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Greek-Torrents is up again!

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U/D Ratio=Your uploads versus your downloads. Simple mathematical type.


If You downloaded 100MB and you uploaded 50MB your U/D ratio is 0.5.

If you downloaded 100MB and you uploaded 100MB your U/D ratio is 1.0

If you downloaded 50MB and you uploaded 100MB your ratio is 2.0

Spiros,i put the ABC's maximum upload speed in 8 kbps

do you think it's poor and i have to change it?

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Pornoy it all depends on what you want to download from them. If it is just a couple of games you don't have to worry about your ratio. If it is more than that here is what you need to do:

I downloaded more than 40 greek movies and a number of songs and applications from them. That's 34GB worth of files. In my case you have to give at least 20GB back (seed/upload) if you want to continue downloading from them.

If you need your internet connection (working with something else at the same time you download) chose 3kbs/sec as your maximum overall upload rate when downloading and not downloading. That way you will be able to surf the internet downloading at your maximum possible speed without seeing any differnce. But like this you give in return very very little comparing to what you are getting from them. So change it to 0 (unlimited) when you don't need your connection and definately in the night. Let it upload all night. When your file is at 100% don't delete it (or move it from its location). Let it seed (upload) for as long as you can (note that if MB downloaded are equivelant to MB uploaded your ratio will be exactly 1.0). The more you leave it on (if you don't care about your connection time) the better your ratio.

My ratio is currently at 1.75 with 59.39GB uploaded and 33.93GB downloaded so I don't have any problem to get anything at any given time.

If you get stuck though your ratio is really really low and you fall into their restrictions not being able to connect any more, you can always create a new username and password (you need a NEW valid email address different than the one you are already registered with) and pretend you are a new user so you start with a 1.0 ratio automatically. But eventually the only way to keep up with them is how I explained in the beginning.

Don't worry if you just need a couple of GB from them.

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with 0.34 ratio you won't be allowed to download anything. That's why you are stuck. You need to bring it to at least 0.5. Or create a new account and start fresh. Read my post for further details and the greek-torrents site for more instructions.

If you have a torrent wich is stuck at 99.9% you need to find a NEW post of this torrent and redownload it. For example: The "Road to Euro 2004" had this problem and it has been re-uploaded. It works fine now (100%) but you need to find the newest file and re-download it. This will do a check on your file and continue the download from the point it was left.

But with your ratio you have to wait 5 days (after you click on the new file).

Ratio is very important in this site.

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When you download something from a torrent site you are a leecher. You leech.

While you are downloading (leeching), you are also uploading (seeding) because someone else is downloading the file you already have in your pc.

How to seed: You seed while downloading. But it's not enough. Leave your conection and the ABC client open even after your file is 100% downloaded so you can seed more and increase your ratio.

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Sometimes working programs in the backround do affect the overall downloading process. I suggest a reboot of your pc. Then reopen ABC and let it download. Keep in mind the more files you download simultaneously the more you share your internet speed. Example: If you download a file at 100kbps and you start another download, both files will be downloaded at 50kbps each now. Three files at 33.3kbps and so on.

Advice to everyone (drakos too). Downloading files in your pc SPREADS elements all over it resulting in slowing down the downloads and the overall performance of your pc. YOU SHOULD DEFRAGMENT very frequently. Diskeeper 9 is the best program for that. Set it to defragment EVERY night (between 4.00 and 6.00 am, while you are still in bed) so you can have a fresh and fast pc every day.

I hope you have the program (IT'S A MUST HAVE). If not, go here http://www.torrentspy.com/search.asp?mode=...tails&id=213499 and get it for free. You need ABC to download the file. Anyone that needs additional help, PM me.

As I said, you must have this program and run it frequently.

Additionally, I can suggest a number of "free" programs that you should have in order to be safe in todays web threats. PM me if you are interested since this is a sports forum.

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Which file are you trying to download? Is it a "dead" file? Check if there are any seeders or leechers (the download page of the file has all the info). If there are none left you have to request the file from someone in the forums section to reseed it. Make sure you are logged in the site before you click on the download.

Try to download a few more random files. If you are getting the same error make sure your ratio is above 0.5 (click on your profile and check it out). If you are able to download other files (cancell whatever you don't like now) then it is definately a torrent problem (may not exist any more).

The problem with greek-torrents.com is that not very many seeders stay for a long time to seed. Greeks are limited, so try to check the site every day for new torrents and get them as soon as posible since people tend to seed only for a little while.

PM me and tell me which file you want and I'll seed it for you if I have it (I am a Power User andf I have the priviledge to upload anything I want). If I don't have it I'll put a request for you in the forums and someone else will more likely upload it for you.

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Hey Spiro it appears all the files I tried to download were "dead" files. I tried to download active file and it worked ok.

I guess I am used to "regular" peer-to-peer downloads, where you select something and will dowload for you when it becomes available.

So tell me. To download anything from Torrents, I have to request the file, and hope that someone is good enough to make it available for me?

So how do you become a seeder?

