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Australia - Greece leftovers


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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

if somebody carries a flag from ,,Constantiniople'' I respect this .I cant ban a feeling and a pride. example: I dont support the cyprus flag cause it shows the whole Island which is for me as a Turk not right . But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in Turkey knows what I say if I talk about respect of national flags.We Turks have so much respect about our flag that we know how the other side feel ...

IF Australia bans flags which belongs to people , this shows that Australians are racists and of course NO democrates. They live like communists if they ban flags.

Australians showed the whole world that they are like Nazis as they attacked all people on a beach who dosnt look like a english man or woman (I hope all of you can remember) In Germany this came in TV all day long...So the Australians are really down under in the mind from 90 % of all Germans..... the pictures of racism and intolerance against foreigners were the headlines of alle european news and papers.

The Australian image in Europe is really down under. I hope Australian team will loose all their games in WC 2006.

For Greece I hope they show them that they cant play football.

Greece 4 Australia 0


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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

if somebody carries a flag from ,,Constantiniople'' I respect this .I cant ban a feeling and a pride. example: I dont support the cyprus flag cause it shows the whole Island which is for me as a Turk not right . But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in Turkey knows what I say if I talk about respect of national flags.We Turks have so much respect about our flag that we know how the other side feel ...

IF Australia bans flags which belongs to people , this shows that Australians are racists and of course NO democrates. They live like communists if they ban flags.

Australians showed the whole world that they are like Nazis as they attacked all people on a beach who dosnt look like a english man or woman (I hope all of you can remember) In Germany this came in TV all day long...So the Australians are really down under in the mind from 90 % of all Germans..... the pictures of racism and intolerance against foreigners were the headlines of alle european news and papers.

The Australian image in Europe is really down under. I hope Australian team will loose all their games in WC 2006.

For Greece I hope they show them that they cant play football.

Greece 4 Australia 0


I think you have the wrong impression about Australia.

I dont support what the FFA has put into place and have written a letter.

But we are far from racist just because of what happened in Cronulla. The Arabs were there every week looking for trouble hassling the white Anglo Australians.

The white Australians got sick and tired of the Arabs they gave them trouble hence the riots happened. 2 wrongs dont make a right but they got what they deserved.

Back to the Greek game I think the FFA are trying to eliminate any excuse of trouble happening at this game BUT I THINK THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!!!

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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

if somebody carries a flag from ,,Constantiniople'' I respect this .I cant ban a feeling and a pride. example: I dont support the cyprus flag cause it shows the whole Island which is for me as a Turk not right . But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in  Turkey knows what I say if I talk about respect of national flags.We Turks have so much respect about our flag that we know how the other side feel ...

IF Australia bans flags which belongs to  people , this shows that Australians are racists and of course NO democrates. They live like communists if they ban flags.

Australians showed the whole world that they are like Nazis as they attacked all people on a beach who dosnt look like a english man or woman (I hope all of you can remember) In Germany this came in TV all day long...So the Australians are really down under in the mind  from  90 % of all Germans..... the pictures of racism and intolerance against foreigners were the headlines of alle european news and papers.

The Australian image in Europe is really down under. I hope Australian team will loose all their games in WC 2006.

For Greece I hope they show them that they cant play football.

Greece  4  Australia 0


Mate u r a complete idiot!!!!

You have no clue what so ever in reguards to world events or Australia!! You talk in a manner to suggest ur sophisticated and intelligent however with posts like these all you do is show how much of a moron u truly are… Mate u have no clue whats so ever!!!

Like XXX-18T said, This feeling between the so called Anglo Aussie (which isn’t true, there were others in that riots such as Greeks, Italians, Serbs ect…) and Muslim Arabs have been going on for years and years… do u even know why the riots began??? It was because a young Anglo aussies life guard was doing his job on the beach and patrolling it until a group of young Arab boys (common in Sydney) came along and told him to leave the beach because it was now called “Lebanon on the beach”, this life guard refused to do so, so what did these young group of men/teenagers do?? Bashed him and sent him to the hospital…

Now this was just the final straw for a lot of people because these incidents are really common in Sydney where groups of young Arabs either bash non-Arabs e.g if they look at these men the wrong way they will come down in packs and either abuse him or bash him, sexually harass the women of non-Arabs e.g is they see a blonde Anglo-Aussie they will scream out something of this nature “hey sharmouta how about u bend ur knees for the Lebanese and give me what u were put on this earth to do, and if this girl refuses then she will cop tons of abuse, being branded a slut, being called an aussies bitch ect…, show no respect towards others who aren’t like them e.g even if ur Christian Arab they will tease or abuse or offend you in some way, they have no respect for the country there living in, they love the freedom they get in Australia however that’s all they love about Australia, they dnt care for people they dnt respect the National anthem or values of a country there living in, and if u question this they will b open about it and say ###### off this is Beirut now were taking over!!

