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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. You can blame EPO, Marinakis, Melissanidis for our 7 point deduction and I guess we'll see what comes of that from CAS.

    But who can we blame for the poor showing of the team post the covid break ?  I can accept the results against Olympiacos, they are a solid team that have got their balance right after being a bit all over the place last season.  How can we go from playing a good game in the Cup to the last two performances against AEK and OFI ?  I'm not talking about the results, but the way the team is being played off the park.  Maybe it's as simple as we have no midfield since the injuries to Misic and Augusto but I don't think it's the simple.  There is enough depth there to cover.  This reminds of the team a few seasons back when you didn't know what you were going to get from week to week and half to half and we would be holding on for dear life at the end of games.

    Abel has a lot to answer for and if it wasn't for his large salary I think he'd be 100% gone.

  2. That would be a bit brutal if true.  He hasn’t impressed but at least he showed some tactical awareness in the cup game.  To be fair, we are inferior to last season.  The following are all lesser players (regardless of reason); Matos, Vieirinha, Varela, Mauricio, Biseswar.  Add to that we have no real striker (I very much miss Prijovic getting those cheap goals).  We also had Oliveira, the midfield was brutal.  This year our midfield is fairly meek with the exception of Misic.

    There is a lot of work to do to rebuild the team.  Abel has been too ideological and not practical but maybe now he gets it.  So I don’t blame him entirely.  Having said that I’m sure Lucescu would have done a better job.  I’m all for replacing him with someone better but the truth is we’ve only had one top manager in the last seven seasons.  I’d see how the play offs roll on and go from there.  Which probably means he’s already been fired.

  3. As someone that understands little of US politics, I wonder why Nancy Pelosi didn’t try to go up against Trump.  She’s the only one I’ve seen who seemed to rile him.

    As far as policies go, and them making an actual real difference to people, it seems both parties are short on ideas.  At least I haven’t heard anything.  Sure there are ideological differences and whoever gets in will control nominations of judges and that sort of thing.  But in terms of changes “on the ground” does it matter if Trump or Biden wins ?  Whoever wins, Wall St wins and everyone else seems not to.

    I find it strange that the Dems don’t go hard for traditional GOP states but say having a policy to invest serious dollars in some of them.  You know, actually trying to improve their lives.  I’m sure voters could be swayed that way.  But I don’t see that, or maybe it’s not reported because it’s boring.  Or maybe they don’t actually plan to to invest much, in which case, why the heck should the voters change their vote, or even bother voting.  Or maybe that’s “socialist” thinking.  Don’t care what anyone says, if you promise to build jobs in red neck towns, they’ll vote for you.

    • Like it 1
  4. I’ll miss him.

    Sure he would change his opinion each week but I found him entertaining for the most part.  He was definitely losing his mental faculties in the last few years and would struggle to remember player names.

    End of the day he made me laugh a lot.  Also one of the few that can shut Raptopoulos up for one minute.

    Who can forget this.  Legendary.


    • Haha 1
  5. @paokarag4 fully agree with you about 3 in the midfield.  Guilherme is hands down the best midfielder in Greece, class player.  Exactly the sort of player we need.  I don't see any way playing 2 in the middle we can contain them.  It reminds me when Ivic was manager and we played AEK a few years back in Athens and got walloped 3-0 by them in the league (or play offs), and due to this, Ivic played 3 in the middle in the cup final (Canas, Cimirot, Shakhov).  We'll find out if Abel is an idealist or not.  Our problem is, who be our "Guilherme".  Last season you could say Mauricio was that player, but he's been flat and out of sorts post injury.

  6. Biden has dementia ... or not.  What use is pushing it one way or the other on this forum going to change reality.  Time will tell.  Do we really think that someone who isn’t inclined to vote for Trump would do so based on this ?

    Key will be when they have their debates.  Hopefully Biden can handle Trumps obnoxious and classless style and come out looking like a proper statesman.  If not, then the Dems didn’t pick the right candidate.

    It amazes how divided the USA is and how no matter what some people will vote one way or the other.  Loyalty to a political party is an exceedingly rare thing here in Australia.  But I’m veering off topic now.

    @tantra129 a subscription to Grammarly might be in order. ?

  7. 23 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

    Boxou seems to me more of a National team fan than anything else...correct me if I am wrong file @Boxou

    That would imply he likes all the domestic teams equally or close to.  Doesn't strike me as a fan of the north.  Anyway, I've got some champs on ice ready for the CAS decision.  One of us will be making a toast to "natural justice". ?

  8. What's your problem @Pepito ?  You sound kind of angry man.  I know a bloke who has some fine liquor in an igloo but he won't give me the key.  Maybe if you have a drink you'll chill out.

    As for Biden vs Bernie, speaking from Oz where we just get snippets, they both seem old and frail.  If this is the *best* the Democrats can come up with to fight Trump, good luck to us all.  To be fair, all major political parties work this way, that is to say, they focus on their internal politics and individuals worry about getting to the "top" instead of focusing on the best candidate.  I'm sure the best candidate is someone I've never heard of.

