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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Grkfreezer my point exactly about your defence which is what I said above. It didn't look good at all from the highlights I saw, needs to be much much better in the 2nd leg as Brugge will have the confidence to run at them at home. Hopefully you guys do the job, tough ask but it can be done.
  2. Wing yes he can play and pretty sure he can play on the left. Either way it will be toward the end of the year when Bakakis comes back. Once fit though Bakakis should walk into the team easily.
  3. Personally after the seeing the highlights your defence needs to be on their A game as Brugge will be up for it infront of their own fans and knowing an early goal will give them belief they can go through and they can score more. If PAO can keep them scoreless the 1st half the longer the game goes on the more pressure will be on them and that's when mistakes can start to happen.
  4. jvc I have many mates in Gate 7 Sydney who I have grown up with abd even inbetween our rivalry, some can see the truth and some just live in denial. Many have said to me he needs to go as he has destroyed Oly and is only there for his pocket and he has also put a big question mark over their titles. As I said most can admit this as they can see through the lies, the rest are sheep and just don't want to admit it. He can't keep dodging these allegations forever eventually one will stick and send him to where he belongs. If this current Syriza govt is serious about their nation they will make a statement by cleaning up the game sooner rather than later. Time will tell......
  5. My mistake confused the scandals!! Still don't think anything will come of it, hope I am wrong, fatboy deserves to be behind a cell, he has too many people on his payroll though. Take the slut bakoyianni as example who are koubari. But as they say you can only be at the top for so long!!
  6. Accor I just read an article that says he has just been discharged for 2011.....
  7. Well done to PAO getting a result with 10 men, hopefully you get the job done in Belgium, wont be easy but no one said it cant be done!!!
  8. Don't get your hopes up accor, if anything does come of it the big ones wont fall as usual, just a few little names.... This country will never go forward in football terms, its shambles and since 2004 always has been. Look at the state of the league and the state of the national team, we are a rezili on all fronts. Last night Meli lost his fight which means you cant bet on AEK via OPAP (wow big deal) they were hoping to relegate us for this but it won't happen. Goodluck to the Greek League finding a new sponsor now that OPAP pulled the plug on them. Maybe fatboy can get his company to sponsor it hahaha OPAP still will make money and will have shirt sponsors on 10 teams as they went to OPAP directly for this. Then you have others saying put Meli in jail like Kokkalis did in the 90s, some people know that little about Greek football and just ramble on with rubbish, it was actually Kokkalis who got him out of jail back then......
  9. He is putting the money in for the stadium he has said this already. As for people calling him a tightass for not splashing money on players, AEK has to show a profit for this year as they are on the London stock exchange. Once we get back into Europe which will hopefully be next season then I am sure money will be going in for players.
  10. Well one you said ise kai o protos, now its im the best..... Either way thanks for the compliment but far from it.... Lets be honest now as much as they deserve the bans and even relegation it would've happened already if it was the case. No use working ourselves up each time for something to happen which isn't going to happen. Sad but true.
  11. Lamiara meaning?? Po po the zilia must really burn deep down to those that come here and check what's being said Guys give credit to Oly they beat the champs of England over 1 leg and copped a boutsa in the return hahahahahaha They also beat the champs of Italy & Spain but didn't go through in their group , po po what a huge club!!! That's heaps to brag about........
  12. Rockerfellar, yes I meant Bulut, he a good striker and can score goals but knowing him he will either threaten someone on or off the field and ruin his chances, he has a habit of it. Other than that the boy can play!!!
  13. Don't even expect UEFA to make a stance on this corruption that goes on, if they were to they would've done it by now. I agree with what Blackhawk said that poustara Theoridis who's son is in UEFA is part of the reason they aren't copping any ban. He has some power in UEFA!! Let them stay in CL and keep being the xeftiles they always have been, I enjoy watching them do F*CK ALL each season in Europe while their fat f*ck president gets them excited each season that they do will something they haven't!! In the end until they achieve what PAO (CL Finalists) and to an extent what AEK have in Europe (semi of UEFA Cup) they will always be PUTANES :)
  14. Hopefully you guys get past Brugge and your next opponent and qualify for CL, the more Greek teams in Europe the better it is for Greek Football. This Brugge team is good side but so long as you guys get a handy lead in Leoforo it will only make things harder for them at home. Goodluck to PAO hope you do it!!
  15. I liked the black one they wore today, it was abit plain but I really like black strips
  16. The CL spot must be a priority for us, which bring also bring in more $$$ and allow us to attract some what bigger names than we currently have. I have high hopes this team can do well this season, people are writing us off saying we just got promoted but they fail to understand the culture and never say die attitude that has been built within this team now and so long as the new boys gel, we can achieve a lot!!! My only worry is we need to be consistent, we have shown it in the lower divisions but its very important we continue it in the SL and I'm sure Dellas is aware of that. We don't want to be beating bigger teams than going to lower teams and losing or drawing, we need to get maximum points off the lower teams away from home especially. Another 2 - 3 players would also help us, surely they're also looking at this. Big season ahead cant wait!!!!
  17. I think Arzo will because of his experience and the leadership he can offer the younger boys. That's my opinion anyway As for where we finish I did say prediction, not going off one game but we have pretty much signed the players we want, maybe add another 2 or so, so with the current roster we have is what I mean by predicting where we will finish... I agree on the dumb playoff system though, it just tells all team who know they cant win the league to just finish top 5 then go all out in the playoffs, it defeats the purpose of the other teams who fight it out and finish high on the table, then have to try back it up in the playoffs, biggest m*****a iv seen
  18. That first line up is solid, but without Mandalos there right now someone else must come in I also think Tzane will be there also in the defence. But main thing is we have depth and Dellas has options this season. Early to say but what's your prediction on where we will finish? Im saying 3rd right now would love to say we can be champions but gavri haven't made any signings as yet which is strange and PAO do have a good roster also. If we show consistency and win those tricky away games we can achieve anything. Need to win our first 3 games to lift confidence as things get tricky from round 6-9 from memory
  19. They look good not a fan of Nike personally prefer Adidas strips but these ones look great!!!
  20. Well its just confirmed he isn't coming so that is a good thing, now we need to search for another LB. As much as I and everyone else loves Scocco if he really wanted to come back he would've done so already. I am expecting atleast another 2-3 players to still come in, or so we hope.
  21. "pssst......OriginalSydneyp******...how are your season ticket sales going p******s gie?? LOL" Gavros7 it doesn't make you a tougher man when you bang down on buttons on a keyboard and bag people's mothers, it makes you a scum. Watch your mouth. Angelo K (infe rno7) have a word to your mate and tone him down.
  22. Sorry for the triple post my PC just went crazy....
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