Now you’re probably asking your self how the ###### do I know; well first off I live in Sydney, in fact I live close by Cronulla the place the riots happen and this is just 5% of what ive seen with my own eyes in areas such as the streets, malls, schools, beaches ect…

Did you know in the revenge attacks (meaning the arabs got pay back that same night for what happened during the day) the arabs didnt go to cronulla because they were sceard that the numbers were even so instead they went to other areas and damaged propertys such as houses, cars ect... and they even attacked inocent people who werent involved in the riots just because they werent arabs!!! and example was a 38 year old Greek-Australian man was taking out the garbage that night and he was stabbed and beated to a bloody polp infront of his 5 year old son!!! Now the difference between the two riots was that the so called "anglo-Aussies" said/challenged the arabs of sydney to come down to Cronulla on a particular sunday and try and bash them, try and abuse there women and try to be tough men however hardly no arabs showed up because they knew that once the numbers were even they wouldnt have a chance, only a handfull of try-hards came down and got what they deserved (what i mean by that is that they knew what was going to happen but ingored it and walked into a battle field, knowing what was there) However the revenge attacks were of a cowardly manner because they attacked areas that werent involved in the riots, they attacked people who werent involved in the riots and showed no respect what so ever to others and acted like big men...

However like XXX-18T said Two wrongs don’t make a right, and not all Arabs r like this, in fact I have plenty of Arab friends who r actually really good people; its just a lot of the minority really give them a bad name and I mean a lot of the minority…

Now as for you, you’re a real piece of work, you have shown everyone in these forums that you have no clue about anything and what ever little respect u might have had, has gone down the drain... you try and defend Greece thinking your doing all of us a favour about the whole flag thing by putting down another country like Australia where many Greeks live and know what im talking about??

shame on you and your stupid posts :nono:

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With all due respect to you mate, you're representing the Turkish Ministry for propaganda!

Turkey has no respect for Cyprus or Greece's flag (or for the Armenian one, or the Kurdish one etc etc etc)! Do you forget how you're "respectful" countrymen so respectfully burnt both flags when Greece visited Turkey for the qualifiers?

Can we please cut the crap about how you're so apparently disgusted how another nation (Australia) is so undemocratic, when the whole civilised world knows that Turkey is a military junta and police state in the guise of a secular muslim nation!

You criticised Australians, when in the majority they aren't any more racist than the Germans and Italians who have shameful histories as well as the "benevolent" Turks.

Australians and modern Australian society isn't perfect, however I much prefer to live in this country and I have visited plenty around the world and thw quality of life and freedom of speech and association I feel in this country is second to none.

Australians EVEN allow Turks the privilege to march during Australia's memorial day which they don't allow the same honour to other ex-servicement of enemy countries (Germans, Italians, Japanese). SO how about that for being "racism and intolerance against foreigners".

You are a muppet and maybe you can remind your German overlords that they should be the last people to label others racist or intolerant!

Look at the WWII scoreboard....

also as a Turk you can stop trying to pretend how honourable Turkish society is...the world must never forget the attrocities commited by your great grandfathers.....the genocide of over 2 million Armenians, Cypriots and Greeks slaughtered et al.

You're a product of a fascistic military state, my propaganda spewing friend. You're very lucky that you also have the support of the other 2 biggest terrorist nations (USA and Israel).

and as for the world cup....you guys couldn't beat a weak Greece....so I wouldn't worry about what Australia is doing.

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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

IF Australia bans flags which belongs to people , this shows that Australians are racists and of course NO democrates. They live like communists if they ban flags.

Australians showed the whole world that they are like Nazis as they attacked all people on a beach who dosnt look like a english man or woman (I hope all of you can remember) In Germany this came in TV all day long...So the Australians are really down under in the mind from 90 % of all Germans..... the pictures of racism and intolerance against foreigners were the headlines of alle european news and papers.

The Australian image in Europe is really down under. I hope Australian team will loose all their games in WC 2006.

