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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Well well well!  The times they are exciting!  By hook or by crook Olympiacos want this title.  We called AEK AEX but we forget Olympiacos are the masters of paper victories.  And they are without shame.

    It’s amusing reading the opinions of “impartial” fans in whose views “the Bulgarian animals” are already guilty.  Collective punishment ... why the hell not.

    As for the matter at hand the only thing that is certain is it will clearly show if Olympiacos still has political power on its side or not.  I don’t think relegation is their goal.  I think their goal is points deductions and they’ll use the strategy of “if you won’t relegate them at least deduct points”.

    So much for the big-4 meeting to try and get the power brokers to work in a more cooperative way.  That’s just been flushed down the toilet for good.

    You would think that if Savvidis used his private money to buy shares or whatever in other clubs that he would be required to sell such interests.  Even fine him or ban him similar to what is done for company directors.  I’m not sure what this has to do with PAOK FC unless of course it could be proved that games were rigged, players bribed etc.

    The only that is certain is that there is still a long way to go.  Can’t wait for the next big-4 meeting.  UEFA/FIFA ain’t seen nothing yet.

    As an aside it will be interesting to see how the ND government plays this.  If PAOK fans feel victimised (justified or not) then they’ve essentially guaranteed they will lose seats at the next election.

    Does anyone here remember how Larisa fans reacted in 1988 when they were deducted points ?

  2. This is probably the first time in 2 years Panathinaikos will feel like they are a real shot at beating us and deservedly so.  They have been improving week to week whereas we have been playing in 1st or 2nd gear at best.

    The following are all below their best compared to last season; Matos, Varela, Vieirinha, Mauricio, Biseswar, Pelkas.  Akpom has not turned out to be the goal scorer we hoped he would be.

    Luckily we have had players surprise us like Ingason, Giannoulis, Misic and to a lesser extent Limnios and Swiderski.

    If we get a result it’ll be due to individual plays from one or two players as has been the pattern for much the season.  I only hope more of the team can find form before the play offs.

    Not sure if Abel will be conservative and play 3 in the middle.  Regardless my 2 for the midfield would be Esiti and Misic.  I think Pelkas will be suited to this game also.  I’d start Akpom up front.  There will be lots of running required and lots of tackles flying.  Super subs Biseswar, Lamprou and Swiderski.

  3. 9 minutes ago, almand said:

    Well said Bananas, bravo. This is another stupid policy of Paok I was about to mention to give an end to this discussion. Overvalued players who missed the chance of Champions League and dropped their values at least 40%, are left themselves for sale on Paok drawers.


    I'm not worried about overvalued players.  What bothers me is when players like Prijovic get sold for 10 million because that's what was in his contract.  Maybe we could have got more ?

  4. 6 hours ago, Yiankos said:

    Πούλησε ο Ολυμπιακός τον Ποντένσε με 25 μύρια στους Λύκους. Αυτή ήταν πολύ καλή κίνηση οικονομικά. Βέβαια έδωσε 7 μύρια για να τον πάρει, αλλά βγάζει καθαρά 18. Πολύ μεγάλη υπόθεση. Δυστυχώς δεν παίζουμε καν Ευρώπη φέτος για να ανέβει η αξία των δικών μας παικτών. Η μεγαλύτερη μαγκιά όμως είναι να πουλάς. Ευτυχώς που δώσαμε τον Πρίγιο και πήραμε 10 μύρια. Οι προηγούμενες πωλήσεις μας ήταν κακές.

    Ίνγκασον, Γιαννούλης, Εσίτι, Ντάγκλας, Μίσιτς, Πέλκας, Ζαμπά, Λημνιός, Σφιντέρσκι, Ακπόμ είναι παίκτες σε καλή ηλικία που πρέπει να πουλήσουμε σε βάθος χρόνου και να βγάλουμε κέρδος. Όλους πλην των Γιαννούλη και Πέλκα τους έχουμε αγοράσει και αρκετά ακριβά μάλιστα. Πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να βγάλουμε κέρδος, αλλιώς δεν θα πάμε μπροστά σαν ομάδα. Αυτός πρέπει να είναι ο Νο. 1 στόχος του ΠΑΟΚ.

    The thing is, Olympiakos don't put stupid minimum fee release clauses in their contracts, at least that I'm aware of.

  5. Whatcha saying bro.  You saying you don’t miss hearing Prrrrrrijo-gol ?  On a serious note, I’d take Prijo, assuming the coach plans on using two up front.  I wouldn’t take him as the sole striker.  I do miss him putting fear into the opposition just through his physical presence.  He also had a knack for getting cheap goals (which I love, the cheaper the better).  But yeah his lack of run is an issue.  Used situationally and appropriately he’d still be very useful.  Not sure how he’d feel about that though.  I suspect he wouldn’t be keen.

