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South Melbourne Hellas

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I personally cant see any of the Sydney teams of the NSL days being able to play in the A League now. They may think they can but reality is they just don't have the backing and finances for it.

Iv said it for years if any NSL team was able to get an A League licence South Melb or Melb Knights should be the teams to get it as they both have very good set ups.

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That's the problem OH these people only come out when it benefits them and their pockets, why don't they come out and do their part now?

They are trying to get the $7mill for Tempe which hopefully they do get as its a good facility they're trying to build out there.

Now they have issues with Belmore & the Bulldogs.

They haven't had an AGM in years (please correct me if im wrong as last I heard it still hadn't happened)

I love Olympic, but the one thing iv always hated is the people who get on board level only ever care for their pockets and hardly veer care for development. I wont even bother going into the "pay for your son to play" or the "how much sponsorship can you give to guarantee your kids spot" but in fairness this doesn't only happen at Olympic it happens everywhere.

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Great new about the AGM and finally its been a long time. I do hope these people on the board have genuine interests in the club and not just themselves.

I do agree with what you said about Souths, they have everything in order, Olympic isn't too far behind but need more proper organisation within the whole club. If Tempe goes through that will be massive, the ladies teams aren't that bad either and youth usually go well in their age groups.

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Melbourne victory have tried to create the illusion that they have a Hellas footprint by bringing in just about anyone they can from Souths NSL past, trimboli is the football manager, they have had Ange as coach, Muscat played for Hellas, dean anastasiadis is the goalkeeper coach, they had Mehmet durakovic in the past as coach as well, and they were part owned by Harry stamoulis for a long time who was a past benefactor of hellas and he owns one of melbournes 2 Greek newspapers so he would try hype them as a mini Greek influenced club which was laughable, they also have Greek sponsors like dodoni and Delphi bank who previously sponsored south.

WIth all the above they managed to con about 80% of the Greek community. Anyone who tries to link hellas to that scum franchise makes my blood boil.

we will never be in the A league, nor will Olympic, they don't want us, if this was a genuine open bidding process we would be a walk up start, our bid already has $5 million behind it, we have a 40 year lease on lakeside stadium with crowds of only 1500 in the top flight needed to break even,  with that we have arguably the best stadium deal in the country, and in February our social club/restaurant/bar will finally open, unlike these plastic franchises we would be making a killing on gamedays. We have the junior and women's infrastructure in place. Coverage in Melbourne was huge yesterday it was all over radio even the bogan stations. The herald sun revealed that the article they put online generated more traffic than cricket and AFL stories put together and was the 4th most viewed onlinearticle in on their platform ever, that's insane. 

but we are dirty wogs and therefore don't deserve a chance, so they will probably put in Geelong or something.

Then again when your own community does you over what's the point, I read so many comments online yesterday from ex hellas fans I know who shot down our bid.." we created this league to  keep them out" etc, bunch of turncoat fkwits.

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7 hours ago, Original Sydney said:

I personally cant see any of the Sydney teams of the NSL days being able to play in the A League now. They may think they can but reality is they just don't have the backing and finances for it.

Iv said it for years if any NSL team was able to get an A League licence South Melb or Melb Knights should be the teams to get it as they both have very good set ups.

dont worry about Knights...they have no aspirations...and they are situated amongst quarries..

yep...they own the facility which is worth millions..but thats only if you want to sub divide and create houses..otherwise it has no real benefit in any potential ALeague bid..

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Knights stadium is in the middle of nowhere, doesn't even have transport access anywhere near it. No chance.

our ground is about 3 minutes away from Etihad stadium, on the fringe of the cbd close to spencer st station and the tram runs right past the ground. Location is perfect and on the other side of the cbd from where the other 2 muppets play.

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On 2016-11-15 at 0:07 AM, NickTheGreek said:

Firstly, how do you spot this stuff all the way from Sweden haha??? Good on you though.