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You can download everything that has at least 1 seeder. A seeder is a person that has the file full and complete. You can also download a file that has at least one leecher (a person that is trying to download the same file, like you ) but you will not reach 100% of the file unless a seeder connects.

Check the file details page to see how many seeders/leechers there are.

You become a seeder by sharing the file (or partial file) you downloaded with others. Leave your ABC program open so others can leech on you even after your file is 100% downloaded to increase your share ratio.

All these stupid restrictions happen only in greek-torrents.com. The moderators there have nothing else to do and everyday they put new restrictions. But it's the only good site for us Greeks to get things of greek interest. I myself have made about 50 DVD movies (all greek of the old times) and we watch them at home every night since satellite tv never has a decent one for us who live abroad.

If you need games, Windows applications, other than greek movies or music there are sites much much better and faster than greek-torrents.

Ziaka, you have a PM.

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Greek-torrents.com now accept new members only by invitation. You have to register first and then ask a moderator to accept you!!!

Greeks always overdo it! But this is way off limits!!! I don't get the purpose of all these restrictions and limitations. Besides that someone is trying to fulfill his boring day with poor ideas.

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i understand your frustrations but i have to disagree strongly. I have been using torrents for 2 years now I am in college and as the bum student i am i download media in obscene amounts. This system Greektorrents has set up is absolutley incredible compared to anything i have seen.

The problem with torrents is that once a torrent finishes the user can stop it, thus cut off. If someone doesnt seed the torrent dies. There is no real incentive to share because you are just wasting your own bandwidth and will most people really give a damn about others once the file is done? No they dont. In my history with torrents you can only use ones that are relatively new, 1-2 weeks old and they will still have seeders or the tracker dies. This means looking for old material is really tough and the best thing to do is go with super slow/frustrating Emule which has forced sharing.

This online community has not forced sharing but there is incentive to share, which will benefit the rest of the community and at the same time up your ratio giving you benefits. Its really a great idea, because even the archived torrents in the site are still operational, unlike the other torrent sites.

It is really sort of 'prisoners dillemma'....

Everyone really just wants to leech, but if everyone leeches everyone loses, and some lucky few get to have the file, its really relying on the nice people who do leave the seed open with no benefit to them, and they dont last long.

If most people seed and leech equally and a few cheat and just leech it is unfair to the community and the cheaters walk out with the advantage

If everyone seeds and downloads to a fair ratio and standard- everyone is content

- in this case mostly everone tends to go and cheat and leech, which makes the system collapse, all greektorrents did is take this out so those who do cheat are punished. so its either contribute or dont take....i feel it couldnt get more fair.

As for applying for accounts, it is probably to stop people from draining there ratio only to get a new account, i feel its a good idea.

anyways i hope the explanation helped, these measures are to keep the site going and so everyone can benefit which i feel everyone is doing.

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Don't get me wrong. I am 100% for sharing (therefore giving back) the amount of MBs you download from other people. You have to contribute to the sharing files community at least as much as you get from it. Upload/Download Ratio is not even an issue here. But the way things change in the greek-torrents site is unacceptable (by me at least).

1. They did a poll on whether they should accept new members by invitations only. More than 67% of the community voted NO. It didn't matter to them. They adopted the invitation idea (why did they ask our opinion in the first place then?). You just have to email a moderator now and they accept you imediatelly. Why all this? I don't understand!

2. One of the moderators one fine day decided that we have to have at least 30 posts in the forums before we can put a request for any file (can someone explain to me how did they come up with this number and why did they come up with this idea at all?). So people went all over the forums posting stupid things (like: "Hello everyone!") so they can reach the 30 posts limit! I don't call this profesionalism.

3. You need to register twice (one for the torrents site and one for the forums site) with the SAME userid though. If you don't register in the forums by their deadline they give you some kind of penalty points and they ban you when you reach 100 pts! What if I don't want to paticipate in the forums?

4. You have to use special emoticons (little icons) in front of your posts. A request needs a (?) mark while an offer for a file needs a hand with the thumb up! A request for a reseed needs an arrow that points from left to the right (!) and so on...If you don't post with their rules they charge you with 20 additional penalty points (per mistake). Again, you get banned when you reach 100 pts.

5. They email back people in Greeklish. One guy Pmed me in here asking for a translation because he cannot speak greek but he wants to become a member. Professionalism? :nono:

I just feel that some rules are useless, created by people that are trying to be professionals and they are overdoing it.

I am a member of many torrents sites. It's the first site I know with all these (stupid) restrictions. I understand that we need to support our files so more people will be able to download them (specially if Greeks around the world who use them are limited) but I am totally against any Tom, Dick and Harry that tries to make his night dream reality defending his name as a moderator or an administrator.

I already had 5 Pms here from people to invite them in the greek-torrents site. I cannot invite anyone. They need to email a moderator of the site and ask to get accepted. I am not a moderator. But that proves how difficult they make things for everyone. And if they have unlimited time to spend "beautifying" their site, I am sure that not everyone does.

Bottom line? The site is way too complicated. There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Keeping it simple would make things easier and better for eveyone (in my humble opinion always).

This forum though is not to judge or critisize another site. But I have posted my opinion there too. Not that they care of course!

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