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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Well said Dikefale, still don't know how Barbosa missed from there but when you miss chances like that it sums up your day. If he scores then its game on and I think we may go on with it but wasn't to be. I would've started Tzane instead of Lambro poor decision that one by Ketsbaia. In all honesty though, after this performance the signs are pretty good for the League, we tried to play football but STE made it hard by sitting so deep and the only thing we could was cross after cross, one thing I didn't notice though was after all those crosses NOT ONCE did we win the 2nd ball from their clearances, everyone was either in the box or way to deep in defence. Lets also not forget we played the most successful team in French Football (most league titles with Marseille) so no shame in losing by the 1 goal. One good thing is we can focus solely on the league now and make a charge for that
  2. Nothing is definite in football GM, already in qualifiers we've seen upsets
  3. Should've started Tzane instead of Lambro.
  4. And that's the game. Disapppointing way to go out considering we got a good result away from home but bombed it at home. Shame we couldn't score at home. I can't fault the players they tried and tried time after time. The turning point was Barbosa header, he scores we come out a different team 2nd half and more than likely get a 2nd. Ketsbaia made panic subs and leaving Lambro on was a big mistake he gave us nothing at all. Do we really miss Johanssen that much? Now to focus on the league.
  5. Don't think it's small coach it's more panic moves, you can't take out Simeos and leave Lambro in. Almeida should've started and Bakasetas should've started in the middle
  6. We've lost our way abit since these changes were made
  7. WTF Simeos and you leave Lambro on? Wow.
  8. I'm hoping the last sub he has is for almeida we need a goal and he's a goal scorer, Aravidis for me wasn't the one id be putting on when chasing a goal. That said I hope he scores and proves me wrong
  9. Overall besides the goal it's been a decent half by us, we created a few chances, Barbosa should've buried his chance you can't miss from there. Expect almeida to come in, we need to score in the first 10-15 mins, STE is sitting back now
  10. Nikod yes that's Pogbas brother Not a bad start from us we need that early goal to settle the nerves
  11. Paper TITLES not title, paper kypello too, list goes on and on.......
  12. I do care jvc because EPO register players, they surely new he had been registered to 2 other clubs as that info is right infront of their faces, so why did they register him for Kalamaria? Once again EPO showing how stupid they are. If Oly had won would they have appealed? No chance.
  13. Rumours....... the whole of Greece knows it re wake up to yourself. You really think Marinakis has no knowledge whatsoever of a ship coming in with 2 tonnes of smack that was being brought in by an ex vice pres of Oly? Or the fact that you have the mayor of Pireaus in your pocket and he had no knowledge also? They had tapes, recordings of Kotsoni and locked him up and now all of a sudden many witnesses are found dead and he is let out of jail? A prosecutor had a bomb sent to his house, but no all this was a big lie and propaganda........ Anyway not wasting my time with someone who cant even admit a fault about his owner and lives in a trapped world.
  14. As usual cant even give a straight answer.
  15. I never said he would be, but atleast I can come out and say our owner is shady but in this game you need to have a dark side, an ex AEK player told me this recently. Can you admit that about your owner as you have never done so before A heroin importer is better in your eyes, killing our Greek people with smack is something you must be proud of.
  16. Bad for Greece overall but this could be a blessing for Greek Football. Marinakis seems to be running the other way, next change we need is at EPO. Those 2 have destroyed the system for many years and this is the result of it.
  17. There was no victory for me today, just a very good laugh. As for the coming season time will tell.
  18. Tzatziki wouldn't want anything from you, last person I would turn to for help/support or even to be pissed on :) Speaking of pissing on, Marinakis seems to be doing that to you all lately. Welcome to reality after so long.
  19. Tzatziki wouldn't want anything from you, last person I would turn to for help/support or even to be pissed on :) Speaking of pissing on, Marinakis seems to be doing that to you all lately. Welcome to reality after so long.
  20. Don't flatter yourself its called a figure of speech.
  21. Tragic result but it aint the first time PAOK have bombed it at home.
  22. Dikefale that's a good point, sure they may not want to develop from first team as they want success, but what are they doing in their academy? Tzatziki any idea what goes on there? Being serious now not taking the piss.
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