For Greece I hope they show them that they cant play football.

Greece 4 Australia 0


But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in  Turkey knows what I say if I talk about respect of national flags.We Turks have so much respect about our flag that we know how the other side feel ...

Mas koroidevi o Tourkos?

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I dont support what the FFA has put into place and have written a letter.

But we are far from racist just because of what happened in Cronulla. The Arabs were there every week looking for trouble hassling the white Anglo Australians.

The white Australians got sick and tired of the Arabs they gave them trouble hence the riots happened. 2 wrongs dont make a right but they got what they deserved.

Ela re file, oi angloi, kai oi diaspora tous (americani, australoi, etc) eine ratsistes!
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Ela re file, oi angloi, kai oi diaspora tous (americani, australoi, etc) eine ratsistes!

Sostos o paiktis
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Ela re file, oi angloi, kai oi diaspora tous (americani, australoi, etc) eine ratsistes!

I disagree maybe the Anglo's and Americans but not the Australians.

The Australians have a laid back attitude. They opened up the doors to let immigrants in during 50's,60's, and 70's. Immigrants from Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain made Australia their home. My dad was an illegal immigrant and there were a lot of Illegals living and working in Australia. So the Australian Government said if you own up now we wont deport you we will make you citizens as well. So my dad became a legal citizen of Australia.

The beauty of this was due to Australia being a young country (200 years old) didnt really have a culture so the immigrants brought their own and the Australians embraced it.

At the supermarket you can buy dolmades, chinotto, anything you want. if Australia was racist this would not be allowed.

The only mistake Australia did was during the 80's and 90's a lot of immigrants from Asia, India and the Middle East came. Most of them are fine and Australia is embracing their culture as well but I'd say 20% of the Arabs have taken adavantage of Australia's freedom like Hollywood stated and are causing a lot of trouble.

i have Arab friends as well and they are top people and they too are embarressed of that 20%.

Anyways I feel that the American and English members of the forum dont really understand what goes on in Australia but we are a very multicultural society.

Theres a movie that can give an idea about what happens in Australia called The Wog Boy its a comedy but it will give people an incite on how we live in Australia.

Check it out guys....

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The beauty of this was due to Australia being a young country (200 years old) didnt really have a culture so the immigrants brought their own and the Australians embraced it.

Australians?You mean the Aboriginal people?

Last time i remember they were not part of the commonwealth and they did not have the Union Jack in their flag.

And i don t think that people are racists before a wave of immigrants comes to their land.Maybe after?

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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

if somebody carries a flag from ,,Constantiniople'' I respect this .I cant ban a feeling and a pride. example: I dont support the cyprus flag cause it shows the whole Island which is for me as a Turk not right . But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in  Turkey knows what I say if I talk about respect of national flags.We Turks have so much respect about our flag that we know how the other side feel ...

IF Australia bans flags which belongs to  people , this shows that Australians are racists and of course NO democrates. They live like communists if they ban flags.

Australians showed the whole world that they are like Nazis as they attacked all people on a beach who dosnt look like a english man or woman (I hope all of you can remember) In Germany this came in TV all day long...So the Australians are really down under in the mind  from  90 % of all Germans..... the pictures of racism and intolerance against foreigners were the headlines of alle european news and papers.

The Australian image in Europe is really down under. I hope Australian team will loose all their games in WC 2006.

For Greece I hope they show them that they cant play football.

Greece  4  Australia 0


Mate u r a complete idiot!!!!

You have no clue what so ever in reguards to world events or Australia!! You talk in a manner to suggest ur sophisticated and intelligent however with posts like these all you do is show how much of a moron u truly are… Mate u have no clue whats so ever!!!

Like XXX-18T said, This feeling between the so called Anglo Aussie (which isn’t true, there were others in that riots such as Greeks, Italians, Serbs ect…) and Muslim Arabs have been going on for years and years… do u even know why the riots began??? It was because a young Anglo aussies life guard was doing his job on the beach and patrolling it until a group of young Arab boys (common in Sydney) came along and told him to leave the beach because it was now called “Lebanon on the beach”, this life guard refused to do so, so what did these young group of men/teenagers do?? Bashed him and sent him to the hospital…

Now this was just the final straw for a lot of people because these incidents are really common in Sydney where groups of young Arabs either bash non-Arabs e.g if they look at these men the wrong way they will come down in packs and either abuse him or bash him, sexually harass the women of non-Arabs e.g is they see a blonde Anglo-Aussie they will scream out something of this nature “hey sharmouta how about u bend ur knees for the Lebanese and give me what u were put on this earth to do, and if this girl refuses then she will cop tons of abuse, being branded a slut, being called an aussies bitch ect…, show no respect towards others who aren’t like them e.g even if ur Christian Arab they will tease or abuse or offend you in some way, they have no respect for the country there living in, they love the freedom they get in Australia however that’s all they love about Australia, they dnt care for people they dnt respect the National anthem or values of a country there living in, and if u question this they will b open about it and say ###### off this is Beirut now were taking over!!