  6. Mauricio is a tough one.  He was our best midfielder last season along with Oliveira, but his age and the injury make contract renewal far from certain.  I’m sure the club is waiting to see how the rest of the season goes.

    But I agree pash, it’s the midfield where we suffer in Europe.  The problem is it’s just plain hard to attract the players required.  Augusto, Esiti, Canas, Shakhov these guys aren’t at that level.  It is what it is.

  7. Sounds like a back up in case Giannoulis is sold.  Not sure if the player would be interested in coming to be 3rd choice LB.  Then again maybe Ferreira doesn't like using Vieirinha as a LB.  For myself, I still think Vieirinha at LB is his best position and benefits the team greatly.

  8. Sheez I came into this thread to see the latest posts and lo and behold pash has managed to desecrate it.  Not that I'm surprised.  He's our special one.

    @PaokCT welcome.  Hope you enjoy your time here.  We've been living great days with our team with hopefully more to come.

    Now I've just gotta find my ruler ... I know I had one laying around here somewhere.

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  9. More important than the 3 points, we need a derby win.  If we don't win then it will just play on the team psychologically.  It will be a tough game either way.

    As for our GK's, we've never had a class GK.  I though with Paschalakis we were finally there, but alas it's not to be.  You'd think with all our youth there'd be someone coming up.

  10. The planet will heal itself, no doubt, but in the meantime we will have exacted an enormous toll.  At least people are talking about it now.  There are so many angles to it, but in the end the only thing that will make it get serious attention is when it affects "us" humans directly, often and in a very serious way.  Until then, the mantra of perpetual growth remains.

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  11. almand, the club re-signed Biseswar for 3 years and now his contract expires in June 2022.  He is 31 years old so the club absolutely understands his abilities and values him.  If anything, Biseswar is getting more game time under the new coach than with Lucescu.  I think it will be a very long time before we get a player of similar technical ability.  He really is a fantastic player.  If he was a bit stronger/faster he wouldn't be playing in Greece.

    As for all the different analyses, I will defer to Mitsos analysis.  It's pretty spot on.  As for PAOK, our new coach seems to be from the Martins school of "I want to win and play beautiful at the same time" which has led us to 4 draws and 1 loss in derbies.  I personally prefer the practical approach of Lucescu who still had a team that played well enough to win but at the same time you had to spit blood to score a goal against us.  We will see what the rest of the season brings.

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  12. 3 hours ago, ukworm said:

    Would you believe me if I said to you that yes I am happy with the 3 points of course, yes I am happy that it is Aris who brings your unbeaten run to an end (in other words your remarkable record will be connected to Aris forever-an "eternal fly in the ointment" kind of thing if you will) BUT the feeling that prevails at the minute is I am TOTALLY pissed off with the way we played and that πανηλίθιο coach of ours? 

    I would believe you and I prefer it was Aris rather than a small team or especially worse a team from Athens.  In the first half we were better, not by much but better.  But so what ?  What matters is what you do with the ball.  The only thing I can say is that the strategy of your manager is a bit "all in".  You can't always expect your finishing will be so good.  But anyway, that's his (and your) problem so to hell with that and enjoy the victory today.

    As for Yiankos, he has praised your performance on our forum.  It worries me though.  Could it be that now Yiankos might become an Aris fan ?

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  13. I'm kind of glad the no loss streak is over.  There was too much emphasis on it.  As for the game the 2 goals off crosses were cheap and reminiscent of the goals we would concede a few years ago.  Teams will be noting this and trying to exploit.  It's no use having possession if when you lose the ball the opposition run over you.  Abel needs to set this straight.  We are even after all this time still lacking a 6 that can cut down opposition counter attacks.  Worryingly Zivkovic was poor today.  One at the near post and one off the cross which he should have got to.  Maybe Paschalakis might get one final chance.  In the long run this loss could be a good thing because it did show our weaknesses and even if Olympiakos win we are only 1 point behind them.  More important will be the psychology of the team against AEK who will be smelling blood.

  14. I am very confused.  I thought all the referees are on our books, so then how did this happen ?  I even read a letter from your owner https://www.sport24.gr/football/omades/Olympiakos/pae-olympiakos-o-paok-einai-prwtathlhths-sta-trigwna.5665112.html that says as much.  Anyway, enough of the kazoura.

    At the end of the day it's a big win for you guys and well deserved.  Football is simple, stick the ball in the net and all the rest is fluff.  Good to see derbies are still derbies even if my team copped a good old fashioned beating.  These things happen.  Onward and upward.

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