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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Shakhov is on around 600K.  If the club has plans to sign someone better, then we should let him go.  If we would only replace him with someone of similar quality, I don't see the sense in letting him go.  Same goes for Canas.  Naturally, this all depends on if the player(s) want to stay and if wages can be paid that satisfy both parties.  It could be Shakhov wants more game time, which can't be promised.  He has proven himself more than capable and I would be loathe to let him go.

    Charisis, Kace are not good enough for this PAOK team anymore.  Lubos changed the quality and calibre of player brought into the squad.  To be fair maybe he's become a better player for playing in Belgium.  We will see at pre-season but I would be very surprised if he makes the cut.  As for Moulin, I've never seen him play.  Why did we even sign him ?  He wasn't even a free transfer and we paid over a million for him.

    Anyway, according to a reporter, we're signing 8 players shortly.  Go to 1 hour, 42 minutes in the video.  This "reporter" must have good sources.


  2. Would the VAR be done by Greek officials ?  If so, I’d rather there is no VAR.  I don’t see the sense in using the Cup Final as the first trial run.  Better to begin using it at the start of a season.  Having said that we have all seen some horrible VAR decisions that seem to defeat the purpose of its intention which is to stop obviously horrible errors.  Instead it’s being used to see if players are 1 millimetre offside or if a handball is a handball because a defenders arm is at certain angles when a ball was kicked into them at 100 mph.  The original impetus for it was the goal England scored in the World Cup, where the ball was like 1 foot inside the goal but it was so fast the referees missed it.  In this case, where it’s 100% clear, let VAR be involved.  Otherwise, it shouldn’t be invoked.

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  3. 20 hours ago, tantra129 said:

    i'll send you a snowball laced with tsipouro for your password

    The only way you’re getting the password is if you bring out your expensive liquor (I’m not talking about your top shelf stuff on display but rather the stuff you’ve got hidden away), and I sit in your igloo, smoking a cigar, drinking your liquor, while watching you and GrkCdn22 having a “discussion”.  For that, you can have the password.

  4. On 4/30/2019 at 7:12 PM, ukworm said:

    LOL - I see you haven't kept your promise... 

    On a serious note:

    Go to PAOK website and post your reply here what it reads under "Match Center" and "PAOK Academy".

    That speaks volumes about the mentality of this club: basically "now that we got lots of money, let's crush and wipe out all the others".

    Until that's removed my friend, no Aris (and Iraklis) fans should be congratulating you, and certainly I - AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE - won't be.

    Man o man, talk about stirring the hornets nest!  I was just trying to have a bit of laugh.

    Yes, you are correct, I couldn't keep my promise.  I waited, and I waited, and couldn't wait anymore.  You must be very stubborn!  Or maybe you were just busy with real life.

    Anyway, I am glad PAOK is no longer run by crooks like Batman and Goumenos.  Those were dark days and no team with history and passionate fans should suffer with scum like this.  Savvidis has been able to not only pay off our debt but also match our budget to be on par with Olympiakos, and the results are there for all to see.  It's unfortunate that football has become all about money, but that's the reality these days.  It's no coincidence that after Savvidis payed similar wages and transfers to Olympiakos we are at a similar overall level to them.

    Two more things.  Firstly, Aris had a very good season all in all (ducks head while Yiankos throws something at me, he he) considering (a) they were just promoted and (b) replaced the manager half way through the season.  Of all the "big" teams you guys actually pushed us the hardest.  And that's the way derbies should be.  Second, it's good to see more Aris fans on the forum.  Good luck for next season (except against PAOK where you must lose at least 4-0).

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    • Haha 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

    It's quite obvious that Rey is not liked by Lucescu and PAOK is not going to keep a player paying him 500K to sit on the bench. I see him being sold and/or loaned. With  Zivkovic coming in and Rey leaving we save 200K. We save another 500K by finally getting rid of Glykos whose contract expires.

    The goalie roster for next season will be:

    Paschalakis (450K), Zivkovic (300K), Melisas (100K)

    That's a bit harsh man about Glykos.  Harsh, I tells ya!  Wasn't he MVP last season ?  The injury killed him.  If it wasn't for that it's highly likely he would've been our first choice GK.  If he was willing to stay on a much lower wage (I know it's highly unlikely) I'd be happy for him to stay.

  6. Regarding Zivkovic, has he been signed ?  I can't see why the club would keep it a secret.  It seems to be an odd transfer on the surface *unless* the departure of Rey is expected

    I'm actually happy with the GK roster as is.  Paschalakis, Rey, Glykos.  If Rey and Glykos depart, I can see it now ... Paschalakis will get injured or a big money transfer will come in and we'll have Zivkovic and nothing else and then the club will be like "we need to sign a GK!!".  If Rey wants to stay and fight for his position I am happy for him to stay.  If Glykos wants to stay as 3rd backup (presumably at a lower salary) I am happy for him to stay.  Having said that, if they want to leave to play first team football, that's fair enough.