Now you’re probably asking your self how the ###### do I know; well first off I live in Sydney, in fact I live close by Cronulla the place the riots happen and this is just 5% of what ive seen with my own eyes in areas such as the streets, malls, schools, beaches ect…

Did you know in the revenge attacks (meaning the arabs got pay back that same night for what happened during the day) the arabs didnt go to cronulla because they were sceard that the numbers were even so instead they went to other areas and damaged propertys such as houses, cars ect... and they even attacked inocent people who werent involved in the riots just because they werent arabs!!! and example was a 38 year old Greek-Australian man was taking out the garbage that night and he was stabbed and beated to a bloody polp infront of his 5 year old son!!! Now the difference between the two riots was that the so called "anglo-Aussies" said/challenged the arabs of sydney to come down to Cronulla on a particular sunday and try and bash them, try and abuse there women and try to be tough men however hardly no arabs showed up because they knew that once the numbers were even they wouldnt have a chance, only a handfull of try-hards came down and got what they deserved (what i mean by that is that they knew what was going to happen but ingored it and walked into a battle field, knowing what was there) However the revenge attacks were of a cowardly manner because they attacked areas that werent involved in the riots, they attacked people who werent involved in the riots and showed no respect what so ever to others and acted like big men...

However like XXX-18T said Two wrongs don’t make a right, and not all Arabs r like this, in fact I have plenty of Arab friends who r actually really good people; its just a lot of the minority really give them a bad name and I mean a lot of the minority…

Now as for you, you’re a real piece of work, you have shown everyone in these forums that you have no clue about anything and what ever little respect u might have had, has gone down the drain... you try and defend Greece thinking your doing all of us a favour about the whole flag thing by putting down another country like Australia where many Greeks live and know what im talking about??

shame on you and your stupid posts :nono:


hej shall I read this all???

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It is really wrong to ban flags or symbols.

In the end a flag must be respected.

My view:

if somebody carries a flag from ,,Constantiniople'' I respect this .I cant ban a feeling and a pride. example: I dont support the cyprus flag cause it shows the whole Island which is for me as a Turk not right . But I respect this flag cause the Cyprus flag is respected by thousands of people... So I had no right to ban the Cyprus flag even in Turkey.All Turks in

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Wogs get out the country! You don't want to support the country you have grown up in, piss off back to your oily culture. F***in cunts.

lol why dont u go back to the shire :LOL:

ive supported Australia and Greece all my life who are u to say Australia is ur country unless ur an Abo!


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Wogs get out the country! You don't want to support the country you have grown up in, piss off back to your oily culture. F***in cunts.

And this is the reason why people see Australia as a Racist country....

its dickheads like you who give opinons to people like Turkcell and Drakos thats Australia are a bunch of racist hillbillys...

can you blame the rest of the world for thinking like this when u have anglo F***heads such as ur self dicriminating others...

Shame on you!!! its the so called Wogs, Asians, Latins and even Arabs who gave Australia an Idenitity, b4 them u guys were nothing but a bunch of beer drinking over weight, singlet wearing, ohhhh wheres my thongs bitch hill billys with no culture whats so ever except "where my Pie Shela" or "hey Shaza, ###### me drunk i cant see no more"

How about u go back to ur country "mother England" "god save the Queen" and leave these forums while ur at it, u dumb ######!!!

:gr: :gr: :gr:

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And this is the reason why people see Australia as a Racist country....

