Crespo--Malezas--Leovac-- --Canas--Cimirot-- --Campos--Shakhov--Rodrigues-- --Klaus--
  8. Perhaps if Campos gets over his psychological issues, or is replaced, this will improve. Maybe starting him in cup games will give him that confidence. Biseswar - who seems to have been a good transfer - can only help in this regard.
  9. Tzavellas + Pelkas not fit for the match. Below are the 19 called up: Glykos, Brkic, Matos, Kitsiou, Crespo, Varela, Malezas, Leovac, Canas, Charisis, Shakhov, Cimirot, Bisesvar, Mistakidis, Thiam, Campos, Rodrigues, Pereyra, Klaus -edit- for spelling mistakes :( :( :( :(
  10. Perhaps he would. If Skibbe is going to pare down his choices, why would he choose someone who he hasn't trusted up until this point? Ninis' hope would be to replace one of the many that's there, not hope he somehow leapfrogs like three or four guys who have been getting call ups. It's not like he can't try out a bunch of people - he calls up like three LBs and six CBs each game, after all.
  11. I think you're going to have to help me "work it out," Amorgiggles. If the coach chooses fewer offensive players, then he's going to choose only the better ones. Ninis isn't even on the fringe at this point. Does Skibbe even know who he is?
  12. Karelis works well with Mitroglou, if Skibbe wants us to come out fighting (which is not a sure thing), then he's an obvious choice to link up with him. Back in the day, you could have said the same thing about the Ninis-Mitroglou partnership, as well.
  13. So by picking fewer offensive players, Ninis will get more of a chance??
  14. Seems that Matheus guy pocketed his Chinese checks and is now bouncing. It would be a real shame if we make him an offer during the next window. http://inpaok.com/325423
  15. Seems like he might get the start after all. Would be a good sign, and show that Ivic is paying attention to Campos's performances: “Ο Μυστακίδης είναι παίκτης που υπολογίζουμε. Στο ημίχρονο ένιωσε κάποιες ζαλάδες από ένα χτύπημα. Για αυτό τον έκανα αλλαγή, μπορεί να είναι βασικός στο ντέρμπι με την ΑΕΚ”.
  16. Will he? And even if he is, will Ivic risk playing a guy who hasn't played in a month?
  17. For me, this is the ideal lineup: --Glykos-- --Matos--Varela--Malezas--Leovac-- --Canas--Cimirot-- --Mistakidis--Biseswar--Rodrigues-- --Pereyra-- I'm certain we won't see this...but a guy can hope.
  18. Close one, good thing Brkic's reflexes aren't shot from all that bench time
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