    Anyone taking bets ?  What are the odds of Biden vs Trump ?

  9. To the AEXtzides,

    In any normal league in this Europe or the world for that matter, when Savvidis went all russian mafia, *HE* would've been punished for it.  Not an entire team including players and fan base.  No one said Savvidis shouldn't be punished severely.  But I don't think any punishment he received would have made the rest of Greece happy.  They wanted total punishment of an entire team and fan base.  This only happens on a regular basis in Greece (as far as I'm aware) where point deductions are the norm.  I suppose if you're not a PAOK fan the decision was superb.

    Add to that the fact the AEX players behaved atrociously towards the referee which was a leading cause of the whole fiasco.  They would never have pulled that crap with a foreign referee.  And then their laughter in the club rooms afterwards.  Talk about taking the piss.

    And that's why you will always be AEX.  The paper kings.

    • Like it 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Alphonse said:

    My apologies, yes the 2017 game, goal by Henriques

    In real time it didn't look offside at all, and I guess that's why the *foreign* linesman and referee didn't notice it.  If VAR was around I guess it would've been a different story.  What do you do ... that's life sometimes.

  11. 3 hours ago, Boxou said:

    Lmao talking about points deduction when the president of yours enters the field with a gun in his pocket? Delusional as F*** when Saturday night the game was supposed to be played behind closed doors and Sunday morning suddenly 30,000 tickets had been sold for the game

    The president of ours is merely learning to be as good as the president as yours.  Next lesson will be, being related to the prime minister, followed by importation of drugs in the commercial shipping space, followed by how to keep postponing judicial trials.  Delusional indeed.

    30,000 tickets ?  Not sure what this is in reference to.

  12. 11 hours ago, Boxou said:

    Hopefully Paok ends up 3rd because they have no chance whatsoever qualifying to the CL.. Europa is where you guys belong but that's even doubtful considering you have been eliminated from the likes of BATE/Vidi, Ostersuds etc of this world.

    One day AEX will earn a title or a place in Europe that isn’t based on points deductions.  When that day comes I will take my hat off.

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  13. Couldn’t care one iota if Abel leaves.  The only thing that burns me is his high salary which he totally does not deserve.  As for Ivic, not sure.  There is still the mystery of why he left ... maybe Ivan pulled a gun out on him ha ha.  Ivic as a coach was decent.  Not sure if he’s got what it takes to win a title (now that Lucescu raised the bar).  If it were up to me I’d be considering Garcia as the next manager.

  14. One thing is for sure.  Abel seems bereft if ideas.  There is no way in a million years we would have had performances like that under Lucescu.  What I don’t know and I suppose only time will tell, is if he has lost the dressing room.  Do they really believe in his idea of how the game should be played ?  Can he even read a game and formulate a basic strategy ?

  15. If a foreign referee makes an error, players, managers and fans get frustrated but accept it, and forget about it 2 minutes later.  In other words, they behave like normal human beings.

    If a Greek referee makes an error, players carry on like pork chops, managers too, even team officials and owners.  Conspiracy theories begin and never end.  But this is because the history of Greek football has sufficient examples of said corruption so it’s easy to just say “the referee was paid” or find a photo that is 20 years old where the referee is wearing a jersey supporting some team when he was teenager.  To be fair, most Greek referees are either not up to scratch or just can’t be bothered with the drama.  It’s easier to take the path of least resistance and just favour the team whose owner won’t F*** up your life.

    Given the standings in the league I don’t really care if we have Greek referees or not for the play offs.  The only interest is who takes 2nd place but if you’re into conspiracy theories that much it’s going to AEK all the way.  In general though, foreign referees all the way.  The Greek mentality, when it comes to football, is much too volatile to handle using Greek referees.  One genuine big mistake in a critical game and all he’ll can break loose.  Heck, even guns can appear on the pitch. ?

    What I am interested in seeing is the general level of fitness and play of the team.  Abel hasn’t really come to grips with the team.  I’m hoping this is the beginning of a change that will see the team begin next season on the front foot.

  16. His resume looks decent for whatever that's worth.  I wonder if there is a Vieirinha connection given he was at Wolfsburg for a few years.  Either way Branko out, there's the exit door.  He hasn't been impressive at all.  I still wish we had Michel but let's see what the future brings.

  17. 14 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

    Olympiakos has officially asked CAS to rule on relegating PAOK and Xanthi from Superleague. 

    This sounds ridiculous even for Olympiacos.  They will argue what exactly ?  The club we dislike was found guilty but the penalty was not to our satisfaction and instead we would like a penalty that is outside the current rules governing the game ?  Is there an angle here I’m not seeing ?

    Any update on the EPO investigation into the Olympiacos matching fixing ?  Ok, yep, I am joking.

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  18. I think PAOKTV is still there as a backup, just in case.  This sounds like the clubs are trying to all get a discussion going.  Although discussion, football and Greece doesn’t really make for a logical mix.  If I was a betting man I’d say PAOKTV will be there for the following season, whenever that begins.

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