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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Vre koufales, I've been telling you all for ages Vieirinha is *much* better as a wing back, be it left or right.  He is much more productive and useful to the team.  It's like we're playing with a 3rd winger.

    When you play as a forward it's a different game to playing as a defender.  A lot of the time you have your back to goal and have defenders up your arse.  When you play as a defender or a defensive midfielder you play looking ahead and generally don't have someone nearby ready to man mark at an instant.  You can pick and choose the timing of your runs.  This is why Vieirinha is more productive; because he actually does have a good football brain and can pick and choose when to exploit space, or move up to provide the extra option and throw the opposition off.

    Lamprou was impressive, obviously not his finishing, but the fact that he found so much space.  The kid has something.  This is not the right time, but I'd like to see a run of game where he starts as the 10 playing as a second striker.

    As to the match at hand, good solid result but it will be tough in Athens.  They will back themselves and justifiably so.  If they get the first goal it's on for young and old.  Hopefully we can get the first goal to kill off the game early.

  2. This is where Lucescu for me was a much better manager.  Lucescu gets the job done and is the definition of practical.  Abel wants to do it pretty but the problem is he doesn’t have the players to play the way he wants.

    Now he finds himself in a bind.  He can brush off the defeat to Aris as an unlucky game but what happened against PAO is on him.  I’m not sure if he doesn’t know what to do or if it’s against his principles but either way if he wants to win the title he’s going to need to be more tactical, adapt to the opposition, play players to their strengths and get more out of certain players, especially Pelkas, Biseswar and Akpom.  He also needs to get that midfield sorted.

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  3. Bring on the CL!  Sorry I was in an parallel universe.  These days even if you have one weakness a decent coach should exploit it, and Donis did that.  Vieirinha shouldn't have started on the left.  PAO is *all run* and we don't have enough to hold the ball, hence we have to run also, and we couldn't.  Also Mauricio shouldn't be starting.  We've been getting away with this in other games because of the level difference but no so in these games.

    As to if Abel is the man to lead us next year, not sure.  Definitely not at this stage but he has time to make it up.  We'll see.

  4. The problem as always is in the midfield.  Augusto and Esiti haven't been the players we expected given their price tags.  Esiti has shown some glimmers and is more suited to this game where I wouldn't be surprised if PAO overrun us in the middle.  Either way will be a tough game.  Hopefully a good game and may the best team win whoever that is.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Athens4 said:

    Which sites are you reading?

    I think maybe on sport24.gr can’t be sure.  It’s the only site I really check out other this or inpaok.

    In other news, I just read the league might be suspended.  And that will solve what exactly ?  Either Savvidis did something illegal or he didn’t.  Work it out guys.

  6. 4 minutes ago, pash said:

    What, exactly, happened?

    I’m just parroting what I’ve read, which is the one of the companies owned by Savvidis loaned money to a relative or whatever of his who then somehow invested in Xanthi.  As to the truth of any of it, I have no idea.

    If there is truth to it, then Savvidis is an idiot.  Why even give the powers that be any ammunition.  It’s not as if they are going to be impartial.  This isn’t a normal judicial process.

    If there isn’t any truth to it, then that changes everything.

    Maybe Blackhawk can enlighten us on the exact accusations and supposed evidence ?

  7. 15 hours ago, Alphonse said:

    Come on Bananas... you know full well, if found guilty, as the law was, the club (as in any other country on earth) would be relegated

    I don’t have a problem with the law being applied to PAOK.  What I have a problem with is the way in Greece it’s applied haphazardly depending on who is running EPO and who is in government at the time.

    Either way that doesn’t take away from the fact that Savvidis played a dumb ass move with these dealings.

    By the same token the reaction from the government was just as stupid.  All they had to do was force him to sell or give up whatever stake he had in Xanthi or threaten to take away PAOK’s license.  Job done nice and easy.  Instead we have a city that is a powder keg just waiting to go off.  Nice work.

  8. I think the best we can hope for is a -6 points deduction.  Which is the amount of “free” points from the games with Xanthi.  With a win in Toumba we would be 2 points behind and then in the play offs we could possibly do something.

    As an aside, wtf was Savvidis thinking regarding these dealings with Xanthi ?  Stupid move even if he can somehow find a way out.

  9. Agree pash.  I wouldn’t expect anything from UEFA/FIFA/CAS.  It kind of comes down to who has the most sway over the various teams in the league.  I am not optimistic.