Only Australia is a racist country? Hell in the U.S. they have far more racist pigs than any country I could ever think of. ;)
i didnt say Australia is the only Racist country.... i said the user "Wogsgetout" is a reason why other people like for example Drakos or Turkcell think Australia is a Racist country.... Can u really blame them either???

i support both Greece and Australia However if i had to choose one of them then it will have to B Greece because of the following;

Greek blood is what runs through my vaines

its a huge part of my History and my Family Tree's History

Thoes two reasons alone is why i consider my self Greek and im damn proud of it... However i also respect Australia and most of its people (except racist hill billys such as "wogsgetiut")... I Love this country that i was born in (Australia) and i would defend it to anyone even against my own people (example Drakos) but i would never ever defend hill billys such as "wogsgetout", he and others like him are weighing down this great nation :nono:

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Wogs get out the country! You don't want to support the country you have grown up in, piss off back to your oily culture. F***in cunts.


this is awesome!!!!

see they are a bunch of racists! hey captain kangaroo! Fosters sucks I dont care if its export only!

Since you hate 'wogs' (which im going to say stands for working-opportunistic-greek-sailors (because many Greeks came signed up as sailors and abandoned ship in Australia, :LOL: and lets be honest australia would be nothing without immigrants)

Who is 'Stan' Lazaridis?

Or wait what isnt practically your entire team- IMMIGRANTS!?








As for Greece being disgusting, what the hell would you know. Greece is the best country in the world and it would make you happy reverse immigration is on the rise, because its becoming a great place to live. Youd like it there we dont like foreigners either- but thats because we are an actual ETHNICITY and had to fight and die for what we have. You sissy commonwealth still eat the scraps of of that "Royal" whore of England.

Greeks all around the WORLD still call themselves Greek. They didnt come to naturalize they came to work and be Greek Australians, not Australians. If Australia sucked and you left and moved to Mexico for example, would you want your kids to grow up as Mexicans? Probably not, youd still try to raise them Australian because thats what you are proud of.

So since you are 'pure' Australian? What were your ancestors sent to Australia for? Murder? Rape? :P

at Hollywood:

Marco Breciano, Kewell, Kalac are the only ones who could start for Greece...maybe Emerton...Australia just doesnt have talents like Greece or Turkey that even compare to players like Samaras, Pappas, Seitaridis, Amanatidis, Tavlaridis, Dellas, Karagkounis, Giannakopoulos, Basinas, Katsouranis- even some lesser called up players like Stoltidis, Lyberopoulos, Georgatos are way better.

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this is awesome!!!!

see they are a bunch of racists! hey captain kangaroo! Fosters sucks I dont care if its export only!

Since you hate 'wogs' (which im going to say stands for working-opportunistic-greek-sailors (because many Greeks came signed up as sailors and abandoned ship in Australia, :LOL: and lets be honest australia would be nothing without immigrants)

Who is 'Stan' Lazaridis?

Or wait what isnt practically your entire team- IMMIGRANTS!?








As for Greece being disgusting, what the hell would you know. Greece is the best country in the world and it would make you happy reverse immigration is on the rise, because its becoming a great place to live. Youd like it there we dont like foreigners either- but thats because we are an actual ETHNICITY and had to fight and die for what we have. You sissy commonwealth still eat the scraps of of that "Royal" whore of England.

Greeks all around the WORLD still call themselves Greek. They didnt come to naturalize they came to work and be Greek Australians, not Australians. If Australia sucked and you left and moved to Mexico for example, would you want your kids to grow up as Mexicans? Probably not, youd still try to raise them Australian because thats what you are proud of.

So since you are 'pure' Australian? What were your ancestors sent to Australia for? Murder? Rape? :P

at Hollywood:

Marco Breciano, Kewell, Kalac are the only ones who could start for Greece...maybe Emerton...Australia just doesnt have talents like Greece or Turkey that even compare to players like Samaras, Pappas, Seitaridis, Amanatidis, Tavlaridis, Dellas, Karagkounis, Giannakopoulos, Basinas, Katsouranis- even some lesser called up players like Stoltidis, Lyberopoulos, Georgatos are way better.

The Post is gold!

My dad actually jumped ship but he was a bar man on one of those cruise ships.

Australia was desperate for workers as the Abo's were getting high on metho and the Anglo's were hung over from over dosing on beer they let even illegals like my dad to become a citizen and build this country to what it is today.

Wogsgetout i say u mine your own business :LOL:

Posted Image

As for Drakos u are correct Australia has no where near the depth that Greece and other euro countries have. If one of our guys in the squad gets injured before the WC we are screwed. I still think we are doing well for a small country stuck in the middle of no where being in the football wilderness all these years.

Now part of Asia we will grow massively!

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