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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. It’s a tricky one.  On the one hand it could be argued he was the lynchpin and driving force to get us the title.  And for that I will always be grateful.  So throw the dollars at him.  But on the other hand it could be argued he’s already been handsomely compensated for his services.  I believe his wage was around 1.5 million.

    Going from 1.5 million to 500K is a bit too big a drop.  750K and it would’ve been sweet.  I think it’s about ego at this point also.  It’s not about the dollar amount itself, but more so the large reduction.

    One other thing is that he didn’t exactly set the world on fire this season.  Still, given his influence in the squad and his history with the club I can only hope the club it works out somehow.  It would be great if he could retire with us.

  2. I'm 50/50 on whether I'd like to Akpom go.  The price if true is probably about right.  As pash said, he's a good kid and gives it all.  He's just definitely not a striker.  A forward yes, but he'll never get 20 goals in a season.  He's suited to a 4-4-2 where he plays behind the striker.

    On a side note, who will take the kicks, elbows and hits now ?  We've lost a few players that could take the hits.  I wonder if this is why we've been getting stomped in the derbies.

  3. Hmmm, good move going for a midfielder as our midfield has been poor and I don't think it'll improve considerably without a decent transfer.  Hopefully this guy has something to offer.  No surprise we haven't heard of him as we aren't really able to shop for and attract better.  Having said that, I always maintain there are lots of quality players out there that haven't "made it" for one reason or another that are more than capable of playing in Greece.

    I guess this will also be a test of the new TD since his sphere of knowledge and influence will be more Germano centric.  He can't do any worse than Branko can he ?

  4. There are players out there that are cheap or can be brought in on a free transfer.  The problem is having someone that has the vision to spot a player and wages.  Examples of players we brought, Mak, Rodrigues, Lucas all under a million.  Michel brought Matos and I think Mauricio as free transfers.  Campos and Biseswar I think also we’re free transfers.  Prijovic considering what he did for us was a steal at roughly 2 million.  Crespo was cheap.  Varela 1 million.  Canas and Shakhov I think free transfers.  I’d have to check some but you get what I mean.

    If you want Oliviera quality, that’s just too difficult right now.  We just don’t have the budget. 

    As to paschalis point, he is right about the difficulty in getting players to play in Greece.  Most of the names mentioned were swayed by a fairly high salary, which has now given us problems with FFP which need to be sorted out.

    Still, what was done I believe had to be done to compete for the title.  It will be interesting to see how the team juggles the roster and wages to accommodate FFP regulations.

  5. Aris well and truly did a number on us this season.  Hats off to them.  We couldn’t even beat them when they have only 13 players available.

    What I’m quite certain of is we lack a “killer” striker.  Akpom battles but will never pop in lots of goals.  He’s a different sort of player.  Swiderski is ok but a bit on the soft side.  He ain’t no killer.

    its really simple for next season.  Get a better striker if you want to contend for the title.

  6. 1 hour ago, Alphonse said:

    True to their name Hahaha,  AEK did some thing NO Greek club would do, including your precious PAOK. 

    We've never been tested.  The only thing we're good at is receiving points deductions which we seem to excel at.  I guess there was the Ivic fiasco with the beer can (was it full, was it empty, was it half empty) but for myself and many other PAOK fans that never sat well.  What Ivic did was ridiculous and he should have seen the game out.

    Regardless, hats off to Melissanidis for a reasonable decision.  Henceforth, I shall refer to AEX as AEK.  So let it be written, so let it be done.

  7. It’s not that simple for AEK.  They have always felt aggrieved for the title they lost on paper in 2008 so for them to do this would be a huge about face.  There is the risk some of their own fans could turn.

    As for Olympiacos, they should seriously consider creating a law firm as a side business.  Being litigious comes naturally to them.

    Our Scottish friend raises a good point regarding if the clubs even need to raise the complaint.  Shouldn’t EPO action it regardless.  And to make matters worse, shouldn’t officials of some sort have checked said paperwork before games went ahead.

    What a bourdelo of a season it’s been, even by Greek standards.

  8. What is the point of these player passes ?  Sounds like a case of red tape for the sake of it.  Who is ineligible and why ?  Did a player suddenly appear that isn’t part of our squad ?  Apparently the club forgot to fill in the TPS reports.

    You want to see cheating, you should’ve seen back in the day in junior soccer where teams would dodgy up the “passports” to field older players.  Anyway that’s another story.

  9. Does anyone know the specifics concerning our situation with FFP ?  How much do we need to makes on sales and/or reduce wages ?  Are we even in breach right now and need do rectify it by a certain date ?

    Looking at our roster I can’t see many players who could be sold for more than a few million.  Specifically Giannoulis “the youngster”, Limnios and Akpom.  All the rest I can’t see serious money being handed over for them.

    Much to my dismay I learnt that Wernbloom’s contract still has another year to go.

  10. In Greece the fakelaki is mightiest of all.  Savvidis is still working this out though.  He’s a slow learner.  Let’s see what the EPO kangaroo court brings.  And how many people are assaulted and threatened along the way.  The formula has precedent.

  11. They just need to find a decent DM and the team will start playing 5x better.  We're lacking up front but I believe that’s a confidence thing.  If they can sort out the middle things will improve.  We went from having Mauricio in stellar form coupled with Oliveira to having only Misic this season.  Esiti and Augusto are lacking.  Better to have kept Canas and Shakhov than these two.  Who even knows what will happen with Misic.

  12. Melbourne, Australia has gone back into lock down for 6 weeks.  There has been a spike in the last 2 weeks or so and numbers started climbing little by little hitting over 100 new cases per day.  Lock down begins Monday 11th.  And then I look at figures from Texas, Florida and think, are those numbers real ?  That can't be right.  Just crazy.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

    I think there is more to this than the coaching of Abel Ferreira.

    In my opinion, the whole PAOK/Xanthi fake issue created by the fat pig/ND government and their goal to relegate PAOK and chase Ivan out of the country had a major part in our current situation. Taking the player's side for example. Once the relegation talks started I am pretty sure the various agents had talks with their players concerning their future on the team. I am sure some of them already made plans about their future, and are making sure not to get injured in order not to jeopardize those plans.

    The other thing that stands out is the lack of response by the front office. It's like they threw in the towel.

    Maybe so.  Who knows how the players think.  To be fair, if I was a decent player with no allegiance to PAOK the episode would make me think "one day when I'm out of here and playing in a normal league I won't have to put up with this crap".  It must be disheartening.

    Side note, the roster is due for a clean out and shake up on many levels.

  14. The problem is, we won a league (after 35 years) and that to Olympiacos is just *unacceptable*.  Savvidis also asked for foreign referees and they are harder to bribe.  Savvidis also payed off the tax liability (minus interest and penalties which he negotiated to be excluded, fair enough, business is business) unlike AEX.  The Xanthi thing does have a bad smell to it, fair enough, but if that's the worst you got, that's not so bad.  And we've been punished for it.  Olympiacos only gets punished in an alternate universe.

    On a side note, hopefully Aris do get a decent president one day.  That story about the gate money getting stolen still makes me laugh.

  15. It's crazy how bad the team is at the moment.  I'm sure management is regretting Abel's salary, it's the only thing stopping him from being fired.  As for CL, forget it, and the way the team is currently, what's the point anyway.  We'll struggle through EL qualifiers as it is if something doesn't change and quick.  Management will either have to risk (and pray) Abel "works it out" or bite the bullet and pay him out.

    When you see a team playing this way, they've pretty much lost faith in the manager.  They'll nod their head and do enough to not get benched but inside the head they're thinking "mate, you have no idea".

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