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athinaios last won the day on January 27

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  1. First round, first place again. 2024 a new coach and several new faces. The top 4 teams will duke it out in the playoffs it seems. But PAO now has a much better roster than last year. I think up to Jan before the new additions, PAO over-achieved given its budget and players.
  2. I think it deserves to be noted that this season has been very exciting so far for the Panatha fans. I was surprised, to be honest, that PAO would or could pass Marseille and have several great Euro games. Today, they beat Villareal--a powerhouse in Spain and Europe. They won the Europa league 2 years ago, and, ok, they're not the same calibre team, but still they are a great team. Last week they scored 3 against Barca. Today they had 1 great chance to score but PAO stopped them while scoring 2 superb goals by Fotara and Sporar. The bottom line is that I see Greek teams actually being competitive agains much bigger clubs. For example, PAO has a budget of $24 mil. and Marseille $240... ten timex bigger. Anyway, let's hope Panatha has a good Euro performance and wins some silverware in Greece.
  3. Very difficult group. This win may prove to be massive. Good luck.
  4. This was a great season, considering where the team was last year, and how thin its roster, with the smallest budget than the top competitors. It didn't win a title in the end, losing to a better team: AEK. We can't replay the past, but Aitor's injury was too big to overcome.... a couple more wins could have given PAO its first league title after a decade+ But it returned to Euro play again after 5 yrs. A lucky draw gives hope that the euro games can be extended if they pass through to next stage. However, Greek teams, and most out of the top handful cannot compete any longer for euro titles. The best or even medium-caliber players cost so much now. Mbappe alone costs as much as the whole Greek league teams spend a year!!
  5. Yes, tomorrow's (June 25th) result is almost certain, the only question is by what margin ND will win, and how many small parties will enter parliament. I think ND and Mitsotakis' biggest challenges will be arrogance and favoritism in the absence of credible opposition. If Mitsotakis can manage these, he'll be remembered well by history as one of the best PMs in Greek history. They should stop changing the electoral law every so often in order to benefit the party in power. SYRIZA's attempt blew up in its face with this election. Anyway, Greece needs stability and technocrats in power, not irresponsible populists like Tsipras and most of the other smaller parties. I also think they should raise the minimum to 5% from 3% for a party to clear in order to enter parliament. Plurality is good but cacophony isn't.
  6. Happy, health, and fulfilling 2023 to all dear members here. May it create good memories for all.
  7. 8x8 It's very impressive, though a bad stretch can undo all this. I'm hopeful this will be PAO's season. We may still finish on top of the league but there the playoffs too. Still, the team needs 2-3 more quality players that can be starters. The bench is contributing but this may not be enough for a long season. I have to mention... I was a young man when we were discussing building the new stadium, though the years, decades really went by. Now they say by 2026.... Leoforos makes a difference as a home field compared to OAKA. With a modern stadium the team can do even better. I assume its income will increase which is good to buy better players. Although I'm afraid that the chasm between the handful of the very rich teams and the rest is getting wider. It's obscene that a team can buy 1 player for more money that most teams budgets for several years.
  8. I was young and foolish when we were discussing this here back in the early 2000s... I'm not holding my breath or a shovel until I actually see a game played there. PAO is the only big team without a proper modern home.
  9. I'm so sorry I missed this, but May is one of my worst months in terms of work for me (end of the academic year). But, I have to make up for this now by raising many glasses ? ? I got ..old as a member here. I think I joined around 2000 and then I had to rejoin a couple years later when the new website was launched, or something... Yeah, many memories... and many thousands of words (not all brilliant, I admit) Cheers!
  10. Can we include mini series? I take it as a yes... (haha) So, I watched Narcos Mexico season 3 on Netflix. Not bad, but for me seasons 1 & 2 were the best. I've see all the previous versions of Narcos. I remembered some news about the drug problems in the US, and the various administrations' actions against the drug trade. Those those fictionalized events were happening in the 1980s & 90s, etc. I think if a society needs something, be it drugs or alcohol, porn, whatever, it'll get it one way or another. Unless the demand dies down, there will be lots of violence, corruption, and a para-economy if something is deemed illegal.
  11. Sounds like a witness protection program...
  12. There's an industry whose professionals seem to be wearing skinny jeans as a statement.
  13. Allegedly spoken by Einstein who added, "and I'm not sure about the former (the universe)"
  14. So, once upon a time, and for 99% of the humanity's experience, there were many diseases that would maim and kill, from little children to grown adults. Those natural afflictions were equal-opportunity enemies of health. Rich & powerful people would have their children die too. FD Roosevelt got polio in his 30s and was an invalid for the rest of his life. Then we were given a choice by modern medicine: vaccines. What we found out is that vaccines, and modern medicine, have vastly improved human health, longevity, and happiness. Life span alone (on the average) doubled within 100 years. On the other hand, you can choose conspiracy theories, misinformation, and wilful ignorance..... which is pretty much how most people lived their lives for ever. But, they took risks, and sometimes were rewarded for taking a chance. Or, when they figured out that every action, every tool, every food, etc, had some risk but they weighed that against benefit. Today, we still take calculated risks, but some of us don't understand ..statistics. Like the chance of dying in an automobile crash is much higher than getting the COVID19 vaccine, while the effects of the virus are much more likely to be harmful. Yet.... By the way, even though it's effective, I think it's disgusting that we have to bribe people into doing the right thing for themselves and for the community.
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