  7. It’s not an increased tax on retirees.  It’s reducing the unsustainable hand outs from the Howard era.  With the ageing population increasing, someone has to pay for it.  The other option is we get our kids to pay for it.  Worked out well for Greece.

    The gender stuff, agree, it does my head in.

    Climate change, I think we should at least be listening to the scientists.  If I have to choose between listening to a bunch of nerds who study weather or professional liars with vested interests (politicians) I’m inclined to believe the nerds.  They are just telling us what they measure.  Agree Labor’s costings aren’t worth much.  They are being cynical and trying to get the young vote.

    Give me a baseball bat for 5 minutes with the lot of them locked in a room, and that would be my definition of an awesome birthday present.

    N.B. Haven’t voted for a major party in 20 years.

  8. Walking disaster in what way ?  Sure he has the face of a fink and is is the sort of guy you wouldn’t want to be stuck with at a wedding table.  But which of Labor’s policies are worse than the Liberals.

    The major ones I know of (and I don’t follow it in detail are) :-

    1) removal of negative gearing for existing properties.  New properties can still be negatively geared.  The policy will also not be retrospective.  According to Labor this will make the system “fairer”.  According to Liberals this will destroy property values.  Both assessments are lies.  The truth is negative gearing in 90% of situations benefits very high income earners and they will just buy new properties instead of existing ones.

    2) something about franking credits with shares.  This will affect retirees with lots of shares (outside of superannuation).  I think this is what the Liberals referred to as “stealing your savings”.

    3) Adani mine.  Labor is highly likely to block this.  Liberals are doing everything in their power to rush it through and this is nothing but trying to winthe election now.  If the Barrier Reef gets polluted, we’ll worry about that later.  Adani, I’m neither for or against.  If it can be built without causing massive pollution and government handouts, I’m all right with it.  But when you basically ignore the reports from the experts and rush it throughout parliament, seriously it’s a joke.

  9. Oof, Morrison is a great leader.  I don’t see what you’re seeing.  Is he a better leader than Shorten ?  Probably.  But that isn’t hard to achieve.  Shorten is the last of what’s left of a party bereft of inspiration.  They’ve had zero policies of substance for years and their election strategy, when you break it down, is full on gutter trash lies.  Basically they’ve gone into full on fear strategy mode with outright lies, but hey, I don’t really expect better these days.

    Case in point, a huge billboard near my place has a picture of pensioners with the line “Labor will steal your savings”.  Um ok.

  10. Varela must be holding out for a big offer from another country.  He is probably hoping for a "Prijovic" type of contract to see out his career.  If he gets a big offer he's gone and now I think he's just waiting on his manager to come to him with offers.  What would be disappointing is if he left for only slightly above what we're offering.

    As for increasing our offer, how far should we go ?  The offer I believe is 1 million.  Make it 1.5 ?  Even then would he stay ?  And then you risk upsetting the rest of the team.  Is it fair for Varela to be on 1.5 when Crespo is on 600K ?

    I think we just have to wait.  If he stays, it simply means he couldn't get anything else.  In the meantime, I hope the club is scouting vigorously for the most likely scenario, which is he won't be with us next season.

    Very unfortunate as we all love his passion. 35 years MUDER - FUKER.

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  11. I don't think there is anything complicated about what happened with Klaus.  He was good enough when Savvidis came to the club, and then he hit a season where he really improved.  He was at a good age and so the club signed him on a good wage at a time when new players were coming in on higher wages.  And then the mystery happened i.e. his massive slump in form, never to be regained.

    I think it's harsh to say he doesn't love PAOK.  I'm sure if he could, he'd do anything in his power to have stayed at the team.  If there is one club he's loved, it's PAOK.  It's simply that, he just isn't anywhere near good enough for this PAOK team.

    Has he posted anything on his social media accounts ?  I don't really follow it so I don't know.  It would've been good to have him at the celebrations.  Maybe he's bitter ?  I don't know.  It is what it is.

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  12. For what it's worth, the term un-Australian is thrown around often in Australia.  For the most part, the populace just ignores it, seeing it for what it is.  Generally, it's used by the "conservative" media and in the case where Morrison used it, it was in a, for lack of a better term, red-neck part of Australia.  Politically and strategically it was an easy card for him to play.

  13. Regarding Oliveira, his buyout is 12 million.   But I’m reading we could also buy him for 6 million where Porto gets 50% of his rights.  Does this mean that if push came to shove and we put down the 6 million, Porto couldn’t stop the transfer ?  Obviously this wouldn’t be ideal but if it comes to it ...

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