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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. It all depends on what Assange released to the public.  I don’t know specifically what he released.  But if it was say information about the Russians developing a new type of weapon, or of genocide, then he would be a hero.  But because a lot of the information seems to be about governments universally, well it’s hard enough to pick a fight with the government as it is, but to pick a fight will all governments, man that is ballsy, or stupid, depends on your point of view.

    He seems intelligent, but also unstable and delusional.  Did he really think he could get away with this ?

    The most disappointing part about this is the actions (or lack thereof) of the Australian government.  I am not surprised.  In fact I’d be surprised if they stood up to the U.S. and said he’d be prosecuted in Australia.  As for the Ecaudorian government, what can you say.  Shameful behaviour all for some pieces of silver.  Always the silver, always.

    I’m not saying he’s a good guy or didn’t break the law.  I’m simply saying neither is the government, so I’m not exactly on their side either.  I “get” what’s going on.  The government has to go for Assange, otherwise, others will follow.  Nothing new under the sun here.

  2. On 4/15/2019 at 9:11 PM, ukworm said:

    Με Χ, πρώτος θα ήταν, συμφωνώ. Αλλά με 6-1 (που ήταν το δίκαιο αποτέλεσμα βάσει εικόνας του αγώνα), θα ήταν 2ος. Και αν δεν έκανε και φιλικά αριστερά-δεξιά, ακόμα πιο εύκολα 2ος

    This idea that Olympiakos deserved to win 6-1, I have heard this over and over but I don't get it.  They played naive soccer.  If you watch the highlights they had 2 actual proper chances where they made space for the attacker to have a proper shot without defenders breathing down his neck.  One was Fortounis early in the 2nd half and another near the end of the game by Hasan which wasn't quite as good.  The golden opportunity was that by Fortounis.  All the rest was just them lobbing the ball into the box.  Yeah sure, go and do 25 crosses against PAOK.  Varela and Crespo will be loving you all day.  And pretty much all their chances there were PAOK players breathing down their necks and not giving space easily.

    I'm not saying Olympiakos didn't play better.  They played much better.  But if you said to me before the game, that was their tactic, against a PAOK team with Varela and Crespo, good luck buddy, you'll be lucky to get 1 goal today at most.  Even if that game was repeated, I don't believe Olympiakos playing that way could get more than 1 goal.  Which is about what they deserved.  You can't just lob the ball in all day like that and expect because we got the ball into the box 15 times, we should score 6 goals.  It was half chance after half chance.  And a lot of quarter chances.  Then the players look up at the heavens like they are unlucky.  When you play like that, it's not unlucky.  It's naive football.  It's hit it in and hope.  Like I said, good luck with that approach against Varela and Crespo.  They are more than happy for you to lob the ball in, instead of try to work it into the box.  It's lazy football because their wingers couldn't cut in or beat the full back to get behind the defence.

    There is a reason why PAOK hasn't conceded more than 1 goal in any games this year.  There is also a reason why the derbies went like this :-

    PAOK - AEK 2 : 0

    Olympiakos - PAOK 0 : 1

    PAOK - Panathinaikos 2 : 0

    Aris - PAOK 1 : 2

    AEK - PAOK 1 : 1 (another game where they did 100 crosses for 1 goal with us playing with 10 men for 60 minutes).

    PAOK - Olympiakos 3 : 1 (this if anything, could've been 6-1).

    Panathinaikos - PAOK 0 : 2

    PAOK - Aris 1 : 1

    To your credit, Aris actually gave us the best challenges this year in both games overall by far.

    Anyway, that's just my opinion.



  3. 4 minutes ago, DunfermlineAthleticPAOK said:

    I'm not sure how that would be received.. I would love to wear the kilt but i'm 50/50 about it due to unwanted attention and people thinking i look like an idiot haha

    Bagpipes? Genuinely, i would need a formal invite from Ivan and the leaders of the fan clubs before I would consider pulling off a stunt like that!! That would literally be a show stopper and probably not of the good kind as I'm sure no one would appreciate anything about it.

    Maybe so.  It's the sort of thing you would've needed to do a few times during the season, so that by now the fans and the city would know you and they'd say "Oh him ?  He's just that crazy Scottish guy".

  4. 16 teams is the perfect number for Greece.  30 rounds done and dusted like we have now.  If you go 14 teams, then by default there must be extra games, which is to say, for whatever reason the sports minister definitely wants play-offs of some kind.  There must be more to it than the sports minister wanting this.  Not being conspiratorial, just saying that he alone wouldn't be enough to push for and get this.  I'd be hiring a private investigator to check his swiss bank account(s).

    As for the idea of a title being decided via play-offs, it obviously just feels wrong.  We all "get" that the idea is to have less teams that are "weak", but having a title decided just has a bad smell to it and I don't think you can get rid of that.  I am kind of surprised the clubs haven't pushed back harder.


