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Rivaldo to Selecao: what do you think?


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the forum has been a litlte silent for few days, so i thought y not some news :D


Olympiakos playmaker Rivaldo has set his sights on working his way into the Seleçao for World Cup 2006, even if it means being a backup.

"I would like to be recalled to the Brazilian national team," he told Brazilian newspaper Diario do Sao Paulo. "I wouldn't mind even being a substitute.”

"In addition, I would be very happy if I have the chance to play at least a few minutes in any game."

"I know that there are currently players in the same position who are having very good performances like Kaka and Alex, but I would be very happy if I could at least be part of the group of players that will go to Germany,” said the 2002 world champion.

"I know that it's very difficult to be recalled, but I have trust in my quality and in a coach who knows me and knows what I can give to the team."


personally, i think its impossible...........and even he knows that.....thats y he has almost got down to pleading.

his 'brazil no.10' days are over!!!

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Its not that his Brazilian days are over as number 10, he still is a class player lets face it. He has that footballing mind and has the skill - its just that others like Kaka and Ronaldinho, Alex, Adriano and co are performing at a very high level, hjigher than Rivaldo, and competing in more tougher domestic leagues than ours.

I dun see him back in the Brazil squad!

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What a coincidence

I hve been thinking about it today

I read the article in Terra Brazil, and was impressed

He is very humble, even for his usual modest self, he said he will be satisfied with pllaying only several minutes or only with the mere being in the group

He means the group for the world Cup

I think he said it fair and square, and did everything except crawling

I think the coach should give him the opportunity to be in the squad/ It is for the benefit of all. He still can contribute to the NT by his being there, even playing only from the bench

I have been following the NT of Brazil for years and I did not see that the Verde amarelha has improved without him. Not at all.

Here is the link to the article

Rivaldo still dreams of the 2006 Mundial

This is the important passage, in my humble opinion

Ha jogadores na minha posicao que estao muito bem, como o Kaka e o Alex, mas o que eu quero mesmo e estar no grupo. Sei que estou esquecido, que e difícil voltar, mas acredito muito em mim e sei que tenho a confianca do treinador

Well, in my bad transation:

There are very strong players in my position like Kaka and Alex , but all what I wish is to be in the group. I know that I am forgotten, that it is very difficult, but I belieive in myself and I know that I have the confidence of the coach

Well, in that he is mistaken

The coach is fixed with KaKa, he even does not call Alex/

Firthermore, Alex is in the same position of Rivaldo, not kaka, they played together perfectly against Peru in Lima, when Rivaldo scored his last goal, and also against Uruguay when Kaka scored assisted by Rivaldo

I believe that the only chance for him is if they change the coach. He is too oconservative anyhow. I wish they change him' but it is not very likely

Well ,as you know, Ribbo has just returned from apilgrimage, maybe God will do soe miracle for him and Oly. I really hope so

But we are way off toppic here

Parreira does not have any idea what Rivaldo is doing. He did not see any of his performances in Oly, neither the bad nor the good ones, He is just narrow minded

The selecao does not charms us any moree, not like before, when Rivaldo was there, Ronaldinho Gaucho and Ronaldo were better with him

Of course, it is my opinion and of some others in Brazil, not the majority I admit, but Rivaldo was never very much admired in his country. After all he is only a Pernambucano (From the north-eastern part of Brazil, not appreciated by the Cariocas and paulistas

Even Alex is underrated because he is form Minas Gerais

I found a sentence today in a Brazilian forum that expresses my opinion:

o Brasil e pior sem Rivaldo e melhor com ele

In the meantime I hope he is motivated for the last matches here in Greece

I will pray for that

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I think that the Brazilian coach may add him to the squad as a "back-up" player but more so in a role of "someone for guidance and moral support". Who woudln't want him to be on his squad. It will definitely be a HUGE honour at this stage of his carrer if Rivaldo gets called up but the chances are low. If he does make it though, I don't think it's going to be a schock for anyone...

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Who woudln't want him to be on his squad.


I know 2

1. The idiot Van Gaal

2. The "burro" Parreira

Sometime I find myself wishing that we (Brazil) some bad defeat from the hated Argies just to get read of Parreira and Zagalo

They should retire themselves rather than retairing Rivaldo

I am sure he would even be a better coach himself

And about Kaka and Adriano and the rest that were mentioned here

Only Alex plays on the same posision and is of the same profile. The others can play with him and only benefit from his presence on the field

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Who woudln't want him to be on his squad.


I know 2

1. The idiot Van Gaal

2. The "burro" Parreira


Iam adding a third........

3. Ancelotti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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From his quotes he sounds like he's a humble man. Sounds a bit contradictory to what's been happening all season with Bajevic. In any event, if he can accept that role with the team..insofar as a sub...then I would say give him a spot if he warrants it or if the others at his position are injured or something.

He's done decently in the Greek League. Not lighting it on fire, but not acting as a pylon either.

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You are talking about Belo Horizonte, a city bigger than Athens, and the "village team" was Cruzeiro, at that time Brazil Champion, lead by no less than Vanderley Luxenburgo and the super player Alex (now in Fener)

He left there after Luxa left, as an act of solidarity , and did not stay in another team in Brazil, rejecting an invitation from Luxa to join him at Santos

A strange decision, which most people will not take

Maybe he did not want to be the Brazilian Figo..

For your information

As to yhis differences with Bajevic, that IMHO were inflated by hte press, he spoke his mind, beleiving that what he suggests is for the better of the team. It is not very unusual. Inteligent coaches listen to the players, hear their opinions and accept or do not accept them

There is no need to make an ego-issue of any difference of opinion

No player likes to be subbed, it is no secret, especially if he had a discrete performance and want to compensate in the second half. Rivaldo never missed a training without permission, he is hard working and not seeking "star discount" on the other hand he has the right, IMHO. being an experienced player with a great history,who make an effort forthe team, to get some respect. As far as I know( and please correct me if I am wrong) he gets it from his team mates and that is the most important for any player' and I think that Bajevic respects hi, too, and that their dofferences are over (I hope)

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this situation is very similar to Romario situation in world cup 98

remember Rivaldo and Ronaldo were the 2 best players in that tournament in 2002

Ronaldo had more goals but Rivaldo played a better game

difference now is Rivaldo's age just like when Romario who was the best player in world cup 1994 but couldn't make the squad in 98

the factor of age and somebody ready to take his position

Brazil doesn't want to waste a spot they would rather bring in a youngster to just sit and feel the experience then bring in Rivaldo

they did that in 1994 to Rivalod and Ronaldo

i want him to go play but i really don't see it happenning

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