Haha, I just have a genuine interest in the Greek teams situated in the diaspora and therefore I'm trying to follow Hellas and Olympic the best I can.  

If the bid is accepted I hope the majority of you Greeks down under put rivalries aside and all support Hellas in the A-league. Without having too much information about the Greek community in Australia it would probably benefit a lot from having a Greek team in the A-league, which is probably why "they" are hesitating to let Hellas in..

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I am sure Souths will get a few fans from Sydney also if the bid is accepted. Very hard though I just cant see it happening but would be great if they let this happen.

FFA cant just start up a new club each time they want to expand the league. It didn't work with teams in the past and the only one its really worked with is the Wanderers. Fury failed, Gold Coast failed just to mention a couple...

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12 hours ago, Original Sydney said:

Correct City was almost dead and gone only to be given special treatment and they survived. But how many times is this going to happen? It looks dumb bringing in a new team and having them fold after 2 seasons yet the big boys in FFA really don't seem to care.


Heart got bailed out because they were based in a large metro area..notice how the ffa allowed nth queensland and gold coast to fold? And does anyone think a global brand is gonna bail out a team from tasmania, geelong etc..regional teams have very little appeal. The one and only thing that basketcase heart had going for them was that they were based in melb.

The ffa are going to set the criteria needed at the start of next yr. Guaranteed south ticks every box and more and still gets overlooked.

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Greekoz I agree mate as good as Souths bid will be and will surely tick every box necessary I just cant see these pricks giving them the licence. They'd rather over look an "ethnic" team with a 50+ year history and take a risk by starting up a whole new franchise and praying it works out.

The points you made above about Heart are correct and also about Fury/Gold Coast.

The Wanderers got lucky because we have a huge following out West that's what has been the big success for them.

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Yep they despise traditional clubs, everything they do has to be new and created out of thin air. Call me cynical but I think the ffa wants south Melbourne bidding for a license whenever possible, every time expansion talk comes up we get the ball rolling for them, they're basically using our history and legacy to drum up expansion talk, just so a few plastic entities can come to the party after us.

just look at the past week, we declare interest in bidding..actual legitimate interest, then in the days that follow you get these pipe dream ideas from Geelong and south east Melbourne ( car jacking central)...every single time this topic comes up we do half the promotional work for these wankers.

what they don't realise is that a south Melbourne in the A league could be a game changer on many levels, people might actually start believeing that they aren't a pack of racists, and that perhaps a 2nd division and pro/relegation is an idea they could go for...clubs will start thinking if south can why can't we, instead we are gonna get clones of the same bat s%$#! boring 10 franchises we have now.

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Geelong playing in a 30,000 capacity stadium at kardinia park would be a nightmare. They might be good hosts for victory once a year and the odd club friendly but running a team week in week out I think is beyond them.

my honest opinion is Victoria won't get a 3rd team, but if it does anything other than south will be a spectacular failure.

all you hear these days is about geography and growth corridors and population bursts, it's complete and utter tripe, and especially if we are talking about Melbourne where top line sport here is only played within the cbd, we don't have that east/west divide here.

people keep asking where will SM fans come from, duh all over Melbourne. The thing I hate though is people using Melbourne city struggling to draw a crowd to downplay our bid, it's not our fault the ffa gave a license to a consortium 8  years ago whose only plan was to essentially be victory with different colours, that license should have gone to south, and now with the city takeover they don't realise that they are basically an even bigger niche club than hellas. Our introduction if anything would help these clowns.

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Personally I wasn't for the boycotts last season, if you wana go to games and act like a F***wit and you get banned you get no pity from me. Just because others get banned it wont stop me following my team. I do know that some of the bans given were ridiculous but out of the 200 that would be only about 5-10, the rest deserved their bans if you ask me.

Apparently the bid from Souths has even reached parliament, there was a discussion about A League expansion, not sure though what impact/power Parliament and Govt have in this area.

I can see Souths being overlooked for a new franchise as per usual....

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