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  5. I actually think Vieirinha is irreplaceable in that I don’t think we can find another player with his skill set.  Doesn’t mean we’re gonna fall apart but his drive on the pitch is something else.  I wouldn’t mind signing a young gun in the mould of Jaba/Akpom for that LB position.

    Start cooking that pie biatch.  Then again, maybe not.  I just got a disturbing image in my head.


  6. Agree Yianko.  We need a higher quality LB.  The other thing about Vieirinha is that he could also play RB just as well (and both flanks and I think he could even play as a 10).  So in the one player you had a RB/LB.  Matos injured ?  No problem, play Vieirinha there.  The current backup to Matos is Lyratzis I believe so all of a sudden our defence which has been our rock this season is looking a little thin in terms of quality depth.

    Nice pic pash.  Is that your maid ?  And what the hell sort of pie is that ?  Doesn’t look appetising.

  7. Bah, I meant to say winter signings were paid for by sale of Prijo.  I just think it’s a bit of a stretch to think Savvidis will spend the 10 or 15 million required to get the sort of players that are being mentioned.  As always, I’ll be more than happy to eat some humble pie.

    I’m sure Manolo is already working out how AEK can expose that LB position in the final and Lucescu will be wondering whether he plays Giannoulis or Crespo in that position.

  8. Terrible news about Vieirinha.  Out for at least 6 months.  He is literally irreplaceable.  I don’t think there is any player on the planet with his skill set that we could sign.  Stafylidis seems the logical choice and he’ll be solid, but I know who I’d rather be playing with on the flank if I’m playing LW.  And I know who I’d not prefer to have playing if I’m the opposition.  Now is the time for Staf to man up and return when we need him.

  9. I don’t get why we even have buyout clauses.  It can only restrict you.  I mean, yeah for some players they might insist on it (e.g. Prijovic) and you don’t really have a say so the player/agent get what they want.  But Lambrou ain’t exactly in a bargaining position.

    Regarding Bouzoukis, is the kid really that good ?  I mean sure he might be a great talent, but would he get actual game time in our squad ?  I don’t see him walking into the 11 so basically he’s a bench player.  3 million for a bench player ... I think I’d rather spend that on an Akpom or Jaba.

  10. The result is big.  Fair to say we should be happy with a score draw.

    As for the goals we conceded, the players committed sins today.  Those goals should NEVER go in at that level.

    1) The first goal, why isn't there one man around the "D" ?  Seriously, my junior coaches taught us these basics when I was a kid.  If you allow the opposition to just shoot like that, you deserve to concede.  I've read comments the goal was lucky but I don't agree.  We allowed the corner taker to see the option, he played it, and the BH player had a shot.  After that, anything can happen, and behold it did.  Worse than a school boy error on our part.  If you simply position a man to guard the "D" this goal doesn't happen.

    2) The free kick from Pjanic.  Same again.  School boy defending.  Sure, he's not that good.  I mean, he only plays for Juventus and is being courted by Real Madrid.  Here mate, we don't need to setup a wall because you're just a no name player that couldn't score to save your life.  And for the people that said it's Vlachodimos mistake, that is ridiculous.  That shot would not be saved by any keeper in the world.  It was perfect.  But if you setup a wall, it's 95% no goal.

    So we concede two goals from defending that is Kastoria FC level.  Unacceptable.

    Moving forward hopefully we tighten up because we will definitely not qualify conceding stupid goals like this.

    The plus (and this is a BIG plus) is that the team didn't fold and showed heart.  That is all on Ange.  His team selection I don't understand but his motivational skills have always been good.  Overall, considering the first 20 minutes and at half-time we 2-0 down this is a great result.

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  11. 14 hours ago, Nilaul said:

    Well, you can't just buy players anymore because your owner has money, UEFA will knock at your door and say you're out the next two years even if you qualify. It's definitely not as simple as that.

    How on earth did we buy players ?  Wasn’t it with Savvidis money ?

  12. Thanks for clarifying the criteria @Lazarus.  That makes a bit more sense.  At least a potential candidate isn’t thrown away just because of their lack of donors.  End of the day money unfortunately plays a massive role.  It is what it is.  The amounts are mind boggling.  Regardless, I’m sure whoever the candidate ends up being, money I would imagine, won’t be a problem.

    The important thing I believe, is for the Democrats to select a candidate who (a) doesn’t have baggage (I’m thinking Hillary here) and (b) is sincere.  By sincere I mean someone like Obama.  Not an exact like for like but in a similar vein.  Obama didn’t have that image of being “establishment” and I feel he really did want to do a good job in the face of many obstacles.  Hillary/Trump strike me as wanting the position for the sake of it.  These are just my perceptions though and I’m not heavily into U.S. politics or policies.

    But (and this is important) whoever the candidate is, they need to bypass/ignore Trump as much as possible, by concentrating on policy.  No one can win against Trump by trying to criticise him.  The man is beyond criticism.

    Policy, policy, policy, policy, policy.  It’s what thinking people are interested in.  Those that aren’t, well there is no convincing them anyway.

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