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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2017 in all areas

  1. Guys, almost all the Aris games will be televised on ERT3. The nice thing is that they have a great streaming service, so you should be able to watch all Aris Football League games wherever you are. The link to the stream is http://webtv.ert.gr/ert3/
    1 point
  2. So Trump now has the nuclear launch codes. I'll be getting in my spaceship and staying at my mansion on the moon for the next 4 years. But seriously, I want to see how Americans vote at the next election once Trump fails to deliver for the middle class. It will also be interesting to see how Trump copes with not being able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Maybe he thinks running the U.S. is like running a business but once in the position I think he'll gain some respect for the responsibility that is public office. The Dems should quit with the whiny juvenile protests and get on with developing actual real policies (and leadership that isn't tainted) that will make people want to vote for them in 4 years. Good lord, how could you lose an election to Trump. Oh Hillary, shame shame shame.
    1 point
  3. Well that at least makes me feel better
    1 point
  4. ^I disagree.. I like the fact that we've gotten results and I like the fact that we are in a pretty good position but I have to totally disagree with you regarding Skibbe, I think he's made horrible choices with playing players out of there normal positions, His player choices, his call ups and the guys he chooses to sub in. realistically we've out played Gibraltar, but other then that we've been outplayed by Cyprus, Estonia and Bosnia which we should have lost to be honest. In my opinion if Skibbe keeps going with this line up and does not call up guys that we've all mentioned then the teams luck will run out and we will start losing games again if Skibbe doesn't change things quickly.
    1 point
  5. I'm actually not that fussed about him. Haven't been that keen on the player anyway. We got what we really wanted and needed, and that's a striker. We can always look for a better winger in the summer.
    1 point
  6. How about this for a change of pace...Mnuchin's confirmation hearing has just finished. I thought this was an interesting point he made. https://qz.com/889431/steve-mnuchin-confirmation-hearing-donald-trumps-nominee-for-us-treasury-secretary-said-he-wants-a-bigger-irs/ I get that people love to hate on the IRS...but people don't seem to get that it's congress that creates the tax law that these guys then have to enforce. Add to that the fact that they aren't given the funding or support they need to do their jobs expeditiously, and you have a quagmire. I'm pretty sure John Oliver had a great long-form thing on this very topic from this past year which I'll dig up and link to a bit later.
    1 point
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