    Something closer to -10 points seems the most likely outcome.  -5 points is too risky.  A win in Toumba and all of a sudden we’d be only 1 point behind Olympiakos.  Can you imagine ?

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  10. The law is the law except it changed today lol.  Punish Savvidis if he’s done something illegal.  Fine/ban/jail him.  But why punish the team and fans ?  Did they do something illegal ?

  11. You don’t believe ND have any plan here ?  Have you seen the speed, force and pressure with which the law changes have been passed ?  First time ever in Greece something got done so quick.

    As for Olympiakos, the way this is playing out is exactly what suits them.  They can still pretend to be angry that relegation didn’t happen but really all they care about is winning the title and the points deduction suits them just fine.  Will it be -5 or -10 points ha ha.  This could have been handled in so many different and better ways but I won’t bother going into it because in Greece all fans care about is  revenge and suffering.  Should we punish Savvidis (assuming he is found guilty) or should we instead punish an entire team and fan base.  Um, easy choice!  Punish them all!  Maximum suffering please.

  12. Yep, democracy in action.  As for FIFA ha ha, the same organisation that voted for the Qatar World Cup, forgive me for having doubts about their impartiality.

    The only way PAOK is getting away with is with dirty tactics if they can find and use something.  This was never about being a fair fight, justice or the good of football in Greece.  That much is clear.

    It could have been handled very differently but hasn’t been.  Kind of surprising but at the same time kind of not surprised.

  13. Relegation or death! ?

    Not sure if -5 points will be enough for Olympiakos to win the league. ?

    Sidenote: I thought maybe Mitsotakis being from a different generation and after what Greece has been through since 2008 might do things differently.  Whatever good will he had has all been flushed down the toilet.  He’s crapped on half of Thessaloniki and for what ?

  14. 1 hour ago, AchillesHeel said:


    I don't think points deductions is the main goal (although a definite bonus for some) as  the allegations will still have to be proven....I think the main goal is to change the punishments and how they are administered....when has the government moved this quickly before....not even when there have been fatalities or gbh to referees and fans. PAOK seems to have been set up to be the reason for changing the consequences of corruption so that others can benefit from this in the near future.

    Call me cynical but I think it’s all about points deductions.  I also think the points to be deducted won’t be finalised until after the PAOK vs Olympiacos match.  If it happens that way then you know the fix is really in.

  15. If the allegations are proven, it would be more just to force Savvidis to sell whatever shares or whatever he bought.  In addition he should be banned for many years from having anything to do with football in Greece.  But if you penalise the club in any way that’s just going to extend the already bad blood that exists between fans in Greece for another generation.  As it is, it’s already been many years since away fans have able to go to games.  Maybe we do need a Grexit.

  16. 19 hours ago, almand said:

    Πόρισμα της ΕΕΑ για υποβιβασμό ΠΑΟΚ - Ξάνθης!


    How does it sounds to you now? Is it still conspiracy theories, my friend Blackhawk?

    Just to make some things clear. I don't want at all this scenario, despite the fact of what you 've done, I want you to stay to Super League. And I'm serious about that. Of course I don't speak on behalf of all Aris fans. It's just me.


    I was thinking earlier today there is no way Olympiakos can be hoping for relegation.  They must realise the chances of that happening are very remote.  So what is their angle ?  It must be points deductions.

    And just now I read a new law has been passed so both teams won’t be relegated.  Surprise surprise.  It looks like Olympiacos’s plan to win “sta xartia” might work.  We forget they are the kings of winning on paper.  Truly a rezili of a club.  I wonder if the Olympiacos players will laugh in the same way the AEK players laughed after the game when Savvidis stormed the field with a gun.

    As for Savvidis, if has done something wrong, punish him.  But no, let’s punish the entire team.  And then we wonder why Greece is the way it is.

    At the end of this drama someone will be happy.  Either you guys or us.  But at least someone will be happy.  PAOK, bringers of joy!


  17. 10.8 million I believe was the “base” amount i.e. the amount before interest and fines for late payments.  I think the total including interest and payments was around 25 million but I could be wrong.  It’s the way I remember it based on newspaper articles at the time.

    Either way at least he paid.  Better to get 40% than nothing.  And really he paid what was owed without all the additional interest from the years of Batatoudis and Goumenos who ran the club like a kafeneio.  Maybe he should have done like Melissanidis and paid zero ?

    I see just now a new law has been passed so that PAOK and Xanthi won’t be relegated.  The bourdelo continues.  Stay tuned.

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