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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Something is wrong with them, that's for sure.  It's not so much the score but the fact that they're regressing instead of improving.  Normally I'd say Donis is a certainty to be fired but not sure if Alafouzos wants to pay out his contract and pay for a new manager.

  2. Michel was hands down the best TD we had.  Brought in some great players.  He built the core of this team.  I think Arnesen might have been just as good but it’s not fair to compare them as they operated under different parameters.  Arnesen said he would bring in young players with potential and relatively cheap whereas Michel brought in older experienced players on much higher wages.

    Either way, I’m hoping by some miracle that Michel comes back as impossible as that seems.

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  3. Missing Mauricio and dare I say it Canas and Shakhov in the midfield.  Sure I know they had their deficiencies but at least Canas covered ground and Shakhov added some height and could (and did) win headers at set-pieces.  Shakhov also had that great knack of timing his runs into the box.  For the money we've paid for Esiti and what's his name they haven't exactly set the world on fire.  The only thing we seem to have got for the money paid, which is a positive, is decent ages.  Normally we sign "old" players whereas they haven't peaked yet.  Anyway, let's see what happens.  Lots of players in recent seasons started off slow.  As for Wernbloom, the only positive thing I can say about him is his transfer hasn't been as bad as Khacheridi.

  4. Does this Meliopoulos kid have a mental issue ?  He's contracted to make ~700K over the next 4 years (150K +15% increase per year) and I don't know what his backup plan was if football didn't work out, but I'm quite sure it won't be paying that much.

  5. Nice post Yiankos.  I would like to know, if you buy the games can you see them afterwards or is it just live ?  A little hard here in the land that does not exist to be waking at 3, 4, 5 am to watch games.  Also, wasn't the PAOK TV streaming service falling over constantly last season ?  Is it better now ?

  6. Ok so it’s early days but if these sorts of numbers for PAOK TV become the norm (one can hope) I wonder if this could replace or even exceed the amount offered by Nova.  Wouldn’t it be a beautiful irony if it’s so.  I suppose the key is advertising money but not really sure how much could be generated.

  7. 11 hours ago, hminkema said:

    Ad 1) I am not glad that Greek players turned out to be so childish that they would not even shake hands with the team they played against. Up until now, I did not know that some Greek (soccer players) were childish people, either for not shaking hands with their opponents, of for justifying that and being 'glad' about it. From now on, I know.

    Ad 2) Yes, I believe that, because there were three penalty-worthy transgressions made by Greek players. Your sad excuse is that they were only awarded because your Greek team is not more famous. If this would be a common Greek victim-like attitude (which I doubt), your Greek team is destined to remain second-class for a long time.


    1) I don’t think you used the word “Greek” enough.  Try some more.

    2) The majority of players on the team are not Greek.  Refer to Bosman for more clarification.

    3) More generalisations please.  They are most educational.

  8. @Blackhawk how much did (a) ERT originally offer (b) change their offer to and (c) NOVA offer ?  Why are we even dealing with NOVA ?  I thought we were going with ERT but I guess the election of a new prime minister made the difference.  Only in Greece.

    I wonder how much we will lose by going it alone.  Will the revenues collected cover the costs of broadcasting ?

  9. Shake their hands, pfft, what for.  I'm glad our players didn't shake their hands.  You can't win either way.  If we take it up the a-r-s-e like we did and you don't complain, you're a pussy.  If you complain, you're a sore loser.  It is sufficient for me that the players showed their anger to the referee, as it was justified.

    The only shaking of hands that should be done is by every Ajax player, staff and fan shaking the hand of the referee.  He *really* deserves it.  As for the 3 penalties, you can argue on the technicalities of each of them individually, but I ask this question first, do you really believe if the opponent was Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juve or Bayern that all 3 would have been awarded ?  And there is the problem with modern football.  And if you believe they would've been payed, then delusion is indeed your friend.

  10. Hmm, is this complaint to UEFA real ?  I hope so.  Not that it'll achieve anything in this instance ... it's not about that.  It's about next time around UEFA thinking ... "oh crap, those guys *really* got upset last time so maybe we should be a bit more careful with who we appoint".  Softly softly as they say.

