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Everything posted by Genome

  1. Man Gekas really lost his touch for the NT but I guess we already knew that from what we saw at the World Cup ...
  2. Could they try keeping the ball on the ground instead of these awful crosses ?
  3. ... I thought we were doing great the first few minutes until I realised we aren't playing in blue ... :huh:
  4. Genome


    http://www.aekvoice.gr/football/item/31875-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%B5%CF%80%CE%AF%CF%83%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%B1-%CE%BF%CE%BA%CF%84%CF%8E-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF-%CF%81%CF%8C%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B5%CF%81 So Georgeas is back, I always liked that guy :D
  5. Genome


    Melisanidis seems to be taking over AEK. Are you for or against?
  6. I have to say btw I'm starting to feel sorry for this guy ... After having seen and read I believe that he didn't realize what he was doing. And even if he did, give him a chance for "repentance", but taking away his career is just way too much.
  7. AEK's decision ... for now: http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/664092
  8. I sure hope AEK isn't going to lose points over this. I do agree however that banning him for life without hearing the guy is an overreaction. But him being at the age of 20, I find it very hard to believe he did not know what the gesture meant. On a sidenote, this is the same guy that was praised by a lot of people just days earlier for his cooperation with the AEK anti-bullying campaign. Anyway I do stand by what I wrote in that I think he wouldn't be a big loss for the team. I do hope for him that he does get his second chance though (and pick up a damn history book!).
  9. Katidis could face punishment from his club or the Super League although AEK's German coach Ewald Lienen leapt to his defence. 'He is a young kid who does not have any political ideas. He most likely saw such a salute on the Internet or somewhere else and did it without knowing what it means,' he said. 'I am 100 per cent sure Giorgos did not know what he did. He was crying in the dressing room seeing the reaction.' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2294586/Pictured-Nazi-salute-goal-celebration-sparks-race-storm.html#ixzz2NnxScuXS
  10. He claimed this and then that. Yesterday he wrote on Twitter that the move is also something Golden Dawn does, and that he did it because he thought the crowd would cheer harder ... (?). Then he says "I didn't know what the gesture meant". If this is true then too bad but you're still an imbecile for making gestures you don't know the meaning of in a place where thousands (and via camera) hundreds of thousands can see. Anyway, good riddance, I really think this is an overrated (thus probably overpaid) player. Here's an article on it in Greek: http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/663633
  11. Genome

    AEK - Aris

    Great, pics and/or movies I'll put online in the next couple of days!
  12. Scored the winner in tonight's match against Spartak Moskva, granting Celtic's first ever away win in the Champions League!
  13. A bit disappointing ... ah well, on to Brazil I suppose? (Btw, what was up with the shows and ceremonies? Just a bunch of pop culture references?)
  14. Thanks for pointing this one out, and sorry for taking so long to re-open this topic!Also, good luck to the lad! :tup:
  15. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    End of the game, 1-0. Lame.
  16. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    Very frustrating this ...
  17. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    1-0 against the flow of the game. Very frustrating, but the last fifteen minutes the AEK defence did nothing but slide tackle when it was absolutely unnecessary.
  18. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    End of the first half in which AEK was, to my surprise given the current situation, the dominant side. 0-0.
  19. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    AAAAAAAARGH and another chance from Sialmas! Blocked!
  20. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    Chance from Sialmas, throw in won.
  21. Genome

    Aris - AEK

    And another chance missed!
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