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Olympiakos - Larissa (CUP)


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i don t get it.Everyone that is not osfp supporter is crying about the refs and our team than talk about there team.They keep forgeting that both little teams (pao+aek) lost both of there games against us with 5-2 and 6-1 agg.We all know that the refs in greece suck for many and differnt reasons but for the love of god give it a rest guys.It sounds like a broken record. :la:

10 year old broken record for that

anwyays we won

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anwyays we won

very short sighted but typical....you pay for these types of wins & those types of theatrics in Europe ;)
u said that already stop repeating yourself

besides u guys paid worse last year with the 2 5ares. after the ref screwed aek of the C.L spot. and gave it to you. now thats a sin !

I love it when people accuse us of how we win in greece and these exact teams (pao and aek) win games the exact same way with free penalties... refs m*****es.. controverisial calls yet bitch about us


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10 year old broken record for that

the only thing broken in the last ten years is your ass in Europe..

you guys cant even walk straight into the CL

you talk about last year??? talk about the last ten in the CL since you brought it up ;) :LOL:

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after the ref screwed aek of the C.L spot. and gave it to you

please when was this.....

i mean im TIRED of STUPID ass comments like this FROM BOTH PAO AND OSFP FANS.

So youre saying ONE CALL was the deciding factor in a season of TWENTY NINE MATCHES?

Honestly PAO was the better team last year, and if you seriously think AEK would have beaten Wisla? Wisla is a really good team and with AEKs great late european performances they would have cut the wings of the dikefalo. So Greece won and todays our day - do they celebrate today in Pireas or they just wave OSFP flags instead of Greek ones....like every other national event :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

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10 year old broken record for that

the only thing broken in the last ten years is your ass in Europe..

you guys cant even walk straight into the CL

you talk about last year??? talk about the last ten in the CL since you brought it up ;) :LOL:

bar how is your ass is feeling after last years great results from your europeo pao?????? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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10 year old broken record for that

the only thing broken in the last ten years is your ass in Europe..

you guys cant even walk straight into the CL

you talk about last year??? talk about the last ten in the CL since you brought it up ;) :LOL:

we did walk straight straight into the group stages not finish 2nd all the time like u guys
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10 year old broken record for that

the only thing broken in the last ten years is your ass in Europe..

you guys cant even walk straight into the CL

you talk about last year??? talk about the last ten in the CL since you brought it up ;) :LOL:

we did walk straight straight into the group stages
& then you hit the usual 4th spot called Pireas :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

go ahead talk about the last 10 yrs of CL please.. We can all use some more humor about the success of osfpp in the CL.. or maybe we can turn this into oral sex about ten yrs of you guys getting fukked :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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10 year old broken record for that

the only thing broken in the last ten years is your ass in Europe..

you guys cant even walk straight into the CL

you talk about last year??? talk about the last ten in the CL since you brought it up ;) :LOL:

we did walk straight straight into the group stages
& then you hit the usual 4th spot called Pireas :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

go ahead talk about the last 10 yrs of CL please.. We can all use some more humor about the success of osfpp in the CL.. or maybe we can turn this into oral sex about ten yrs of you guys getting fukked :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

how is the oral sex your cry baby team has been giving us 10 years in a row?
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at least that reply tells everyone that you have no right talking about EUROPE ;) :LOL:

oreo penalty sas edose o ref simera

ela doste kialla

what are u like at 10 this year TO HELP u win games?

zito the greek refereeing !!!!

then u will go get slaugheterd in europe and say what happened

a re i guess in paos case if u cant beat em.. join em,

na to herosaste to penaly simera


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stick to soccer

what a hypocrite
i mean soccer argument

not putting up a guy pointing fingers

and what exactly is your stupid avatar? you really dont feel like a moron with that?

a green ambulance saying gay 13......how clever :huh: ....honestly find a HUMOROUS way to insult us at LEAST.

your talking about oral sex and such and now im off topic by posting a funny pic trying to get the topic back...

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stick to soccer

what a hypocrite
i mean soccer argument

not putting up a guy pointing fingers

and what exactly is your stupid avatar? you really dont feel like a moron with that?

a green ambulance saying gay 13......how clever :huh: ....honestly find a HUMOROUS way to insult us at LEAST.

your talking about oral sex and such and now im off topic by posting a funny pic trying to get the topic back...

the oral sex comment was from BAR 7read up on it

I simply replied

and just so u know... bar 7 started the euro crap again last week

I deleted the arguyment that broke out last week .. and what happened he brought it up again and we have a 2nd argument in here about our euro performances

so if u want to tell people stuff. PM bar 7


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