    Overall the team can hold their head up knowing they gave it all.  That's all we ask.

    And what's this about a Dutch commentator ?  Did his feelings get hurt ?  If he was American I'd say he should go see a therapist.  Maybe he can smoke some weed instead.  A more fun alternative, and cheaper too.  Or do what we do in Australia, go to the pub and drink till you're blind drunk and then get into a fight.  Then the next day but the bloke you had a fight with a drink.  That's Oz therapy for ya.

  11. I thought at the start of this season we’d need 4 wingers with Lamprou being one of them.  Apparently not.  Not sure what more our coaches need to see to give him a go.

    Still if they’d rather slot Biseswar on the flanks then we have too many.  Personally I wouldn’t have bothered to sign Stoch who so far has been lack lustre.

  12. And the worst of the worst, when you have a final where both teams are from the same country.  Good lord what a joke.  Like I said, I hope the national associations realize what's happening and revolt.  I believe UEFA have foreseen this and I'm guessing this is why they're creating Europa League 2, which I don't mind as a concept per se, but it has a "let's throw them some crumbs" feel to it. 

    Funny thing is these "threats" by the G14 to make a break way league.  I couldn't care less.  But let's say they did it, how would their fans react ?  Go tell Liverpool fans there will never be a merseryside derby.  Sure that'll go down real well.

  13. The CL concept started off well.  I never really agreed with it but I could understand the concept of having groups, seedings and the like as it meant "big" games would be played a little more often.  Before when it was the European Cup it really was luck of the random draw with no seedings so in Round 1 you could have AC Milan vs Real Madrid for example.  The only thing that never felt "right" was having more than one team from the same country.  Sure mate, Liverpool 2 x European Champions in recent times ... but haven't won their own league.  A joke really.

    What it is now and has been for say the last 7 or so years is just an abomination.  I dislike everything about it.  I don't think I've watched a full game in 5 years.  Just don't find it interesting anymore.  Back in the day it actually was interesting because a team from Serbia might beat a team from Spain.  You really didn't know and that did actually make it interesting.

    I'm sure UEFA will say "but hey Bananas you're **SO WRONG**, just look at all the money made, it's proof this is the better way".  And maybe it is for UEFA, and the G14 clubs, and for the masses that actually enjoy watches the CL these days, but for me, nah, not interested.  4 teams from one country and zero from others, sure mate, that's real interesting.

    I hope (but don't expect) that all the National Football Leagues break away from UEFA if this is the case.  They should revolt, if they have half a brain, but like I say, I don't expect it.

  14. Agree with Blackhawk.  I think Henrique still had something to offer.  And I also agree that he was worth it just for that winning goal in the Cup!  I will add his assist to Prijovic against Olympiakos was also memorable.  On his day he could be very damaging to opponents.

    It’s a shame as he really seemed to want to play for the club, but yeah, we couldn’t just keep loaning him out each season.  It was gracious of Henrique to watch the team against Ajax and then say goodbye to the players afterwards.

  15. Well said @paokarag4 I agree with everything you said.  I’ve only seen the highlights but based on what little I saw we have reason to hope.

    I will add that football is a game of momentum.  You can come up with all the tactics and instructions you want but sometimes things just “click” and when they do you gotta try and make it count.  Even though Ajax are a better team we had them on the ropes for a good 35 minutes in the first half.  If we can get a spell like that in Amsterdam hopefully we can be clinical in our finishing ... and then ... you never know.

    Either way the performance, overall, was decent and we are still in the tie.

    Ferreira’s reaction or rather his attempt to not lose his s**t on the second goal (Matos is king) was priceless.

  16. Mak!  At his best he was tearing up the Greek league.  He's versatile and can play anywhere up front.  Those goals against Dortmund ... yeah man.  You'd think there would be "synergies" with Stoch from their NT games.  And he's at a good age (28).

    But at this stage I think it's just internet rumours.  There isn't room in the squad right now without dropping players or selling and let's face it his loan spell he was average at best, and poor often.

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