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Be the Manager: What is your Starting 11, Formation, Etc.?

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With the Abeid signing, we finally have a midfielder who can step into the box and score.







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^^That lineup needs a gabriel at right back, generally you want your wing backs to be comfortable on the ball. I would replace wemmer with zeca and move pranjic into the midfield. Overall it's probably the best thing we can put up, decent midfield set up.


Pre-season is all but over but i think if we had our signings in earlier, we could've tested a 3 man defense which has given us so much success in europe. Also watching brugge, they were so versatile changing from a 4-5-1 to 5-3-2. I wouldn't attempt it now unless your desperate because it takes significant amount of time to implement but anyway this is how it could look:









Sanchez and tavla both love to play the stopper role, eventually one has to stay back and cover like gordon did. In this system though it's pretty clear that sanchez is the last man. He is not the quickest but what i noticed is that can cover for evacuated space really well. Off course he is more than comfortable on the ball, so he can bring it out with ease.


The obvious concern is when nano and zeca go forward, tavla and thelander (who we haven't seen much) need to be quick to provide cover on the flanks and this is where the system can crash.


In the midfield you have a nice balance of ball retention, retrieval and run, mind you we don't know if essien will provide the necessary run which is why i've gone with pranjic.


Finally ninis as a register? It's hard to make plans for someone that tends to go missing in games all too often but i've never seen him in this role. Lacks the flair of say a modric, but i don't see why can't do a neat job of recycling possession.

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I don't think they move Zeca to RB Val. They wouldn't have spent money to bring in Wemmer then. I think Zeca goes to the midfield and does what he does best: run, mark, close down spaces, lead. I think he will help Essien as well.

As for Pranjic, I agree he might have a claim to the LB spot along with Nanos and Chouchoumis. There's a nice competition brewing there.

Abeid from what I remember tore it up when he played directly behind Berg the year he was hear so Ninis could be the odd guy out.

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I don't think they move Zeca to RB Val. They wouldn't have spent money to bring in Wemmer then. I think Zeca goes to the midfield and does what he does best: run, mark, close down spaces, lead. I think he will help Essien as well.

They signed bourbo last season as well with the expectation that he becomes a starter. It didn't happen. Wemmer comes with much more expectation but i haven't seen much to suggest, he will be an upgrade. I know it's early but i won't be surprised if zeca ends up playing there, especially if there is no need to play him in the midfield now that we have abeid and essien putting their hands up for selection.


There is no doubt that zeca does amazing work of the ball but eventually we need to shy away from CM that are limited offensively and opt for more complete midfielders. I know that rather sounds contracting since i nominated him to play at right back, but i only said zeca because he has played there before and performed reasonably well, not to mention is slightly better on the ball than wemmer.

Edited by val
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  • 3 weeks later...

You might have called it. Sounds like Anastasiou might move Zeca to RB. If that is the case, who take Zeca's spot in the midfield? Does that mean Pranjic continues to play?


Perhaps or essien whenever if he is fit to take the field. I reckon we might see ajagajun.


Also we have already started looking for another right back to sign comes January.

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  • 1 month later...

You know whats sad? Looking through these starting 11's and realizing how s%$#! we are. I am genuinely disappointed, and this thread is just an embarrassment. All our players except 3 or 4 are an embarrassment to the great name 'Panathinaikos'. I find myself watching videos of Panathinaikos' champions league games, big victories, historic wins and thinking; how did we F*** all this up? Will those days ever return, or will I spend my entire life like a Nottingham Forrest fan. Waiting for the glory days to return, waiting for an investor, waiting, waiting...

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1st thing that needs to happen is to play with wingers ,karelis has the physical capabilities to play wing , karelis left wing,klona or kaltsas right wing,abeid and zeca play as number 8s and lagos or koutroubis at 6.






klona or kaltsa----berg---------karelis----



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we need to play with width kaltsas and klonaridis can change this up attacking wise...also we need lagos as a holding midfielder much better to have zeca and abeid distribute back and forth..steele no brainer in gk...id give wemmer another go and sanchez and theo have to start along with nano...berg up top picks himself!

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Now that Strama is our new coach we should try this since he likes to use it 














kai poutsa ston three-lo 

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