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I don't know. A winning record in League One doesn't excite me, nor does keeping Sunderland barely above relegation. I have never rated English football very highly, and haven't seen what this guy can do--as a coach, anyway. I have no expectations, and I'm still a little pissed that we lost Dellas.

When Poyet started at Brighton they were going to be relegated to the 4th division, in his last season they were on the brink of promotion to the premiership... He took the worst premiership team in Sunderland, saved them from relegation, and took them to the league cup final. He's a better coach than Dellas.

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I am also down we lost Dellas but the players have found new life in them since he left, Barbosa being one of them. I just think Dellas lacked getting his players motivated at times.


Poyet will be good, he plays attacking football. He did well with Brighton, they were nobodies at one stage and he changed that. At Sunderland with limited players & $$$ he did well to get them to the league cup final.


He has also brought his assistants with him so atleast he is working with people he is comfortable with. I would have Manolas in that team also as he done well with the team in the small time he had them.


Goodluck to Poyet I hope he does well.

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Well put Greekfreak, I'm pretty much in the same boat right now.


I should however add that I'm happy that Melisanidi actually made the right move here rather than get stingy and bring in a tsioli or something like that. The one pro that Poyiet has, as opposed to Della, is that you paid for this guy so now you have to also please him and provide him with what he needs for success or else that money is put to waste. Whereas with Della, they took half assed decisions on the premise that Della is our guy and that we're doing him a favor raising him as a coach. In essence he was their "yes" man. Even if Della wanted more players I don't think his word counted as much as Poyiet's will. 

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  • 5 months later...

I think Ketsbaia is a very good coach two, he was not a good fit at Oly though, but he is a smart coach. I don't think Meli and him would work well together though, Ketsbaia seems to be pretty headstrong, I get the impression that Meli would go after someone who would be more of a yes man.

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Does anybody want a coach for more than a season and a roster that doesn't totally change each year... So pissed off at AEK management and AEK as a club right now. Why can't we just be BETTER!

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Sure, Ketsbaia may be a good fit, I'm sure other coaches can do the job. But, new players, a new transition period, a new style of play, puts us behind before we even start the season...

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